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ReR Caption Fan Club Thread


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Well, it's fit to be a girls shirt. I think it would be too tight on me.

I actually have one girls shirt, but only because I collect Hard Rock Cafe T-shirts. I decided to try it on one time, and it looked pretty weird on me. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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How come girls can easily fit into a guy's shirt, but the opposite isn't true? :lol:

Anyway, I've been seeing how lonely Richard has been getting, talking to himself :( Poor Rich, I guess it's just unfortunate timing. Because you get off right when I get on.

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How come girls can easily fit into a guy's shirt, but the opposite isn't true? :lol:

Anyway, I've been seeing how lonely Richard has been getting, talking to himself :( Poor Rich, I guess it's just unfortunate timing. Because you get off right when I get on.

I know, that is pretty weird. :lol:


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Well I am here anyway. I don't know how long for but I am nevertheless here. Thanks for the picture in the Caption thread Vannis. I tried the best I could to resurrect an oldie. Its a shame that the old site is down because it would have come in really useful at a time like that...but I think I did an ok job. :lol: I hope Heather likes it.

Haha, no problem. And I think that's pretty close to what it was…

OOOh i shall go and have a look in a sec! MY NEW T SHIRT ARRIVED TODAY!! i'm very excited about it!

This is me pulling a silly pose in it (i dont usually do that in photos!!!)


Oh I do look rather fat though :(

Ha i just noticed, if you look on the shelf at the back you can see my led zep dvd, this is my brother's room so he must have stolen it!!

Hetty, you don't look fat! And for some reason the colours are brighter on yours than they are on mine… better, actually! Mine's still kinda big on me… I bought it a size too large, because I almost never see Zep shirts when I go to a store :lol: Actually, not almost never, I NEVER do.

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You wouldn't think so, you'd think the guy's shirt would be tight on the girl and the girl's shirt would be loose on the guy's, for um,.....some scientific reasons. :mellow:

Haha, the one I tried on was so tight, I will never wear it again. :lol: :lol:

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I know how you mean, Vannis

In a similar way, my teacher wants me to submit to a writing contest, but I really was unable to go to the post office ON A MONDAY.

She got mad or "very disappointed" at me.

When you're specially competent in school, they always, always, always put more pressure on you because you are supposed to set a halcyon example for all the students.

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I know! It really sucks! I hate it…

Oy… I don't get my French homework since I didn't bring my book home. But it's a completion grade… she doesn't even look at them, we just go over it in class… 

I put "J'aime Jimmy Page." as one of my sentences. I don't know what to say!! :blush: :blush: :blush:


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My parents want me to enter the school spelling bee. :rant: I don't want to, cos if I do, I'll win, and then I'll have to go to the district competition! :angry:

I know what you guys mean. I'm actually really good in school if I try, but this year, I was just so bored of school, I pretty much quit. :lol: Last year I got straight A's, but now I have all B's and a C. If I don't get my C up by two weeks, I'm screwed. :angry:

On the other hand, I won this Japanese Immigrant Song single on ebay, and I'm really happy! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


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SHIT! x 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

I left my science notebook at school!!!!!!!! I need it so bad for my compacted class!!!!! I have a test on Thursday and I"m only into the second section of hte chapter!!! HOly fuck!!!

I'm sorry Vannis, that sucks. :console:

At least the test isn't tomorrow...

What's a compacted class?

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Ah, Dierdre I see you gave me my first challenge...I shall try my best with my "superpowers"! :lol:

Pg. 11

"T' maister's dahn i' t'fowld. Goa rahnd by th' end ut' laith"...(I can actually understand the rest of the sentence!)

The master is down in the field. Go around by the end of the laithe."

....."and shoo'll nut oppen't an ye mak yer flaysome dins till neeght."

and she'll not open it while you make your frightening dins in the night. (I read the context of this line and I think that is what it means...she won't open the door while he is making a flaysome (frightening) din. By the way....my version of the book is about 30 years old so the page references you are giving are useless because there's a big introduction in my book.

"Nor-ne me! Aw'll hae noa hend wi't"

Not me! I'll have no end with it.

..."when all on 'em's goan aght! Bud yah're a nowt...."

...when all of them have gone out. But you're a nothing....

That's the best I can do...but I have read the context and it sounds about right. I hope this helps with your studies Dierdre. :thumbsup:

That is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It makes perfect sense now! Wow, Richard, you're a star, thanks so much! It's great knowing a Yorkshire man! Sorry to hear about uni-but if you weren't enjoying it, you're better off. At least you can take the skills you learnt and use them for the rest of your life :):console::wave:

Ugh...I was looking for the book "THe Late Hector Kipling" by David Thewlis in Irish bookshop's websites just now....and no sign of it. I can't believe they don't have it!!!! I'll have to order it from Amazon...

It's my birthday in 15 days! :cheer:

How's everyone doing????

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OOOh i shall go and have a look in a sec! MY NEW T SHIRT ARRIVED TODAY!! i'm very excited about it!

This is me pulling a silly pose in it (i dont usually do that in photos!!!)


Oh I do look rather fat though :(

Brilliant picture Heather. You look positively fantastic :wub: :wub: :lol:

That is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It makes perfect sense now! Wow, Richard, you're a star, thanks so much! It's great knowing a Yorkshire man! Sorry to hear about uni-but if you weren't enjoying it, you're better off. At least you can take the skills you learnt and use them for the rest of your life :):console::wave:

I am glad my Yorkshire superpowers came in handy for you Dierdre. If you come across anything else that needs translating just let me know...it made me get my old copy of Wuthering Heights off of the shelf which is a really positive thing so feel free to let me know if you need help again. Thanks. :kiss:

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