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Ah, Dierdre I see you gave me my first challenge...I shall try my best with my "superpowers"! :lol:

Pg. 11

"T' maister's dahn i' t'fowld. Goa rahnd by th' end ut' laith"...(I can actually understand the rest of the sentence!)

The master is down in the field. Go around by the end of the laithe."

....."and shoo'll nut oppen't an ye mak yer flaysome dins till neeght."

and she'll not open it while you make your frightening dins in the night. (I read the context of this line and I think that is what it means...she won't open the door while he is making a flaysome (frightening) din. By the way....my version of the book is about 30 years old so the page references you are giving are useless because there's a big introduction in my book.

"Nor-ne me! Aw'll hae noa hend wi't"

Not me! I'll have no end with it.

..."when all on 'em's goan aght! Bud yah're a nowt...."

...when all of them have gone out. But you're a nothing....

That's the best I can do...but I have read the context and it sounds about right. I hope this helps with your studies Dierdre. :thumbsup:

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Hello...I'm back...maybe not for long though. I quit university today. :( I'll get by. I should be in Glasgow now on an educational course I was taking...but if you recall I told people that the damn thing had cancelled...I would have got an awesome qualification to teach too. Peeved off mood right now. :( But I shall smile anyway :D

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Richard i believe that if you're heart really wasnt in the course, quitting was the right thing to do. Who cares what qualifications etc you have at the end, you have to enjoy every minute or if not at least 90% of it! Im sure you're not the type of person to make rash and ill judged decisions and i believe ultimately you will find something you are so happy doing, whether it be session music, being in a band, giving music lessons or perhaps even reapplying to uni and taking a different course. Something i've learnt through school over the past year: if you're heart is in it you dont need half as much brain! Enthusiasm is a big part of getting the end grade. So try not to feel down, stay positive, and work towards your own goals and ambitions. Dont let anyone put you down for dropping out- its your choice, continue to keep faith in your decisions. Good luck and I'm sure there is something brilliant waiting for you around the corner!

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Richard i believe that if you're heart really wasnt in the course, quitting was the right thing to do. Who cares what qualifications etc you have at the end, you have to enjoy every minute or if not at least 90% of it! Im sure you're not the type of person to make rash and ill judged decisions and i believe ultimately you will find something you are so happy doing, whether it be session music, being in a band, giving music lessons or perhaps even reapplying to uni and taking a different course. Something i've learnt through school over the past year: if you're heart is in it you dont need half as much brain! Enthusiasm is a big part of getting the end grade. So try not to feel down, stay positive, and work towards your own goals and ambitions. Dont let anyone put you down for dropping out- its your choice, continue to keep faith in your decisions. Good luck and I'm sure there is something brilliant waiting for you around the corner!

Awwwwwww!!!!! MAN!!!! That was amazing! That is such a great comfort to me reading that. My life has been majorly topsy turvy for a long while now...but to hear such kind reassuring words has really lifted my spirits (and brought a tear to my eye at the same time). You have put a lot in perspective...that yes, I do not make ill judged decisions, I did think this through and I feel better and liberated for it. Thank you for those words Heather...you are a star. :thanku:

Keep a smile on. If you can't think of Boo and this: :D .

And Alicia...I guess Heather beat you to it...but I apprieciate your kind words and thoughts too. Thank you. And just the simple mention of Boo made me feel better.

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Hey Vannis :wave:

I'm not going to bed anymore it's almost 4am and I have to wake up at 6am. I haven't slept at all!

No.. I'm going to be exhausted at school but oh well :lol:

How are you? :D

Seriously! I didn't tink it was that late… Seriously? it's 3:42 am? Wow…

I'm alright… finished my homework! I had to use egiht pages for my math homework!

Okay, and I hvae a headache…



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