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ReR Caption Fan Club Thread


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Not to sound like an old goat, but Richard's right. I never liked school a day in my life. From nursery school all the way through college. But looking back, I never had so much fun either, especially high school. You may hate it now, but you'll be singing a different tune in a few years.

Thank you Kiran...I wondered when you were gunna show up in this thread and talk to me....I was getting lonely. :(:D

And yeah, I would go back tommorrow. Thing that people that know me find weird is that school made me very ill because of stress. In 6th form, which is post 16 education that is optional (it would bridge the gap between school and university in effect) I was in a number of plays at the same time as doing some of the most important exams ever. There was a lot of focus on many things at that time, the plays, school work, coursework, personal issues, and none school related activities. I would get home from 6th form and go straight up into my room at about 3:15pm and turn my PC on and carry on work on there. I would then break for food at about 5:30pm, then go straight back up at about 6pm and work until 1:30am or 2am!!! And that happened for weeks on end. But the school part was so much fun, and I would go back. But I had to go to the doctor because I became so ill. I still haven't fully recovered and its been almost 2 years!!

Enjoy school though...laugh as much as you can. :thumbsup:

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Thank you Kiran...I wondered when you were gunna show up in this thread and talk to me....I was getting lonely. :(:D

Aww, I'm sorry Richard! I stopped by a few times but I felt a bit intrusive reading in on everyone's conversations! And also, when I'm here everyone else is sleeping! But, I'll come around more often! I promise! :P

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Hei Deirdre

I'm very pissed off. Geometry is driving me crazy

I'm going to fail that stupid geometry course. WHATEVER, I don't care.... :angry:

Actually I do because I have to take the course again if I fail it <_< <_< <_< Sh*t m*therfucker f*ck sh*t (sorry)

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Hei Deirdre

I'm very pissed off. Geometry is driving me crazy

I'm going to fail that stupid geometry course. WHATEVER, I don't care.... :angry:

Actually I do because I have to take the course again if I fail it <_< <_< <_< Sh*t m*therfucker f*ck sh*t (sorry)


Ah, Geometry will do that to you. For me it's Trigonometry :angry: :angry: :angry:

You'll be fine.....just don't give up! Beat the book up if you have to!

:o Noora! For a native Finnish speaker your English curses are quite well-developed! :lol:

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Aww, I'm sorry Richard! I stopped by a few times but I felt a bit intrusive reading in on everyone's conversations! And also, when I'm here everyone else is sleeping! But, I'll come around more often! I promise! :P

Don't feel intrusive...seriously. In the club we have a great knack of being able to quickly integrate someone into the conversation in no time at all. Basically, you show up on the thread and we say hi!!!! And then you are in the conversation from then on. Would be great to have you here more! :thumbsup:

Hey guys! What's happened to this thread? Before I'd come here after 2 days and have about 40 pages to catch up on. Now it's only 2 :(

I know Deirdre....something has gone wrong somewhere along the line. :( This makes Red Eye sad. :lol:

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