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Hello Nathan!

America in general is based on greed. How much can I own, do I have the biggest house, the best car...etc. The laws have been written to protect corporations (you know those idiots who give the rest of us jobs and security!!) What a joke, it is about MONEY in this country, not about what is fair and just. Just an example - movie stars make millions for a few months work while a fireman, policemen and teachers have to work for decades to make a decent salary. (But remember our government has us pay taxes to fund these jobs.) I have personally witnessed when CEO's , VP's walk in a place and even though these people are millionaires, they get most of their request for free, while the hard working blue collar guy who has saved all year to take his family on a vacation get's nothing but what he/she pays for.

While there will always be a few extremist in every walk of life, predjudice, again in America is about what class of money you make. I have been in a room with Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan and people no matter what their race will fall all over them.

I have friends who are both Dem's and Republicans and they both seem to be fed up with government but will not do anything other than go to a voting booth so they can feel good about the fact that they voted. They will vote their party no matter what. I refuse to even discuss politics with them any more.

I am not against anyone making a lot of money as long as it was made honestly.... Oh yea, I am talking about America, where the laws with a good attorney can be twisted to benefit the person with that most expensive lawyer.

GRREED-One of the seven deadly sins, that will be the ruining of America in the end.

Hi Debs,

You said everything i wanted to say only with more "BOOBS", good on ya girlie, i just hope that others heed your warning, i doubt it though, the Truth seems very hard to swallow on here for much of the time by many of our forum members. Please dont let that put you off though, the Truth needs to come out, right? ;)

Kind Regards, Danny

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I have to admit, TypeO... I'm seriously shocked that you thought my post was mostly good... :blink::D:P

Well, you know, the parts where you agreed with me and/or SAJ. lulz

Seriously, many people (both sides) lack the simple ability to recognize or admit a fault or mistake when it comes to their own party/philosophy.

The fact you could acknowledge/agree to valid points gives me hope for you.

Not that you'll change your political ideology, but that you'll be open-minded.

That's all I ask of any lib.

Or conservative, for that matter.

I'll now return to my previously scheduled hair-trigger attack mode...


Edit: 750 posts! But then, most of my posts here are equivalent to 5 or 10 on my other forum where I mostly goof.

Edited by TypeO
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I have friends who are both Dem's and Republicans and they both seem to be fed up with government but will not do anything other than go to a voting booth so they can feel good about the fact that they voted.

I've been heckled for years when I don't vote. I tell them the same thing, find me someone to vote for. I was all about kicking Bush to the curb in 04, then Kerry was picked and I went walkabout for a few months. Same with 08, I was all about McCain until he sold out, became a hypocritical asshole and added the Palin factor...then I saw more and more of what an Obama/Biden Presidency would probably look like so I pulled out.

Touching on the senator who yelled at Obama, so what? He just outted himself as being a dbag. Let him ride this fame to the local Wendy's where he'll be rewarded with a free frosty.

The anger is rooted with the fact that Bush started so much shit that we're still trekking around in, the anger is directed wherever best fit. Not to mention, Bush was the least conservative Republican in modern times, yet Reagan's name is somehow thrown in with his term, which makes me, a US History historian, vomit uncontrollably.

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The minute an African-American claims to be conservative, or a Republican, he's immediately a sell-out, an Uncle Tom.

I don't think anyone ever called JC Watts a sell out or Uncle Tom. But I'm from Oklahoma and have family that grew up with him. So maybe I've got a different point of view there.

I think a lot of people are democrats/republicans just because they were raised that way. They don't really look at the issues and know what they really believe. I used to be that way, just a pure republican because my parents were. Then I looked at the issues, and didn't like how the republicans are about spending. Now I don't like the democrats for the same reason. I think this government spending is just going to bankrupt the country. The healthcare bs won't matter because we won't be able to pay for any healthcare the way the government is going. The government needs to actually do something to fix that instead of worrying about about 30 million people that probably have more things to worry about than healthcare.

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Hello Nathan!

America in general is based on greed. How much can I own, do I have the biggest house, the best car...etc. The laws have been written to protect corporations (you know those idiots who give the rest of us jobs and security!!) What a joke, it is about MONEY in this country, not about what is fair and just. Just an example - movie stars make millions for a few months work while a fireman, policemen and teachers have to work for decades to make a decent salary. (But remember our government has us pay taxes to fund these jobs.) I have personally witnessed when CEO's , VP's walk in a place and even though these people are millionaires, they get most of their request for free, while the hard working blue collar guy who has saved all year to take his family on a vacation get's nothing but what he/she pays for.

While there will always be a few extremist in every walk of life, predjudice, again in America is about what class of money you make. I have been in a room with Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan and people no matter what their race will fall all over them.

I have friends who are both Dem's and Republicans and they both seem to be fed up with government but will not do anything other than go to a voting booth so they can feel good about the fact that they voted. They will vote their party no matter what. I refuse to even discuss politics with them any more.

I am not against anyone making a lot of money as long as it was made honestly.... Oh yea, I am talking about America, where the laws with a good attorney can be twisted to benefit the person with that most expensive lawyer.

GRREED-One of the seven deadly sins, that will be the ruining of America in the end.

What a well written heartfelt post. I would add only this...America is a place where people are allowed to achieve, through hard work, sacrifice, and determination. I work about a 5 minute walk from Wellesley College, surrounded by trust fund babies, CEO's, movie stars, professional athletes, etc. The police, fire, and teachers can't even afford to live in their own town!! But, having said that, SOMEBODY earned that money. I do not begrudge anyone from earning a living, provided they are not the Madoff type, ya know? There are places in this world that do not allow women to get educations...still. Having lived in Europe in West Germany as a kid, there is no way in hell I would live anywhere but right here. The thing you mentioned about attorneys struck me also....Remember the Duke Lacrosse Team? Yeah, their parents had the money to afford the best lawyers. Thank goodness. Can you imagine if they didn't have the money? Those kids would be in jail, even though they were innocent.

Sorry to be long winded, just wanted to chime in.

Have a splendid weekend!

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Carlin was a frickin' genius. His bit about narrowing down the Ten Commandments to two was great.

That said, in reaction to that bit you wanted people to watch --- for the most part, he's not wrong. Where I disagree with him is that I do feel we have rights, I just don't agree that they are God-given. That sort of baloney is good for pissing and moaning but not much else.

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Carlin was funniest to me when he didn't try so hard to make practically every bit political.

Politics was always a part of his performances, but not the entirety as it became in the later years of his life.

His observations of the absurdity in our everyday lives has always been priceless.

I actually agree with the sentiment that we basically have a bill of temporary privileges, and the current administration is confirming this more than any other, despite the shrieking against Bush.

But in the end, I still believe that our rights are established, and "God-given" is a sentiment expressed by the framers, not some legal cornerstone or foundation to be debated or disproven.

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Carlin was funniest to me when he didn't try so hard to make practically every bit political.

Politics was always a part of his performances, but not the entirety as it became in the later years of his life.

His observations of the absurdity in our everyday lives has always been priceless.

I actually agree with the sentiment that we basically have a bill of temporary privileges, and the current administration is confirming this more than any other, despite the shrieking against Bush.

But in the end, I still believe that our rights are established, and "God-given" is a sentiment expressed by the framers, not some legal cornerstone or foundation to be debated or disproven.

Hi TypeO,

I had this conversation before with a member on here who thought he knew everything, as Carlin said, "you do not have "Rights" you have "Privilages" if you had "Rights" your Government wouldnt be able to take them away" in the way he described them would they? I'm so glad we agree.

By saying "God Given" our Governments seem to thing that the Great Masses of thier Un-Educated, Thick, Troll Type Subjects (UK) or Citizens (US) are coerced in too feeling that they must Obey the Laws and Rules because to not do so would involve Divine Intervention, it is also made to make you feel that they cant be taken away, which they surely can and often are. I for one cant understand why they put "Hand on Heart" and ask for, if not insist, on "Gods" involvemen favourably in their causes, when a "Plee to the Devil" would seem more Apt to me.

Regards, Danny

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As a historian, in hindsight don't you think this venom towards the Presidency began with LBJ in the Vietnam era and then irrevoccably with

Richard Nixon? When Kennedy was assassinated it seems to me for a brief time the Office of the Presidency vaulted into almost mythological status, only for Johnson (to a lesser extent) and Nixon to defile it.

People have always demonstrated, rallied and protested the President in office. But, one can make the argument because of modern media, the way we perceive it has intensified in the last few decades. It's much easier to rally an emotional charge out of someone through television and radio, which both have broadened since that decade. The 1960s, for better or worse, certainly changed the Presidency forever. Because Kennedy became a young, political martyr, both LBJ and Nixon had to live up to the dream that was Camelot..or whatever you'd like to call it. LBJ was doomed to fail from the start, Nixon was poised for greatness but he had no self control with his own insecurities and demons.

We can all thank my generation for voting Obama into office, hence why none of us care about health care while all the older heads do...who, most likely didn't vote for him.

But you can't blame Obama, he's only the puppet. He has no real power in the Democratic Party, which drives the Limbaugh's and neo-cons apeshit because they know it...and they know there's not a damn thing they can do it about it except bitch..and wait for the 2010 elections.

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I'd like to go ahead and post this video of George Carlin here. You need to move forward to about 4:20 for the section I specifically want everybody to watch:

I really want to see reactions to this...

I've never felt God gave us rights. Our rights are inherent. They can be squished, they can be ignored, they can be trampled upon if you let them but push comes to shove, you have rights.

Edited by wanna be drummer
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