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Mom finds long-lost son online, and then RAPES him

Rock N' Rollin' Man

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With some dark humor this is pretty funny, but yeah horrible.

Edit: The only thing that I thought would be "pretty funny" is the guy won't be able to tell MILF jokes to his buddies. Rape of course, along with this case, is horrible and disgusting.

Edited by Rock N' Rollin' Man
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With some dark humor this is pretty funny, but yeah horrible.

What if,

"Dad finds long-lost daughter online, and then RAPES her"

Still find it Pretty Funny with your Dark Humour? and yeah, Horrible, i wonder if you would have posted anything if this had been the Headline? And when the poor kid finds out its his Mum how do you think he's gonns feel now? in ten years? or when he has to tell his children that he's a MotherFcuker, now there's Humour for you.

Or maybr this was "your" Fantasy? well everyone to hid own so to speak. ;) MF.

Regards, Danny

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I see your point and apologise.

Hi 'Rock N' Rollin'

No problem, just wanted to look at the other side for a minute, Men always seem to get a Bad Deal when it comes to Sex Crimes while it appears Women can olly be the Victims, at least you drew us to the fact that Men can be Victims as well, however lucky they might seen to be. ;)

Regards, Danny

PS, And dont worry to much about it, we all Fcuk Up from time to time, especialy me. :D

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What if,

"Dad finds long-lost daughter online, and then RAPES her"

Still find it Pretty Funny with your Dark Humour? and yeah, Horrible, i wonder if you would have posted anything if this had been the Headline? And when the poor kid finds out its his Mum how do you think he's gonns feel now? in ten years? or when he has to tell his children that he's a MotherFcuker, now there's Humour for you.

Or maybr this was "your" Fantasy? well everyone to hid own so to speak. ;) MF.

Regards, Danny


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I wonder if it is even true.

Take the comment below with a grain of salt it was posted in the internet which doesn't make it true. Doesn't make the story any less weird and terrible.

Another comment since removed from the Oakland Press site read:

"Now that the Oakland Press has found it neccesary to write a one sided story, I'll fill in the missing details. Yes a son was given up for adoption, yes He found her on the internet, or actually they found each other. They met with the permission of the adopted parents, and were able to spend time together to allow him to meet his siblings. This boy was 15 at the time and had emotional problems, had been in trouble with the law and threatened his adoptive parents, also diagnosed as being bipolar. This should have been a sign to proceed with caution. The Oakland press reports as if she tracked him down for sex, which is ludicrous. This was meetings and visits that spanned over a summer to reconnect a family. When things didn't go his way threats were made. Well now those threats have come to light. There are other children to be considered here, that love their mother very much. Before people judge her, lets get the facts. Our court system is innocent until proven guilty!!!!! When the truth comes out I hope the Oakland press will report the truth with accuracy. We all feel for the boy, but putting an innocent woman through this is unjust. He needs serious help."

Edited by Rock N' Rollin' Man
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Take the comment below with a grain of salt it was posted in the internet which doesn't make it true. Doesn't make the story any less weird and terrible.

Another comment since removed from the Oakland Press site read:

"Now that the Oakland Press has found it neccesary to write a one sided story, I'll fill in the missing details. Yes a son was given up for adoption, yes He found her on the internet, or actually they found each other. They met with the permission of the adopted parents, and were able to spend time together to allow him to meet his siblings. This boy was 15 at the time and had emotional problems, had been in trouble with the law and threatened his adoptive parents, also diagnosed as being bipolar. This should have been a sign to proceed with caution. The Oakland press reports as if she tracked him down for sex, which is ludicrous. This was meetings and visits that spanned over a summer to reconnect a family. When things didn't go his way threats were made. Well now those threats have come to light. There are other children to be considered here, that love their mother very much. Before people judge her, lets get the facts. Our court system is innocent until proven guilty!!!!! When the truth comes out I hope the Oakland press will report the truth with accuracy. We all feel for the boy, but putting an innocent woman through this is unjust. He needs serious help."

I was shocked when I first read this story, but reserved judgement and comment until further details were available. I though something like this mike have been the case. I have heard of a similar story, only is was a father and daughter, which ended only to be false as the daughter was looking for attention.

Just typical of American media. Writing a one-sided story, twisting the headlines to shock and grab the attention of the public. The families should be able to sue for defamation or something like that, especially since her picture was shown to the public and info was left out on purpose (of course if the story proves to be incorrect that is... one never knows in today sick world)

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ehh...does your "MF" mean motha fucka?

i dunno man...curiosity... I thank you know who for it

Hi 'bouncing~ship'

"MF"? I dont know what you mean, really. :o

Never give the Prosecution the Evidence they need to put you away, a Rule i always follow. :D

Regards, Danny

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