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You have made my point more eloquently than I could have imagined myself. There ARE tens of thousands of vacant structures throughout the land, and more will follow if the commercial real estate market collapses, yet

this Anti-American nimrod rails against the government for failing to invest BILLIONS of dollars in construction

of new dwellings. Cities can be recycled too and we have to re-imagine the possibilities of what can be done

at the state level. Federalizing everything is the wrong answer.

I never disagreed with you on that point. I don't disagree with everything you say Steve :)

The original topic that I brought up was cops knifing peoples tents. Where do you stand on that? Do you think that's the best way to deal with the situation?

Man! I'm supposed to be reading right now!! See? What this board does to me!

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Dan, we can't afford a Big Government Health Care System in the U.S. and despite what the socialist liberals would have you believe the majority of the citizens do not want one. I dare say the global landscape will move

towards privitized medicine as opposed to government-run programs because these countries are going broke

funding entitlements.

Insofar as "The Land of Modern Civilization" I much prefer Germany and Switzerland, but parts of England and parts of the US aren't ruined yet either. Insofar as being effeminate that's always been a part of growing up or being British.


As i've told people many times on here before, "THERE IS NO BRITISH", we are either English, Irish, Scotch, Or Welchers, and of course dont forget the Isle Of Man People, the Manx, but never "British". ;)

Steve, you can afford it, but you just dont want to be Taxed so much as to pay for it, you have the wealth but you want it to stay at the top where it does no good.

The thing i would agree with you about is that you do need to run health care as a business rather than an institute, but i'm sure it can be done if the will is there. Our NHS is not ideal but it does help the needy, the poor, and of course the ill, it could be a lot better though. I use it a lot now and i have nothing but praise for it, yes you have to wait a month or two for an appointment but in England you get used to the wait, its like Busses, you wait hours and the two turn up together. :lol:

Germany, the "The Land of Modern Civilization"? That was a poor choice Steve given the Nazi's, but i do have a lot of respect for the way they turned themselves around after the war, its easier to change and rebuild when all you have is ruins though. Oh and by the way, the Germans have no Humour, "dont mention the war" :lol:

As for the Swiss, well if you call "State Sponsored Racism" "The Land of Modern Civilization" then yes you might count them in but you can count me out on that one, and all that "Nazi Gold" agh no, no i would still give it to the English, the most Downtrodden race in the world, but the most Gracious, Curtious, Friendly, i could go on but i know you would not believe me. :o

Regards, Danny

PS, you lost me as regards of being effeminate "that's always been a part of growing up or being British" are you telling me you "Took it up the Pooper" when you were a youth, or are you a British "Fudge Packer"? i'm confused, but not that confused mate.:lol:

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Your the last person I would engage in a discussion of personal affairs. It took you five posts to accept it is more likely for people to wear jackets in December than in April. How many posts would it take to convince you I am

sufficiently well off, fortunate indeed to have leisure time to indulge my interests? I for one care not to know.

I'm heartbroken that, for all of five posts, you've decided that I'm not worthy of your bullshit.

A little honoured, too.

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That would be me and he has yet to reply.

He can spew forth his shit that Electro's bullshitting 'cause she can't find a job, or that Nathan's milking the system for as long as he can because he's in college, but, considering the amount of hours Steve's on this site, I find it hard to believe that there'd be a job in the world that'd be that lenient and allow him to be on here all the time.


He probably works in "Health Dont Care" over here in "Britain". :lol:

Sorry Steve, couldnt resist, i know you probably work for the US Government as a Spy on Internet Forums. :watchingyou:

Regards, Danny

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The original topic that I brought up was cops knifing peoples tents. Where do you stand on that? Do you think that's the best way to deal with the situation?

Vagrants have their property confiscated and destroyed all the time. Some are very unstable and there is little point in rationing with an irrational person. It's like exchanging posts with Eternal Light - it becomes necessary, however unfortunate it may be.

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I've had second dates too, especially since I have been in a 6 year relationship before. Just because that idiot wasn't worthy of my time doesn't mean it's on me - if he'd been remotely human maybe I'd have been more inclined to see him again.

But nice try, Sparky.

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As i've told people many times on here before, "THERE IS NO BRITISH", we are either English, Irish, Scotch, Or Welchers, and of course dont forget the Isle Of Man People, the Manx, but never "British". wink.gif

Germany, the "The Land of Modern Civilization"? That was a poor choice Steve given the Nazi's, but i do have a lot of respect for the way they turned themselves around after the war, its easier to change and rebuild when all you have is ruins though. Oh and by the way, the Germans have no Humour, "dont mention the war" laugh.gif

As for the Swiss, well if you call "State Sponsored Racism" "The Land of Modern Civilization" then yes you might count them in but you can count me out on that one, and all that "Nazi Gold" agh no, no i would still give it to the English, the most Downtrodden race in the world, but the most Gracious, Curtious, Friendly, i could go on but i know you would not believe me. ohmy.gif

Regards, Danny

PS, you lost me as regards of being effeminate "that's always been a part of growing up or being British" are you telling me you "Took it up the Pooper" when you were a youth, or are you a British "Fudge Packer"? i'm confused, but not that confused mate.laugh.gif

The good people at The British Museum in London wish to speak with you, Dan.

The Nazi's were an abomination, but the German's have never had a sense of humor anyway.

State Sponsored Racism - don't knock it till you try it.


That bit about "...all part of growing up and being British" is a quip Robert Plant made to Chris Tetley during an interview in March 1988. I incorporated it into my post but it was completely misunderstood.

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I've had second dates too, especially since I have been in a 6 year relationship before. Just because that idiot wasn't worthy of my time doesn't mean it's on me - if he'd been remotely human maybe I'd have been more inclined to see him again.

I've seen your profile photo before, so I'm sure you have. I was just kidding. You really can't be too hard on yourself over that last date seeing as it was someone else who suggested it in the first place. I can't help

but wonder what you were wearing, but some guys would find anything provacative or enticing.

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I'd put you on ignore but it's rather cruel to consign someone to a godless existence.

I don't know what's worse - that you were bothered enough to give me a 'headsup' on a lame 'threat' that you didn't go through with, or that you assume it'll be the end all and be all for me if you can't read what I'm saying. 'Cause we've always had these kind of conversations...

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The good people at The British Museum in London wish to speak with you, Dan.

The Nazi's were an abomination, but the German's have never had a sense of humor anyway.

State Sponsored Racism - don't knock it till you try it.


That bit about "...all part of growing up and being British" is a quip Robert Plant made to Chris Tetley during an interview in March 1988. I incorporated it into my post but it was completely misunderstood.

Steve, i dont care what anyone says, there is not "British" full stop, period. Just because some Godbotherer from Antiquity called this disfunctional island of mine "Britain" doesnt mean that the good people of this island have accepted it or that calling us all "British" every second of the day will make our hearts soften and except it.

You can call our Islands "Britain" or the "British Isles" but the people that live here want to keep their heritage, i might not like the "Scotch" but i respect their right of being called "Scotch" rather than being forced to be called something that only existed in some Upper Class Neanderthal Sassenachs Mind, dont forget the Normans still Rule England. But please dont feel sorry for us, its our own fault, we are far too "Civilised" to put up much of a fight now, we leave that to the Uncivilised Scotch, Irish and Welchers. ;)

Regards, Danny

PS, Steve, the "Misunderstood" bit went completely over my head mate,

does Chris Tetley make Tea Bags, make Tea? :lol:

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I happen to agree with you, and don't normally use the term in daily discourse, but it is commonly used online.

Would you feel better if I referred to you as "that pedantic prick in the general forum"? I thought that was me.

Tea Bags ?! You've gone to far. This is a family show.

"that pedantic prick in the general forum"

Yes Please, fame at last, and a Title, i can see a Knighthood on the horison. :thanku:

Very Kind Regards, Danny

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It always amuses me when people assume that if you're unemployed it's because you're lazy or shiftless or don't care to work. I have a college degree, I should be able to find work - but nothing is hiring. Even the place I was working last year doesn't have any hours for me and I haven't worked since February.

It is a very tight job market.

Why College Grads Still Can't Get a Job

By Don Asher


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Remember the working man? You scrape. You survive. You prosper. That's the spirit of America. I don't know what the hell episode of the Twilight Zone I'm living in now. Once upon a time you went out and got a goddamn job. You showed up on time, and that was it. Did I miss a memo?


As a corporation, we must steadily make a profit every month for our investors to keep their money invested in us. This ain't no Mom 'n' Pop operation. We will do ANYTHING to turn a profit each month/quarter/year. If it means taking YOUR JOB and giving it to someone SOMEWHERE ELSE to work for MUCH LESS THAN WE HAVE TO PAY YOU, we will -- AND DO!!

There is NO AMERICA. There are NO BORDERS. We are patriotic only to MONEY. We DON'T GIVE A F--- ABOUT YOUR LOYALTY TO THE COMPANY!! Grow up! Your wages will go DOWN eventually, to keep you competitive with the Third World. It is all just leading up to THE NEW WORLD ORDER. We created a subprime market which crashed retirement accounts and has created the worst economic climate since the Great Depression of the 1930s; "Back to work, Grandpa!!"

Oh yeah, one more thing. You will most likely never see all that money you pay for Social Security. As your favorite singer says, "Aw, suck it!"

Give us your babies; after they pee into this bottle (attached with memo) we want to implant radio emitting devices just to make sure he/she do not get lost. Actually, it is tracking device to make sure our worker bees are not up to no good (i.e., grabbbing a beer in a tavern after work, buying pot, planning revolutions to overthrow unjust governments).

Best of luck to you being relevant to us. And you better take a pay cut. OK. Now, get back to work!!

Where's Hunter Thompson when ya need him?


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