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Okay Seoul wants to go to the moon


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"South Korea Rocket Launch Bound to Rile The North"

SEOUL (Reuters) – South Korea is counting down to its first space launch on Wednesday that will likely open the door to its nascent rocket program and rile neighbor North Korea, hit by U.N. sanctions after its own rocket launch in April.

South Korea, which has relied on other countries to launch its satellites, plans to send a domestically built satellite into orbit on its rocket Korea Space Launch Vehicle-1, also known as Naro-1, from its space center in the south of country.

The Naro-1 is 33 meters (108 ft) long and the two-stage rocket was built at a cost of 502.5 billion won ($400 million), according to the South's Yonhap news agency.

It is supposed to launch a 100-kg (220.5-lb) satellite into orbit that will monitor the Earth's radiant energy. Lift-off is planned for 0740 GMT Wednesday at a site about 350 km (220 miles) south of Seoul.

South Korea has relied on Russia's help with the Naro-1, with its Khrunichev space production center building the first stage, providing technical assistance and conducting tests.

"If we complete the development of the first-stage engine, we will then have the power to launch on our own. This is a tedious task though," said Yoon Young-bin, an aerospace specialist at Seoul National University.

South Korea wants to build a rocket on its own by 2018 and send a probe to monitor the moon by 2025. It also wants to develop a commercial service to launch satellites.

Why (is it just me?) but why should the news suggest this should "rile the North"???

They're trying to launch a satellite. It's not like they tested an ICBM! Or launched it over the Sea of Japan! This is exploration, not intimidation! Why would Reuters spin this as an act of aggression?

"Rile the North". What a bunch of crap!

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Why (is it just me?) but why should the news suggest this should "rile the North"???

They're trying to launch a satellite. It's not like they tested an ICBM! Or launched it over the Sea of Japan! This is exploration, not intimidation! Why would Reuters spin this as an act of aggression?

"Rile the North". What a bunch of crap!

Not necessarily

It will rile the North because they will see it as an expansion of South Korea's weapons capability.

It is the same reaction we have to Iran's nuclear programme. Iran says it's for peaceful purposes but we don't believe them, but you expect the North to believe that South Korea has no militaristic intentions with their space programme as far as weapons manufacture is concerned? They probably don't, but you can't be flummoxed if the North see it that way. We don't inhabit their world as much as they don't inhabit ours. I mean as far as North Korea is concerned, the USA has already invaded two politically isolated dictatorships in the last 10 years, they could probably be forgiven for thinking they're next!

But it really boils down to this: North Korea isn't going to buy that this is just peaceful exploration, and neither am I, no country develops a rocket programme for purely and singularly peaceful purposes. They have one eye on the space exploration and another eye on the defense capabilities. It's R&D that kills two birds with one stone. So the North will be pissed off that the South is being allowed to develop is own rocket programme. Secondly, the North will see it as an affront to their sovereignty, because whenever they want to develop some sort of nuclear/rocket programme, the rest of the world gets shitty at them and starts talking sanctions. So of course again the North will be screaming "we can't do it, but they can??"

I mean its more than probable that the South has no offensive plans in mind with this project, but it will annoy the North which of course will de-stabilise relations in the region.

You know what countries are like on the international stage, they don't want to lose face, and for North Korea who still technically consideres itself at war with the south and the USA, it won't tolerate turning the other cheek, they'll feel compelled to shake their fists at this.

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