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Happily single, while batting off all the creepers.

Oooh, do I know that. A couple weeks ago I went out on a date with this guy my friend insisted I just HAD to meet, and aside from the fact he was dull as dishwater, had no college education and hated to read, he kept staring down the front of my shirt as though there was a plasma screen TV in there. When I told him to knock it off, he said [and I quote] "Tits are my thing, babe".

So yeah, I'm never seeing him again.

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Oooh, do I know that. A couple weeks ago I went out on a date with this guy my friend insisted I just HAD to meet, and aside from the fact he was dull as dishwater, had no college education and hated to read, he kept staring down the front of my shirt as though there was a plasma screen TV in there. When I told him to knock it off, he said [and I quote] "Tits are my thing, babe".

So yeah, I'm never seeing him again.

Ewww! <_<

We will celebrate our 19th anniversary in 2010 :)

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My first marraige was the high school sweetheart--ended in 3 years-stayed single for 10 years -remarried for 10 years--now divorced for almost 6 years and actually like the freedom. One son ,grown and we are very close.

I stated this on another post--if I could find a man that loves me as much as my dogs do I might think about marraige again, but for now single and happy:-)

I'd like to think that there are at least two people in this world that think like that.console.gif

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Oooh, do I know that. A couple weeks ago I went out on a date with this guy my friend insisted I just HAD to meet, and aside from the fact he was dull as dishwater, had no college education and hated to read, he kept staring down the front of my shirt as though there was a plasma screen TV in there. When I told him to knock it off, he said [and I quote] "Tits are my thing, babe".

So yeah, I'm never seeing him again.

Poor guy, no Elecroboobies for you foo :hysterical:

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Oooh, do I know that. A couple weeks ago I went out on a date with this guy my friend insisted I just HAD to meet, and aside from the fact he was dull as dishwater, had no college education and hated to read, he kept staring down the front of my shirt as though there was a plasma screen TV in there. When I told him to knock it off, he said [and I quote] "Tits are my thing, babe".

So yeah, I'm never seeing him again.

Hello Electrophile!--I am falling out my chair (I am laughing with you), some guys I truly believe think that talking to a woman like that is going to make her want him.

I would have to know him for quite some time and really care for him before he could talk to me like that. This is why I RARELY date. I feel your pain:-)

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Hello Electrophile!--I am falling out my chair (I am laughing with you), some guys I truly believe think that talking to a woman like that is going to make her want him.

I would have to know him for quite some time and really care for him before he could talk to me like that. This is why I RARELY date. I feel your pain:-)

I say make them boobies hi def/plasma/large screen...:slapface:

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Oooh, do I know that. A couple weeks ago I went out on a date with this guy my friend insisted I just HAD to meet, and aside from the fact he was dull as dishwater, had no college education and hated to read, he kept staring down the front of my shirt as though there was a plasma screen TV in there. When I told him to knock it off, he said [and I quote] "Tits are my thing, babe".

So yeah, I'm never seeing him again.

Why not?

I'd dig it. ;)


...and Ev, Celia's not a "lucky bitch," she and her husband have done a good job at keeping their relationship healthy! ;)

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Why not?

I'd dig it. wink.gif


Hmmm, in the event you're seriously asking; for starters, he was an idiot. He had no idea about current events, politics, nothing like that. On a date, I want to talk about more than sports and the weather and what I think of the food. Secondly, he told me he hated reading. Well, I'm a voracious reader, I go through about 3-4 books a month. Sometimes more if the books are a little smaller and I read them faster. Someone who hates reading probably doesn't think too highly of education and education is something I value highly, both in myself and other people.

Lastly, he was a fucking creep. Staring down the front of my shirt like a wolf salivating over a kill isn't going to win you points and it isn't going to get you in my pants. Have a little class, especially on a first date.

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^I know. biggrin.gif

I just found it funny because it sounds like a date I'd end up going on.

One from Hell.

Yeah, it was awful. At least he paid for my dinner, that's the one good thing I can say about him. If the date is going to be a total wash and won't lead to a second, if I'm not out money at the end of the night, I consider it a win for me.

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Hmmm, in the event you're seriously asking; for starters, he was an idiot. He had no idea about current events, politics, nothing like that. On a date, I want to talk about more than sports and the weather and what I think of the food. Secondly, he told me he hated reading. Well, I'm a voracious reader, I go through about 3-4 books a month. Sometimes more if the books are a little smaller and I read them faster. Someone who hates reading probably doesn't think too highly of education and education is something I value highly, both in myself and other people.

Lastly, he was a fucking creep. Staring down the front of my shirt like a wolf salivating over a kill isn't going to win you points and it isn't going to get you in my pants. Have a little class, especially on a first date.

I would just ask to be excused, let him sit there.... and I would never be seen again.Not worth even saying goodbye!!

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Yeah, it was awful. At least he paid for my dinner, that's the one good thing I can say about him. If the date is going to be a total wash and won't lead to a second, if I'm not out money at the end of the night, I consider it a win for me.

I say you shoulda charged him for peeping down your top...:blink:

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Status: Happily married for 30 years on September 1st.

We had a disastrous honeymoon, but a wonderful marriage.

A week before our wedding, my husband had an auto accident and disabled his car. So we borrowed one of his parent's cars for the honeymoon. It barely made it driving through the hills and mountains of West Virginia and North Carolina.

Our hotel reservation for our first night of our honeymoon was messed up and we didn't get the honeymoon suite. My husband had ordered flowers for our room and they were sent to the wrong hotel. We then went to Hilton Head Island where we had pre-paid for a week with alot of extras, such as a romantic excursion on a yacht. When we checked into our condo, it hadn't been cleaned from the previous tenent and was very dirty. So they gave us another, inferior condo at Sea Pines Plantation. We unpacked and went to dinner. While at dinner, they started boarding up the windows as a hurricane (David) was approaching. After only spending 5 hours there, we were forced to evacuate the island due to the approaching hurricane. This was late in the evening, and we had to drive until 3 AM to find a vacant hotel room, as everyone on the coast was moving inland to avoid the hurricane. When we opened the door to this hotel, there were several large bugs running across the floor. So I refused to stay there. But we had already given them our credit card number. When we got our credit card bill, someone at that hotel had used our number to purchase alot of expensive stereo equipment. It took alot of effort to prove that these were fradulent charges, and after months, they removed them from our account. Then, we decided to go to Florida for the rest of our honeymoon. But another hurricane (Frederick) hit Florida from the Gulf of Mexico side. So we then headed to Gatlinburg, Tennessee in the Smokey Mountains. But both hurricanes headed inland and followed us into the Smokeys, where it rained and rained. So we decided to just go home. We stopped at my husband's parents house, where our wedding gifts were. We stayed with them for a few days, but their house only had single beds! After several months, we finally were reimbursed for our pre-paid honeymoon at Hilton Head that we didn't get to enjoy. And then they sent us two checks, re-paying us twice. They even gave us a bit of a hassle when we returned one of the checks. :slapface:

Despite all those troubles at the beginning, it has been smooth sailing ever since. We have rarely had any arguments. We agree on almost everything. And it has been "happy ever after".

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Buck "Eye," your story, along with Celia's make me really believe that marriages CAN work. I've honestly never been a witness to a totally happy marriage in my family, so I'm a bit skeptical of the institution.

I raise my glass to all of you that have been able to prove that marriage CAN work!

It's not always easy, but people like Celia and Buck "Eye" make it so. ;)

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Buck "Eye," your story, along with Celia's make me really believe that marriages CAN work. I've honestly never been a witness to a totally happy marriage in my family, so I'm a bit skeptical of the institution.

I raise my glass to all of you that have been able to prove that marriage CAN work!

It's not always easy, but people like Celia and Buck "Eye" make it so. wink.gif

Well I was with my wife for 29 years 21 of it married and because of her insanity she is trying to destroy my life.

Turned my son against me and is seeking perminant spousal support and we haven't even settled the visitation of my son or community property.

Hope I don't end up on the evening news!sad.gif

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