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LOCKERBIE. Terrorist is to be released.


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Hi All,

I need to say a BIG SORRY to all my Americans Friends and to the Families who lost Loved ones in the Lockerbie Tragedy, (or should i say "Mass Murder" rather than "Tragedy"?) For the release of the Lockerbie Terrorist "al-Megrahi", this should never have happened, but you will at the very least know that his freedom will be short lived as he has only about three months to live.

I for one believe that Terrorists, once convicted, should be shown the same Level of Mercy and Compassion that they have shown to their Victims and their Families, in a nutshell, NONE.

Dont blame the Scotch for this, they were acting under "British Law", the same Law that gave early release to so many IRA Terrorists, now everyone can feel our pain, after all a "Terrorist" is still a "Terrorist" weather he be an Irish Catholic or a Libyan Muslim.

And all because the "West" wants to exploit "Libyan Oil", Money Talks, Justice Walks.

Your comments please.

Kind Regards, Danny




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Dont blame the Scotch for this, they were acting under "British Law", the same Law that gave early release to so many IRA Terrorists, now everyone can feel our pain, after all a "Terrorist" is still a "Terrorist" weather he be an Irish Catholic or a Libyan Muslim.

You're opening a big ol' can o' worms there, Dan ... there were plenty of Irish Protestant terrorists as well. They were released as well from the British and Irish prisons. The releases helped bring a little peace to that northeast corner of the island of Ireland.

As they (whoever they are) say, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. We had some over here in the States; they went by the names of Washington, Jefferson and Franklin, among others.

As for this Lockerbie release, I disagree with it. Let his family come to him, not the other way around. Seems like the Brits are rewarding Libyan President Gadhafi for good behavior.

Okay, I'm off my soapbox. Sorry.

Does anybody remember laughter?

Edited by dpat
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You're opening a big ol' can o' worms there, Dan ... there were plenty of Irish Protestant terrorists as well. They were released as well from the British and Irish prisons. The releases helped bring a little peace to that northeast corner of the island of Ireland.

As they (whoever they are) say, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. We had some over here in the States; they went by the names of Washington, Jefferson and Franklin, among others.

As for this Lockerbie release, I disagree with it. Let his family come to him, not the other way around. Seems like the Brits are rewarding Libyan President Gadhafi for good behavior.

Okay, I'm off my soapbox. Sorry.

Does anybody remember laughter?

Hi dpat,

Lets call them "Christian Terrorists" if that helps, and as a "Non-Combatant-Civilian" i think that all Terrorists, irrelevant of Religion, Colour, or Politics should be treated in the same way, when convicted they should stay behind bars for life, no exceptions. If they are wrongly convicted then they should use the Law to amend that injustice, if they are dying then there is always the Hospital Wing of the Prison to consider.

And dont think that letting out both Protestant as well as Catholic Terrorists went down well in England or Northern Ireland because it didnt, it was done to stop the Big Terrorist Groups, IRA-UDA, fom committing Terrorism against the British Government by allowing mainly the IRA to become involved in Power Sharing in Northern Ireland, it did nothing to stop the Hatred that each Group had/has for each other and nothing to stop the Petty Assinations that still go on between them, and as you know the Real IRA has gone it alone and are still trying to comit Terrorism to this day.

But sucessive British Governments were to blame for not treating the Catholic Minorities the same as the Protestant Majority, and the Protestant People of Northern Ireland started this last "War" with their attacks on the Catholic Communities all over Northern Ireland, which included Firebombing Homes and Murder, inother words "Ethnic Cleansing" what Herritage to hand down to ones children.

Please dont think that your Great Leaders, Washington, Jefferson and Franklin, were Terrorists, they were not, they were Real Freedom Fighters, they didnt fight from the Shadows like Terrorists, they fought in Uniform, had a Good Cause to Fight for and did it the right way, without killing vast amounts of innocent people. The Birth of the USA was in my opinion the Greatest thing to ever come out of the Monster that was called "The British Empire", i only wish the English (OK Scotch Irish and Welchers as well) could have joined you in overthrowing the Yoke of that "Norman" Government, and that we still have today.

Please stay on the Soap Box, we need your imput.

Regards, Danny

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Was about to say that Irish terrorists were released in years gone (with American backing I recal) by so can't really say this is worse. At least he's going to be dead soon anyway. He's not exactly going to be out there living it up. He's dying of cancer.

Edited by Mangani
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What's the point of handing out a life tariff if the offender in question won't be in prison for life? He gets to spend his remaining months with those that he loves, with relative dignity. He has been granted something that he had previously denied his victims.

Where was the compassion for those on the flight and on the ground? He deserves to die in prison.

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What's the point of handing out a life tariff if the offender in question won't be in prison for life? He gets to spend his remaining months with those that he loves, with relative dignity. He has been granted something that he had previously denied his victims.

Where was the compassion for those on the flight and on the ground? He deserves to die in prison.

:goodpost: I just saw on the news that his plane just landed in Libya and there are lots of people there at the airport cheering him.

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I don't see what liberal/conservative has to do with this, as it's my understanding that political parties and ideologies in the UK are different than those in the US. Furthermore, the US is not backing up this decision. Being a liberal or agreeing with liberal policies doesn't mean you agree with 100% of them 100% of the time. I'm a liberal and I don't agree with this at all.

Don't turn this into a "let's bash the liberals" thread when there's zero need for it.

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He showed no mercy. He should receive no mercy. An eye for an eye. If he wishes to go home, fly him over Libya and push him out of the plane.

The fact that he's received a hero's welcome in Tripoli speaks volumes. None good.

He has not repented. He's not asked forgiveness. Let god decide. We should be done with him. Period.

Edited by Evster2012
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HAHA, aww that was cute Steve. I love when you try to be indignant. Do that thing where you stamp your feet and shake your tiny fists in impotent rage again.

BTW, you calling someone a naive simpleton is the epitome of the pot calling the kettle black. Rather than using this as an opportunity to critique the government in Scotland who allowed this and the government in Libya who are accepting him back, you choose to do what exactly? Oh right, bash Obama when he's not involved in any way, shape or form.

You are just too precious.

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And he and they are declaring him innocent. If George W was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer, many radical Muslims would call it divine justice. So if this guy's actually innocent, I guess he'll be going to Paradise anyway. Divine Justice goes both ways.

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A conservative government would never release a mass murderer to return home to a heroes welcome, particularly when "home" is at the epicenter of state-sponsored terrorism. The U.S. (liberal administration)

did nothing to fight this release. All we've seen is Obama the impotent saying "...we have been in, uh, dialog with Libya and we would hope that, uh, they would not extend a heros welcome and uh, would in fact place

him under house arrest". What an utterly naive simpleton.

I most certainly do not agree with your categorizing all liberals as wanting the bomber's release. I describe myself as a liberal but I would personally love to put a bullet in the guy's brain. However, Obama could have at least appealed to the Scottish government or directly to the leader to block the Lockerbie Bomber's release instead of just saying "hey! we don't like that." It may have happened on Scottish soil and it is (legally) ultimately their decision, but a good portion of the victims were American.

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I had a wonderful physical therapist who lost a brother (and I believe his wife-I think they had kids who wound up being raised by my therapist's parents-their grandparents. My memory is poor but I think that's how it was. I remember he had to fly to NY to try to identify remains) in that crash.

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All the more reason to strap on another bomb. <_<

Not worried in the slightest about this guy. I was far more concerned when all those Irish terrorists were released. Fit and healthy for the most part they were. Oh yes and they are STILL living it up today.

Edited by Mangani
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Dont blame the Scotch for this, they were acting under "British Law",

I would have to disagree here Big Dan.

This was the Scottish law. It has nothing to do with my country (England). He was tried and convicted under Scottish Law and released under Scottish Law. :(

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I would have to disagree here Big Dan.

This was the Scottish law. It has nothing to do with my country (England). He was tried and convicted under Scottish Law and released under Scottish Law. :(

Then Scottish law needs to change !

I'd say he should have been shot ages ago but, that would have been a waste of a good bullet.

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I would have to disagree here Big Dan.

This was the Scottish law. It has nothing to do with my country (England). He was tried and convicted under Scottish Law and released under Scottish Law. :(

Hi Mangani,

I stand corrected Sir, still no better than what we did with the Irish Terrorists though. But take heart in this little snippet i found.

" The US is Scotland's largest source of inward investment, with more than 500 American-owned businesses employing 90,000 people."


So the American Government can hit back at Scotland where it really hurts, in their pockets, close all business with Scotland at 5pm this Friday and see the Scotch cry in to their Sporrans. And teach them and the world that to put Money (from oil investment with Libya) before Justice will cost you dearly, but the thats what the world does already isnt it?

Regards, Danny

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Well, I am going to add my two cents worth on this topic.

I spent a couple days in Edinburgh, Scotland last week and this was all over the news there.

I know, this does not make me an expert, but maybe I have a lttle different insight of the topic at hand.

First off, it did seem that the liberal Scottish media was all for taking the "compassion" route and letting the Lockerbie terrorist go home. All the talking heads on tv and in the papers favored this route. As we have seen here in the US, the liberal media has great power in swaying public opinion. They did interview a few of the relatives of Americans who were killed in the trajedy, and of course, they were vehemently against the release, as their families were innocently killed by a murderer who showed no "compassion" for them. Also, we in the US never release convicted killers without new evidence that proves their innocence. It is assinine to even consider letting this guy go just because he has cancer. I would think that the Scottish government caved to the pressure from the libs.

What I don't understand is, why the people of the United States are not outraged by this? It's because our liberal media is suppressing the story. And why is our president allowing this to happen? It is because he has a weak and ineffective international presence. The international community knows that he will never stand up for the rights of Americans as he is too concerned with bowing down (he literally did this with the Saudi king) to the terrorist countries. This never would have been allowed to happen under GW!

Also, I must dissagree with the previous statement that the majority of Irish people are Protestant. More people live in the Republic of Ireland than in Northern Ireland, and 80% of the population there is Catholic, which are the descendants of the people native to the country of Ireland. Protestanism only came to Ireland with the British take-over of the country, with William of Orange in 1690. The basis of the conflict in Ireland is not Catholic vs. Protestant at the root, it is native Irish rule (who are Catholic) vs. rule by English (who are Protestant). And you could say that the IRA are freedom fighters, just like the American colonists rebelling against rule by England in the 1700's. I do not condone the terrorist tactics of the IRA and they have committed atrocities in the name of freedom. My opinion is that when the country is experiencing prosperity, as it has in the past ten years, then the conflict goes on the back burner. But when the economy goes sour, and the young men are idle and unemployed, then the old prejudices flair up and the violence begins again in Northern Ireland. There will always be periods of peace and war based on how the economy is doing. It will only end when the British government is totally out of the ruling of all of the island of Ireland. And unfortunately I don't think this will happen without alot of bloodshed. I pray for everlasting peace for all the people of Ireland.

Edited to fix spelling errors. Good grief, I am having problems spelling Scotland, LOL.

Edited by BUCK'EYE' DOC
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Well, I am going to add my two cents worth on this topic.

Also, I must dissagree with the previous statement that the majority of Irish people are Protestant. More people live in the Republic of Ireland than in Northern Ireland, and 80% of the population there is Catholic, which are the descendants of the people native to the country of Ireland. Protestanism only came to Ireland with the British take-over of the country, with William of Orange in 1690. The basis of the conflict in Ireland is not Catholic vs. Protestant at the root, it is native Irish rule (who are Catholic) vs. rule by English (who are Protestant). And you could say that the IRA are freedom fighters, just like the American colonists rebelling against rule by England in the 1700's. I do not condone the terrorist tactics of the IRA and they have committed atrocities in the name of freedom. My opinion is that when the country is experiencing prosperity, as it has in the past ten years, then the conflict goes on the back burner. But when the economy goes sour, and the young men are idle and unemployed, then the old prejudices flair up and the violence begins again in Northern Ireland. There will always be periods of peace and war based on how the economy is doing. It will only end when the British government is totally out of the ruling of all of the island of Ireland. And unfortunately I don't think this will happen without alot of bloodshed. I pray for everlasting peace for all the people of Ireland.

Edited to fix spelling errors. Good grief, I am having problems spelling Scotland, LOL.

Hi Doc,

You have dug a big hole for yourself and you are in free fall,

1. Ireland was conqured by the Anglo-Normans in 1171, not by the hated English or British.


2. The Northern Counties of Ireland called Ulster were colonised by mainly Scotch settelers in and around 1606. It was called the "Plantation of Ulster".


3. The IRA were not Freedom Fighters, not then, not now, not ever, you see you loose the Moral Highground of being called a "Freedom Fighter" when you commit acts of Terrorism, when you Murder Soldiers and Civilians and when you do not use a Uniform of some sorts.

4. How long do you have to have lived somewhere to be able to call yourself a "Native"? The first colony that the British Government had in North America dates to 1607, Jamestown. Yet Ireland was owned by the Anglo-Normans from 1171. It would seem that the Anglo-Nornans have a much better claim to Ireland than any Non-Native American has to Americia.

5. The South of Ireland has a Catholic Majority so it will remain Free from Anglo-Norman-British Rule, it can rule itself. Norther Ireland has a Protestant Majority so it will be ruled by the Anglo-Norman-British Government untill such time that it Rules itself, it will not be ruled by the South because the Majority of its People dont want to be, thats Democracy working in the Free World, would you have it any other way? So it will only end when the Fenian Catholics realise and admit that Norther Ireland wil remain Protestant and seperate from the South untill the End of Time (around 21st 12th 2012).


6. There has been no English Government since 1066, 943 years, in England or Ireland, ever since we have been ruled by Normans, Scotch, Germans, Dutch, Welsh, The Upper Class and now The Middle Class, non of which are or have ever been English, British they may call themselves but not English.

7. When the American Government see fit to return the United States back to the "Original Inhabitance" of that Country, the "Red Indians", then maybe they can have a say in the Governing of Ireland, but you and me know thats a very long shot, dont we? Whats "good enough" for Americia is "good enough" for the rest of us, its "Democracy Working For All" so when you can solve your own problems please feel free to help solve ours, "much obliged partner".

Regards, Danny

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Hey Big Dan,

Nice chatting with you!

My sources show that over 73% of the entire island of Ireland, including Northern Ireland, is Catholic.

Ireland's largest religious group is Christianity, of which the largest denomination is the Catholic Church (over 73% for the entire island, and about 86.8%[111] for the Republic), and most of the rest of the population adhere to one of the various Protestant denominations. The largest is the Anglican Church of Ireland. The Irish Muslim community is growing, mostly through increased immigration (see Islam in Ireland). The island also has a small Jewish community (see History of the Jews in Ireland). Over 4% of the Republic's population describe themselves as of no religion. From Wiki.

Also, the native Irish people were Celts and Druids, pagans (as well as the native people of England). Christiaity came to Ireland with St. Patirck in 432, and in isolated enclaves or monostaries widely scattered in remote regions of the island. It came to England with the Romans.

The Norman invaders to Ireland in 1169 were of course Catholic, as was England at that time. Ireland did not come under Protestant rule until William of Orange (William and Mary) in 1690 (Ireland lost at the Battle of the Boynne). Of course you know that England did not become Protestant until around 1534 under Henry VIII. And indeed there was no Protestant branch of Christianity until Martin Luther in 1517. So the native Irish were pagans, then became Catholic, and the English overlords who took over the government and churches of Ireland in the late 1600's oppressed the Irish people and their Catholic religion, stealing their lands and their churches, instituting their Protestant faith.

And yes, the British, French, Dutch, and Spanish explorers/settlers of the Americas did steal the land from the native Americans (Indians, if you choose to use this term, meaning indiginous peoples). In the 1700's, the colonists of the US choose to have home rule in America, not rule by England, so they rebelled and fought for their freedom from England. Same thing, the Irish, fighting for home rule, not England rule. So both, in essence, are/were freedom fighters.

And using your definition of "terrorist", then the American Revolutionaries were indeed terrorists, too. An example: The Boston Tea Party. This would have been classified as terrorism in their day.

And I will admit to being ignorant in using the terms "English" and "British" interchangeably. As I learned on my recent trip, and as you pointed out, 1066 was the end of true "English" rule with the Battle of Hastings and Norman conquer of England by William the Conquerer, Duke of Normandy. But the English people prior to this date were an amalagum of Roman, Celtic, Gaelic, Anglo, Saxon, Viking, and other ancestry. So what makes one truely English? Same with Americans. We are a mixture of dozens of heritages, and likewise, so were the native indeginous Indian people. They were a mixture of many tribes, and probably some came from Asia and Europe over the Straits of Alaska (Bering Strait )on a supposed land bridge between Alaska and Russia.

Edited by BUCK'EYE' DOC
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Also, I must dissagree with the previous statement that the majority of Irish people are Protestant. More people live in the Republic of Ireland than in Northern Ireland, and 80% of the population there is Catholic, which are the descendants of the people native to the country of Ireland. Protestanism only came to Ireland with the British take-over of the country, with William of Orange in 1690. The basis of the conflict in Ireland is not Catholic vs. Protestant at the root, it is native Irish rule (who are Catholic) vs. rule by English (who are Protestant). And you could say that the IRA are freedom fighters, just like the American colonists rebelling against rule by England in the 1700's. I do not condone the terrorist tactics of the IRA and they have committed atrocities in the name of freedom. My opinion is that when the country is experiencing prosperity, as it has in the past ten years, then the conflict goes on the back burner. But when the economy goes sour, and the young men are idle and unemployed, then the old prejudices flair up and the violence begins again in Northern Ireland. There will always be periods of peace and war based on how the economy is doing. It will only end when the British government is totally out of the ruling of all of the island of Ireland. And unfortunately I don't think this will happen without alot of bloodshed. I pray for everlasting peace for all the people of Ireland.

Edited to fix spelling errors. Good grief, I am having problems spelling Scotland, LOL.

What a load of utter tosh, firstly I'd guess a great many Irish protistants arent of british origin and much more obviously someones nationality isnt determined by there distant relitives. The troubles in northern ireland were mainly fued by sectarian prejudice with much of the IRA's support coming from americans sold on the myth of "throwing out the english".

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Back to the topic at hand.

I just saw news footage on CNN of the Lybian people celebrating the return of their hero, the terrorist.

And the news commentator quotes Obama as saying of the release: "It was a mistake".

The Scottish government has been contemplating the release for over a week now. It's been all over the news in Scotland. It's a little too late now for Obama to be speaking up. Is that all he has to say?

Edited by BUCK'EYE' DOC
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