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Sugar Cane Burn Offs To Be A Thing Of The Past


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That's pretty cool.

Anything that can help us reduce our carbon footprint, right?

I do have a question, since I don't live in an area where sugarcane is processed or grown: how exactly is the cane separated from the waste? By burning the crop?

In Idaho, the only sugar we have around here is sugar beets, and I have NO clue how the sugar is extracted in those. ;)

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Sugar Cane is similar to Bamboo in the way that it grows.

Tall and slender poles with foliage and leaves.

The only difference is Bamboo is hollow with separate chambers and Sugar Cane is dense with sweet fibres.

Oh yeah, they also make Rum from Sugar Cane and Bongs from Bamboo!

There is a lot of vine like undergrowth that would be potential bushfire risk without controlled burning.

It's also a perfect haven for Taipans!


There are other applications this technology allows, too.

Like Hemp is used for textiles and rope etcetera, the "bark" could be milled and manfactured as fabrics and other materials.

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Northern NSW farmers are helping in reducing the use of fossil fuels to "burn off" crops.


Excellent. Positives all round.

See, doesn't cause pain and heartache to actually try and benefit the planet. Wish some numbskulls out there would 'get it'.

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LOL....This thread reminds me of the 660 lb guy I used to work with. We called him 'Indiana Big Guy' because of his jungle fedora. One night he brought in an 8 foot stalk of raw sugar cane and a small hatchet. He started gnawing on the sugar cane in front of about 5 people in the office like he was some kind of crazed human elephant ! :hysterical:

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Sugarcane was king here in Hawaii till a couple of decades ago but the government had to subsidize the crop eventually cutting the funding so operations moved elsewhere. Sweet Smoke used to fill the air! The red fields in the photo were some prime fields of sugarcane but now are used for other agriculture.

I took this photo last Sunday on a trek on a very exclusive trail I'm privy to as it's only 1/4 mile from my mountain cabin. It's looking towards Pearl Harbor and Honolulu from the knife-edge ridge of the Waianae Mountains near Palikea Peak on Western Oahu.

Having an insatiable sweet-tooth, this topic strikes a deep chord with me. Want to see more photographs? The Islands are my home.


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