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how many of you actually saw zepp in concert and when{pre 1980 only}


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Well, then be skeptical. That's your right. Some people here get the benefit of the doubt from me.......most others don't. Sean is one of the people who do. If it turns out he's been telling some tall tales, then it turns out he's been telling some tall tales. Who cares either way? The stories are fun reads regardless, and they paint great pictures whether he was there or he wasn't. Read them in the spirit in which they are intended and quit worrying about the ephemera.

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Well, then be skeptical. That's your right. Some people here get the benefit of the doubt from me.......most others don't. Sean is one of the people who do. If it turns out he's been telling some tall tales, then it turns out he's been telling some tall tales. Who cares either way? The stories are fun reads regardless, and they paint great pictures whether he was there or he wasn't. Read them in the spirit in which they are intended and quit worrying about the ephemera.

Some info passed to me by other skeptics is just too big to ignore in this case. And its ok for someone to lie about who they saw and all? Not to me it isnt. I was married to a compulsive lier. There are people out there that actually believe their own lies. You can have the lying type of people. I do not care for it. And I think its ridiculous and a way to get attention. Its all Humbug I tell you!!!!!!:mad:

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Just like I figured. No response.


Yeah, well some of us have a life...we don't spend our time 24/7 on the computer or sports talk radio shows.

I had a lot to do this weekend, and the only time I planned on coming on the Zep board was to post something for Robert's birthday, and check my messages and respond to any that I could. Of course, I saw your post, and it just seemed so silly, that I wasn't going to dignify it with a response.

Alas, I kept getting messages that I should see what you wrote...but I wasn't going to ruin my weekend by getting into a ridiculous argument on the internet. I've seen your posts on the "how to keep your wife happy" thread and elsewhere, and I figured you seem to be going thru a tough time in your life, that if doubting my story made you feel better about yourself, so be it...no sweat off my back.

But then Izzoso entered the fray, and worse, some of my friends took valuable time from their weekends to chime in my defense. I can only say to ledzepfvr, dazedcat, ally, Electrophile, Mattmc1973, Stargroves Tangie, and Brad and the others that I am sorry that you had to waste even a second of your weekend on this matter.

At this point, silvermedalist, you and Izzoso have obviously made up your minds no matter what, so any proof I did show you wouldn't satisfy you anyway. So what if I showed you ticket stubs...I could have just as easily bought them off E-bay or somewhere else. I've got the 1969 US Tour program and a 1969 ticket stub. Does THAT prove I was at a 1969 concert? Of course not.

Which makes this whole thing idiotic. If I was to go through the whole trouble of making up stories about which concerts I went to, I could have said I was at the 1969 Whisky show...THAT would certainly give me more cachet(which you claim I aspire to) than saying I was at shows in the 70's that thousands and thousands attended.

In fact, for even more cred, if I was going to say I was at concerts that I did not actually go to, I would have aimed higher than Led Zeppelin...I would have said I was at the Beatles Hollywood Bowl show or a Jimi Hendrix concert. That'll give you more cachet than any Led Zeppelin gig.

The main problem with your post suggesting I've exaggerated how many concerts I've attended is that you didn't read my posts very clearly, as you've exaggerated my posts yourself.

First of all, this whole business about 10 being too young to be into Led Zeppelin or go to concerts: are you fucking kidding me? I'm sorry if you were still playing with your GI Joe's or reading Highlights for Children at 10, but growing up in Southern California, a product of a broken home was a much more free-wheeling environment than whatever you experienced in Buffalo or Rochester, or wherever you grew up.

As Brad, ledzepfvr and other kids from Southern California can attest.

If you had read my first long post about how I got into Led Zeppelin, hearing Led Zeppelin I for the first time, I explained how I got into rock n roll at a young age. My dad, for all his other faults, was a musician and had impeccable taste in music, whether it was classical, jazz or rock. His record collection was my window, my gateway into the rock wilderness.

As I've become older, I have strived to mentor the young as he did me. You think 10 is young? Me and my friend took his son to the Jimmy Page & Black Crowes show at the Greek when he was 5. We took him to see Bob Dylan at 6. He fell asleep halfway through, but he'll always have those memories and be able to tell his high school buddies that he saw Jimmy Page while they were still wetting their beds.

He's seen Tom Petty, Red Hot Chili Peppers, the Pretenders, Patti Smith, George Thorogood, and a host of others...all before he was 10, so he's got a major head start on me.

Another misconception you've spread is the idea that I was this drug fiend at 10. No. My dad would give me an occasional toke at home, but never out in public. That was it. At Kezar, I was dosed, but that was it. I didn't really start experimenting until I hit my teen years, which again I elucidated in my posts and in some of the replies...I think it was SuperDave who was worried about my drug use.

And what is this bit about driving 8 hours? Uh, nothing of the sort. I FLEW to San Francisco and back...I didn't go by car. Which again is clearly mentioned in the post. Traffic is hellish in LA, but it certainly doesn't take 8 hours to drive from Costa Mesa to Inglewood. More exaggeration from your part.

Let's also reiterate something, I wasn't going to these concerts ALONE as a 10 or 11 year old...I was always chaperoned by an adult, usually my Big Brother or in the case of Kezar, my uncle. One condition set by my stepmom the first year I started going to shows, in 1972, was that I had to wear ear plugs.

Is everything exactly 100% the way I say it was...probably not. Instead of stopping at Tijuana Taco or IHOP for food, it might have been Pup 'n' Taco or Norm's. And yes, if it wasn't for bootlegs, I probably would not be able to remember the exact setlist in the exact order unless I had written it down, which I didn't start to do until later. But there are some things a bootleg can't tell you, no matter how good.

Memory is a funny thing anyway...my dad used to swear up and down he and my mom took me to Yosemite when I was three, but I had no recollection of that trip ever happening. Even when I saw pictures of the trip, it triggered no response.

But I can remember to this day clearly when the TV fell on my sister's foot when I was 5. Or the day our teacher let us watch the 1972 World Series in class(back when they had day games). For the record, I had just finished 5th grade when I saw the 1973 Led Zeppelin shows. No, I was NOT the youngest person there...I saw what looked like 7 or 8 year-olds there, too.

Again, I'm sorry silvermedalist if you led a more sheltered life.

There are more exaggerations and misconstrued statements you've claimed about my posts, but I have another event to attend to tonight, and I've already spent too much time on this already.

But it doesn't matter if you or others want to believe me or not. I don't care, for one thing, and for another, the fact that you don't believe me doesn't change the fact that I was there. You can't rewind time and erase me from that crowd at the Forum. So whether I have my ticket stubs or not, I still have my memories. Tickets, posters, t-shirts, all that ephemera gets lost to time eventually, but memories are eternal and you can't erase the memory I will always have of seeing Led Zeppelin. That's a sound you never forget.

Again, thanks to all those who showed reason and rationality and realize that just because you don't have a ticket stub from 40 years ago doesn't mean you didn't go to a show. Hell, more than half of all the concerts I've been to have been at clubs where all you got was a hand stamp. What, I'm not supposed to wash my hand just to appease some anal retentive doubters?

Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to finish enjoying the rest of my weekend.

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I can't think of why some people on this board would be skeptical of what Strider experienced as a young fan attending Zep shows. Perhaps it's the details provided. He may have had others fill in a few minor details, but the rest I feel is his memories. Some people have great long term memories and I am certainly one of those who fits in this category. They also may be jealous or have nothing else better to do than to antagonize others, be doubters or just look for negatives in anything one says. :thumbdown:

I certainly have enjoyed these experiences Strider and I can't wait until you share more with us from '75 and '77. :thumbsup:

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Yeah, well some of us have a life...we don't spend our time 24/7 on the computer or sports talk radio shows.

I had a lot to do this weekend, and the only time I planned on coming on the Zep board was to post something for Robert's birthday, and check my messages and respond to any that I could. Of course, I saw your post, and it just seemed so silly, that I wasn't going to dignify it with a response.

Alas, I kept getting messages that I should see what you wrote...but I wasn't going to ruin my weekend by getting into a ridiculous argument on the internet. I've seen your posts on the "how to keep your wife happy" thread and elsewhere, and I figured you seem to be going thru a tough time in your life, that if doubting my story made you feel better about yourself, so be it...no sweat off my back.

But then Izzoso entered the fray, and worse, some of my friends took valuable time from their weekends to chime in my defense. I can only say to ledzepfvr, dazedcat, ally, Electrophile, Mattmc1973, Stargroves Tangie, and Brad and the others that I am sorry that you had to waste even a second of your weekend on this matter.

At this point, silvermedalist, you and Izzoso have obviously made up your minds no matter what, so any proof I did show you wouldn't satisfy you anyway. So what if I showed you ticket stubs...I could have just as easily bought them off E-bay or somewhere else. I've got the 1969 US Tour program and a 1969 ticket stub. Does THAT prove I was at a 1969 concert? Of course not.

Which makes this whole thing idiotic. If I was to go through the whole trouble of making up stories about which concerts I went to, I could have said I was at the 1969 Whisky show...THAT would certainly give me more cachet(which you claim I aspire to) than saying I was at shows in the 70's that thousands and thousands attended.

In fact, for even more cred, if I was going to say I was at concerts that I did not actually go to, I would have aimed higher than Led Zeppelin...I would have said I was at the Beatles Hollywood Bowl show or a Jimi Hendrix concert. That'll give you more cachet than any Led Zeppelin gig.

The main problem with your post suggesting I've exaggerated how many concerts I've attended is that you didn't read my posts very clearly, as you've exaggerated my posts yourself.

First of all, this whole business about 10 being too young to be into Led Zeppelin or go to concerts: are you fucking kidding me? I'm sorry if you were still playing with your GI Joe's or reading Highlights for Children at 10, but growing up in Southern California, a product of a broken home was a much more free-wheeling environment than whatever you experienced in Buffalo or Rochester, or wherever you grew up.

As Brad, ledzepfvr and other kids from Southern California can attest.

If you had read my first long post about how I got into Led Zeppelin, hearing Led Zeppelin I for the first time, I explained how I got into rock n roll at a young age. My dad, for all his other faults, was a musician and had impeccable taste in music, whether it was classical, jazz or rock. His record collection was my window, my gateway into the rock wilderness.

As I've become older, I have strived to mentor the young as he did me. You think 10 is young? Me and my friend took his son to the Jimmy Page & Black Crowes show at the Greek when he was 5. We took him to see Bob Dylan at 6. He fell asleep halfway through, but he'll always have those memories and be able to tell his high school buddies that he saw Jimmy Page while they were still wetting their beds.

He's seen Tom Petty, Red Hot Chili Peppers, the Pretenders, Patti Smith, George Thorogood, and a host of others...all before he was 10, so he's got a major head start on me.

Another misconception you've spread is the idea that I was this drug fiend at 10. No. My dad would give me an occasional toke at home, but never out in public. That was it. At Kezar, I was dosed, but that was it. I didn't really start experimenting until I hit my teen years, which again I elucidated in my posts and in some of the replies...I think it was SuperDave who was worried about my drug use.

And what is this bit about driving 8 hours? Uh, nothing of the sort. I FLEW to San Francisco and back...I didn't go by car. Which again is clearly mentioned in the post. Traffic is hellish in LA, but it certainly doesn't take 8 hours to drive from Costa Mesa to Inglewood. More exaggeration from your part.

Let's also reiterate something, I wasn't going to these concerts ALONE as a 10 or 11 year old...I was always chaperoned by an adult, usually my Big Brother or in the case of Kezar, my uncle. One condition set by my stepmom the first year I started going to shows, in 1972, was that I had to wear ear plugs.

Is everything exactly 100% the way I say it was...probably not. Instead of stopping at Tijuana Taco or IHOP for food, it might have been Pup 'n' Taco or Norm's. And yes, if it wasn't for bootlegs, I probably would not be able to remember the exact setlist in the exact order unless I had written it down, which I didn't start to do until later. But there are some things a bootleg can't tell you, no matter how good.

Memory is a funny thing anyway...my dad used to swear up and down he and my mom took me to Yosemite when I was three, but I had no recollection of that trip ever happening. Even when I saw pictures of the trip, it triggered no response.

But I can remember to this day clearly when the TV fell on my sister's foot when I was 5. Or the day our teacher let us watch the 1972 World Series in class(back when they had day games). For the record, I had just finished 5th grade when I saw the 1973 Led Zeppelin shows. No, I was NOT the youngest person there...I saw what looked like 7 or 8 year-olds there, too.

Again, I'm sorry silvermedalist if you led a more sheltered life.

There are more exaggerations and misconstrued statements you've claimed about my posts, but I have another event to attend to tonight, and I've already spent too much time on this already.

But it doesn't matter if you or others want to believe me or not. I don't care, for one thing, and for another, the fact that you don't believe me doesn't change the fact that I was there. You can't rewind time and erase me from that crowd at the Forum. So whether I have my ticket stubs or not, I still have my memories. Tickets, posters, t-shirts, all that ephemera gets lost to time eventually, but memories are eternal and you can't erase the memory I will always have of seeing Led Zeppelin. That's a sound you never forget.

Again, thanks to all those who showed reason and rationality and realize that just because you don't have a ticket stub from 40 years ago doesn't mean you didn't go to a show. Hell, more than half of all the concerts I've been to have been at clubs where all you got was a hand stamp. What, I'm not supposed to wash my hand just to appease some anal retentive doubters?

Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to finish enjoying the rest of my weekend.

Make your posts a bit shorter and I may take the time to read them in their entirety. Too long winded. Someone, I will not say who, gave me details suggesting it impossible to believe your story. A ten year old boy being able to travel from San Fran to LA and with the drugs and liquor blended in, you must admit it is a bit much to take word for word. He gave me details that were enough to raise suspiciion. As for the talk radio, I do not know what you are referring to? Do you live in NY state?

You have followers on here that are blind like the Manson family. You should go hook up with your girlfriend Electro. By the way, nice pic there of Liz in the Lost cat thread. Who posted it? I dont know that guy but would like to give him a cigar. It fits pretty good that pig nose.

Hey, Charlie. How did you do it? Travel 800 miles as a 10 yr old boy and remember all of that? Ha. Did you build a fucking time machine? And while you were at it you bought some Zeppelin tickests? Nice try Charlie.

Where are the stubs? Show me the money honey.

Edited by silvermedalist
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No need to be a doubter unless you have your proof Silvermedalist. Strider has provided too many details for me to doubt its' reality. Like I said, he may have needed others to provide some minute details, but I don't feel this is a farce in any way.

Why be so cynical?

This a forum to enjoy the positive contributions and not spill in negativity. Otherwise you might as well be a troll!

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So Rick, let me get this straight - you continue to attack Strider doubting his stories, he writes a lengthy and detailed response to your allegations, and you attack him again for being too long winded and say you aren't going to read his response. That tells me that you aren't really looking for Strider's side, your mind is made up, nothing he says is going to matter to you. So why keep after it like this?

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So Rick, let me get this straight - you continue to attack Strider doubting his stories, he writes a lengthy and detailed response to your allegations, and you attack him again for being too long winded and say you aren't going to read his response. That tells me that you aren't really looking for Strider's side, your mind is made up, nothing he says is going to matter to you. So why keep after it like this?

Definitely! :goodpost:

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I've read this whole arguement. WTF? Strider is just trying to share his nice memories from his shows. I've enjoyed all of the ones I've read. Maybe there is some innaccurate parts, but that was almost 40 years ago.

It's tough to remember all the details from that far back, but I think he's done one hell of a job with the concert experiences he's shared with us. I guess some people just have a problem with the validity of such and it probably borders more along the line of jealousy.

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I've read this whole arguement. WTF? Strider is just trying to share his nice memories from his shows. I've enjoyed all of the ones I've read. Maybe there is some innaccurate parts, but that was almost 40 years ago.

My point exactly. Dr Suess tells good stories too. I love reading stories. But at the end of the day, that is what they are. Stories. You are saying a 10 yr old boy can give that kind of an account accurately and be so into it and not save a stub and travel without any complaint from a parent long distances in big cities to see such large events in huge venues? come on. Wake up. I will read more of it later. But those that have pointed out the obvious problems with the stories make perfect sense. I did not initiate this it was brought to my attention. I do not like people that lie. That is all I will say. This does not concern you either.

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@SuperDave: Exactly. With that much detail from 40 years ago? Incredible. Jealously is obviously involved as Strider has seen 14 gigs, lucky bastard.

@Silvermedalist: I don't think Strider lies, it's hard to remember all of the details so he sorta has to "inprovise".

Edited by ledzepfilm
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So Rick, let me get this straight - you continue to attack Strider doubting his stories, he writes a lengthy and detailed response to your allegations, and you attack him again for being too long winded and say you aren't going to read his response. That tells me that you aren't really looking for Strider's side, your mind is made up, nothing he says is going to matter to you. So why keep after it like this?

Wrong Matt. I intend to read it all. But hell. Its loooooooooong. Get it. And the sources that led me to this are credible. Very. You have no doubt a 10 yr old boy was able to accomplish all of this and remember it all in detail. Not to mention I am sure he is a perfect little angel and drug and alchohol free. I think I have walked into a Manson family meeting here. Damn, you are another disciple.

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Its not your problem Dave. All due respect, please leave it alone. Its not your problem.

Ya know what man, it's nobody's problem cause there never was one. It's pretty clear to me that you're being pushed forward as a voice for people who have an agenda .They are not true friends Rick and I think it's time you woke up to the fact that you're being used ! Time you stopped allowing it to happen and got back to enjoying this forum on your own terms

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Makes sense that silvermedalist and lzzsso have banded together on this one.

You guys are pretty darn pathetic I must say.

To be more accurate, I have not banded together with anyone. I do not know silvermedalist and have not conspired with him or anyone else. I just do not believe what others have chosen to believe. If that makes me "pathetic" to you, so be it. Do you really think I give a F**K what you (or anyone else for that matter) thinks about me? I could say that you are the pathetic one for reading and believing everything that this dude, stryder recalls as a 10 year old kid and then posts 40 years later using only his thumb on a cell phone. Get real.

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Not jumping into the fray here, buy I just saw U2 and there were a number of kids in my section. There were two girls that appeared to be about 9 and 11, with an older couple, I'm assuming their parents.

Friends of mine routinely take their kids to concerts and have been since the kids were about 9 or 10. One friend (bad judgement) took her somewhat immature 8 year old to Tom Petty and did regret it because of the amount of weed and drunks. Point is, it is not unusual to see kids at shows.

And finally I just met a couple of dead heads camping, and they take their 4 kids (all under 12) everywhere. The oldest 3 were at Lollapalooza.

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Not jumping into the fray here, buy I just saw U2 and there were a number of kids in my section. There were two girls that appeared to be about 9 and 11, with an older couple, I'm assuming their parents.

Friends of mine routinely take their kids to concerts and have been since the kids were about 9 or 10. One friend (bad judgement) took her somewhat immature 8 year old to Tom Petty and did regret it because of the amount of weed and drunks. Point is, it is not unusual to see kids at shows.

And finally I just met a couple of dead heads camping, and they take their 4 kids (all under 12) everywhere. The oldest 3 were at Lollapalooza.

Good post. I realize that it is not uncommon these days to take younger kids to concerts under the watchful eye of a parent (or both). Nowadays, you cannot even smoke a cigarette in an indoor venue (much less smoke a joint), without the fear of being bodily ejected from the concert. Outdoor concerts are mainly in amphitheaters these days with tons of security and less of the "hippy" mentality that pervaded the outdoor concerts of the past (especially in the late 1960's to late 1970's).

All I am saying is that, although it may be possible, although very highly unlikely, I find it very hard to believe someone who claims to have seen Led Zeppelin when they were 10 years old and recalling such vivid and precise details (after drinking Southern Comfort and popping Quaaludes) and then recalling them 40 years later, using only one thumb from his cellphone.

(By the way), I am not fighting with anyone. I am just expressing (posting) my thoughts and opinions. Everyone else seems to do so. I do believe that is the whole premise of a "forum", to express thoughts, ideas, opinions, etc...

Edited by lzzoso
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Let's play Devil's Advocate here and say yes, Strider is lying. He's making it all up. He's never seen Led Zeppelin and in fact, he doesn't even live in the United States. He lives in Iceland or something.


Is it such an affront to your delicate sensibilities that we need pages and pages of nothing but whining about it? If they're real, they're real. If they're not, they're not. It doesn't affect your lives one way or another either way, nor does it affect the lives of anyone else here. If you think they're nothing but fiction, then read them as fiction. Treat them like a good book. If you think they're fact, treat them like you would any other person relaying their concert-going experience.

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Surely Brad didn't get banned over this asinine discussion?

I haven't got my ticket stub from my experience and when I wrote my piece on it I had to research the proper setlist.

At the time I was 18 and sober and I had forgotten everything about it except the music, which is still playing in my head even to this day.

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