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Corporations exist to make a profit and seek every advantage to do so. I don't begrudge them their reason for existence, and I still firmly believe a free market economy not only

works but is the best possible system.

Politicians exist to get reelected and wield influence and power. I don't begrudge them their reason for existence, and I still firmly believe having elected representatives is the best possible system.

Government of the people, by the people and for the people. Frankly, America's getting the government it deserves because the majority of citizens have neglected to exercise

their civic responsibilities. Most cannot even tell you who their elected representatives

are. No matter, all can just go back to following Britney Spears' pregnancies, Michael Vick's dog abuse, and other "important" matters as those in power devise real plans for your lives. Your best interests will be upheld. <_<

For more on this topic, refer to George Carlin on The Bullshit in America.

Let's use one example: The oil refineries that sit off the coast of Louisiana that need the port of New Orleans to bring most of the oil & gas into the US. The levee system there is run by the government. I grew up there and we were always told that if a major hurricane hit New Orleans that the city would go under water. Behold Katrina.

Now I personally blame every President for the last 40 or so years for not correcting this. But I also blame the oil companies that posted billions in profits for not putting money into this levee system in the city. You would think that these, what are considered to be educated people would have got together and made sure that those levees were better secured. But as usual everyone wanted profits. This ended up costing this country much more money than it would have to fix these levees in the first place. IDIOTS

I am all for a company making money, but at what cost? And you are correct as a lot of people would rather hear what Brittany is doing than to spend their time on the important issues.

George Carlin, I saw him several times and agree with what he said in most cases.

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Let's use one example: The oil refineries that sit off the coast of Louisiana that need the port of New Orleans to bring most of the oil & gas into the US. The levee system there is run by the government. I grew up there and we were always told that if a major hurricane hit New Orleans that the city would go under water. Behold Katrina.

Now I personally blame every President for the last 40 or so years for not correcting this. But I also blame the oil companies that posted billions in profits for not putting money into this levee system in the city. You would think that these, what are considered to be educated people would have got together and made sure that those levees were better secured. But as usual everyone wanted profits. This ended up costing this country much more money than it would have to fix these levees in the first place. IDIOTS

I am all for a company making money, but at what cost? And you are correct as a lot of people would rather hear what Brittany is doing than to spend their time on the important issues.

George Carlin, I saw him several times and agree with what he said in most cases.

Place the blame where it goes.

It's the state's responsibility to manage itself, and if you read up on the political history of New Orleans "for the last 40 years or so" you'll discover they did tons of research into the problem, knew the risks (the city sits BELOW sea level, duh), appropriated money for that levee system, and then put it on the back burner and squandered much of the money on other projects, much of which was pork and outright graft. Lather, rinse, repeat.

And the vast majority of that squandered money was revenue generated from those greedy oil companies.

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This reads like you are saying a state-level issue should be handled by the feds in DC.

You grew up there. City officials and state representatives were elected to act on your behalf. Wielding their influence and power, they could (and may have) sought to secure

federal funding for corrective measures, but it is a state level issue.

In other words, it is their problem to solve, not the President's. I certainly would not

expect the oil companies to take it on - it's not their job. I would expect a tax code that taxed their profits accordingly. If they wanted to make a donation or a grant as

a gesture of good corporate citizenship, well how nice.

Mayor Ray Nagin garnered headlines and praise for "calling out" then President Bush over Hurricane Katrina. He exclaimed words along the lines of "Man, I need 500 Greyhound buses (for evacuations)...send 'em all to New Orleans..." It's not Greyhound's job to rescue New Orleans and I don't think the President has the authority to direct that action anyway. The punchline to this, if you like, is the reason he needed so many

buses is the city fleet (school buses, etc) were submerged in downtown parking lots because they did not move them to higher ground as the contingency plans called for upon receipt of a hurricane warning. I believe he was reelected, by the way.

I am not saying the feds should offer no assistance to the states. What I am saying is

this is a democratic republic -- city officials and state level governments need to

work their own unique concerns. So many leaders, so little leadership. Be wary of the finger-pointers whom all to often are merely diverting attention away from their own failures to save their own ass.

Steve, don't get me started on Louisina politics as they are the bottom of the barrell. And Nagin being re-elected I am still in schock over this! My point and I will stand by it is: The government and the corporations are idiots and are only out for their best interest and profits no matter what the cost. Other countries have great levee systems, but again in America, we can't seem to do this even though we are great about saying we are the best country in the world??. The oil companies have made billions using the Port of New Orleans. President's and their administrations over the last 40 or so years should have enforced/changed laws that were in the best interest of the tax payers. It boils down to common sense and doing the right thing of which most major corporations and the government seem to know nothing about!!!

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I am really getting to the point where I'm disgusted with my country. Not just the government. I thought it would be better once Bush/Cheney were gone. A very MODERATE to CONSERVATIVE Democrat like Obama gets in office, not to mention a moderate to conservative Democratic majority in Congress, and this is what they do?

Are you fucking high?


Obama had the most far-left voting record of ANY member of the senate.

In the short time he was actually there, that is.

WAKE UP YOU IDIOTS-you say you want to take your country back? Your country is supposed to be a democracy (We lived with Republicans in charge for 8 years-even though the elections were probably stolen-because we don't start screaming about birth certificates and taking up arms, every time we don't agree with the people in the White House or Congress.

Actually our country is a Representative Republic, not a democracy. IDIOT.

And in typical far-left lib fashion, you morph ALL conservatives into a single entity combined of the fringe elements the news media splashes all over the news - gun-totin', Bible-thumpin', birth-certificate-demandin' Southern rednecks.

I don't know where you even store a brush that wide.

I hope the rest of the world knows we're not all like these dumb yahoos.

Yeah, because what everyone ELSE thinks is the only thing that really matters.

Here's hoping you don't adhere to that philosophy if you're raising children.

They whine about the government taking their guns away-aren't they just proving that they SHOULDN'T have them? MORONS.

Quite the opposite.

They're accurately illustrating the necessity to have the right to keep and bear arms.

That is the system the insurance industry is currently spending MILLIONS per day to keep as is. MILLIONS THEY GOT FROM US IN INSURANCE PREMIUMS, DEDUCTIBLES AND COPAYS.

And the ignorant yellers at the town meetings are making it VERY EASY for them to get their way.

It's the same MILLIONS we, our children, and their children will be paying in taxes instead of premiums to support.

Instead of insurance companies making decisions we'll have beaureaucrats making decisions.

Obama just wants to change where the money goes - through the government's hands.

Obama himself said just yesterday that UPS and FedEx (NON-government controlled and operated free-market economy corporations) were doing just fine, it's the POST OFFICE that's in a mess. :slapface:

So let's hurry and put the government in charge of even more.


Like the woman who said she didn't want the government between her & her doctor, and they better not touch her Medicare: I just couldn't believe it! It's as simple as this: we decided long ago that education was a RIGHT for all citizens, so we provide for a public education for all. Why can't we do that with health care? Because corporations have been given the RIGHT to profit from our health care, and they've convinced a lot of dummies that their corporate RIGHT is more important than our RIGHTS as citizens, and that this is the "American" way! BULLS***!

What other "rights" do you propose?

The right to a nice home?

The right to a decent job?

To a decent vehicle to get to that job?

Where does it end?

Get yer fuckin' mind out of "entitlement" mode for once.

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Place the blame where it goes.

It's the state's responsibility to manage itself, and if you read up on the political history of New Orleans "for the last 40 years or so" you'll discover they did tons of research into the problem, knew the risks (the city sits BELOW sea level, duh), appropriated money for that levee system, and then put it on the back burner and squandered much of the money on other projects, much of which was pork and outright graft. Lather, rinse, repeat.

And the vast majority of that squandered money was revenue generated from those greedy oil companies.

Hello TypeO!

Remember you are talking about a state with some of the most crooked politicians in history. Please research and see who got a lot of this money as kick backs. As I stated to Steve Jones both the government and most major corporations could care less about using common sense and doing what is right. The laws need to be changed!!

Very sad what has been allowed to happen in this country...and it's disgraceful.

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Hi all,

The Revolution is long overdue,...

And it will be televised,....on the internet.


Hi Kevin,

Great to see you back, hows it going mate?

"Revolution will bring Change,

Change will bring Death,

Death will bring Life,

Life will bring Strife,

Strife will bring Revolution,"

And so it goes on and on repeating itself, ever moving from the left to the right but always moving forward, understand the past and you can predict the future.

These Great Words and Sayings were taken for that Omnipotent Work Called,

"Bollocks and Bullshit" by BIGDAN.

If you want a copy email me.

Regards, Danny.

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Hi all,

The Revolution is long overdue,...

And it will be televised,....on the internet.


LOL--Glad to see someone lighten things up on this thread!!

How things have changed over the decades. I love to discuss politics, but you have to do it with repect to one another. We all have a right to our opinions, but no need for vulgar language or name calling.

Speaking of the internet--What I am suprised by is people who start rumours and have not gone to the website to research and see what is in this bill. There are several on CNN as I am sure other news channels have access to this. Go to whitehouse.org. You can actually fact check and see for yourself. This is an important issue and should be treated as such.

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Front page of today's LA Times: "Uninsured flood free clinic at the Forum" (yes THAT Forum)

Turnout so large, hundreds had to be turned away.

..."evidence of the inability of the country's healthcare system to adequately serve the low-income patients..."

Do we really want this to continue?

Obama is just trying to address this situation. What's wrong with that? If Sarah Palin had proposed the same thing it would suddenly be called "brilliant" and "courageous".

Fox News is doing a great disservice to this country by constantly encouraging us to fight each other rather than work together. It's poisonous and wrong. Turn it off. Watch 'Sicko' instead!

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Front page of today's LA Times: "Uninsured flood free clinic at the Forum" (yes THAT Forum)

Turnout so large, hundreds had to be turned away.

..."evidence of the inability of the country's healthcare system to adequately serve the low-income patients..."

Do we really want this to continue?

Obama is just trying to address this situation. What's wrong with that? If Sarah Palin had proposed the same thing it would suddenly be called "brilliant" and "courageous".

Fox News is doing a great disservice to this country by constantly encouraging us to fight each other rather than work together. It's poisonous and wrong. Turn it off. Watch 'Sicko' instead!

Agree- at least he is trying to do something. Something needs to be done!!If you commit a crime in this country you have a right to an attorney, but you don't have a right for healthcare...what??????

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Front page of today's LA Times: "Uninsured flood free clinic at the Forum" (yes THAT Forum)

Turnout so large, hundreds had to be turned away.

..."evidence of the inability of the country's healthcare system to adequately serve the low-income patients..."

Do we really want this to continue?

Obama is just trying to address this situation. What's wrong with that? If Sarah Palin had proposed the same thing it would suddenly be called "brilliant" and "courageous".

Fox News is doing a great disservice to this country by constantly encouraging us to fight each other rather than work together. It's poisonous and wrong. Turn it off. Watch 'Sicko' instead!

Is Sicko the movie where Michael Moore serves as a useful idiot for Fidel Castro?

Anyway, Fox News is doing a great SERVICE to this country by covering citizens expressing their views in the great tradition of the American Republic. It is the radical marxist utopists who are contemptuous of the little people questioning their elite rulers. MSNBC is a prime example of that sort of slime.

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None of the networks are providing a public service to anyone as they are all privately-owned, profit-oriented enterprises. Looking for unbiased views from broadcasters is like looking for virtue from whores.

Have to agree on this. But you have to get the news from somewhere and at least CNN seems to show both sides most of the time. I wrote and emailed them when they were covering the Octuplet Mom and let them know that with all the issues going on this is what they decided to cover for weeks!!! I have done this several times. Never got a response back.

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Obama just wants to change where the money goes - through the government's hands.

Obama himself said just yesterday that UPS and FedEx (NON-government controlled and operated free-market economy corporations) were doing just fine, it's the POST OFFICE that's in a mess. :slapface:

So let's hurry and put the government in charge of even more.



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BBC World News, and CBC World News seem pretty good to me. You can tune in right from your browser, just go here...


or here


For the best possible mainstream news you can get. Too bad the U.S. doesn't have publicly funded news broadcasting, because they wouldn't have to make it "infotainment" anymore, due to the fact that they would get money no matter what,

Edited by Jarlaxle 56
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I think watching MSNBC is almost like watching a tabloid now. They take pieces of what is said and sell it as the truth. Fox has some of that also especially with Glenn Beck, but with others like O'Riley and Briar, and I also like what Hannity does although he does go to far into the faith stuff sometimes. CNN is a little left if anything but not that far left. Both CNN and MSNBC are hurt because they are treating Obama too nicely. Not that there's a problem with that. I don't think they should treat him mean, but the job of a press is to question things. And they aren't doing that. And those networks also don't treat the town hall people with any respect for the most part.

As far as a revolution, I hope there is a Libertarian movement in this country. That seems to be where most Americans really are politically. I believe that most Americans would rather have a very conservative government fiscally but have a very liberal life style. Not in a way where there's anarchy type liberal, but a life style where they can live how they want to live. People don't need government to run their lives.

Edited by NickZepp
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