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I'm good, the day has been long though. I had to go to church and that always makes it drag out.

Sounds like you had fun, even if you aren't feeling well. Can you take some headache medicine?

Nope, because the reason I have headache is because I have drunk quite a bit of alcohol over the last four or five hours. We had a pint here at my house, then we went to the pub for a meal and I had a couple there, as well as a glass of Jack Daniel's, then we came back home and chilled out while I drank another pint. Couple that with all the hilarity and fun we had it gave me a bad headache....and headache medicine (i.e. paracetamol, aspirin) should not be taken when you have alcohol in your system. So I shall have to see this one out. So long as I don't move my head I will be ok. :lol:

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Oh no,

it's alright

it's just ugh these plans my parents have annoy the hell out of me

Well, yesterday I already made so many plans and such for the night. Ok then, my parents notified me AN HOUR before we left that we're going to New Jersey. It just pissed me off that I'm dragged off into these plans without any notification. I'll be ok with it if they told me the night before, these plans they formulate for weeks without letting me know at all.

And then today, only a few hours before we came, my parents let this businessman into my house for just financial business. I don't even know this man at all, and they always get my bedroom with out my consent. And I hate getting secluded to the cot in the living room :( I have no idea when he's going to leave. So my private sanctuary is handed off to some stranger. It's very uncomfortable.

It just aggravates me. :angry:

AWWW Richard I just read about your throes

You get ten thousand :console: and :kiss: from me

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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I'm so stressed out. My parents keep asking me what's wrong, and nothing's wrong so I can't tell them what's because nothing is then I get yelled out for lying to them.

Edited: Rabia, that's terrible. I'd kill my parents for doing that to me. At my dad's he goes in quite often because that's where the turntable is so that doesn't bother me. I just hate how sometimes they snoop. Your room is exactly that- YOURS.

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Awww, thank you Rabia....but a little alcohol induced headache isn't a scratch on having your room rented out to some business guy without you being consented first. That is just foul play by my books. I am sorry you have been confined to the couch for some time.

Have you expressed your views to your parents in a sincere way? You know about the last minute notifications and the renting out of your personal space.

A billion :kiss: for you!! haha!

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No I had not expressed my views to my parents

I never do

I just get dragged along all the time, I mean I feel so void because I just suppress my objections, because I'm just too afraid that it would turn into another tirade, which it often does.

maybe I should change

Thanks Rich

EDIT- thanks Alicia, but it's so common. My room is always the room rented out for such reasons, because I keep it so clean.


that is exactly the reason I was crying. My mom wanted to know what was wrong, I was just stressed, that was it.

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I have to agree with Richard, very foul play. I'd be doing some major complaining, and I'd go into my roomo whenever I felt like it. Even if he's in there, it's your space and you have every right to be in there. I'd feel like they were invading my private space.

Not to put ideas in your head, but you never know if he's going through your stuff.

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I still feel horrified

for that reason, that my room is substituted as the guest room.

I mean, kids come in and there's paper shredded everywhere. Teenagers come in and there's coke bottles everywhere and my underwear drawer is shuffled through, and then my 14 year old cousin comes in and looks for birth control pills :angry:

I'm really surprised at how much I can repress :blink:

I should change -_-

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I'd really give someone a piece of my mind. You should put down set rules for renting out your room. If your parents don't like your rules, write them down on paper and then put the paper on your bed for the "guests" or a desk if you have one.

I'd also check into having somewhere else for your personal stuff. Even just cd's and stuff. I wouldn't trust anyone but me and my dad with my vinyl and music collection.

Can't the guests stay on the couch?

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I should start a civil rebellion, a rebellion in a nice way

Because I just don't have a mean spirit :(



if the rebellion doesn't work out,

that is a great idea, you know. I want to lock all my stuff.

My mom recruits me to the couch, because I'm not a guest. The guests always get the sanctuary.

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I'd be going in that room whenever I wanted to if it's mine. If they're sleeping or changing that one thing, I don't need to see I don't need to see any half naked person.

It's your room, I mean it's your choice how you handle it, but I'd start a major rebellion.

I just got an idea, can you put posters on your walls and stuff?

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Yes...a rebellion it is. Explain that your drawers have been looked through, that things have been moved etc.

Rabia...listen to me (speaking from experience)...if you just bottle all of this sh*t up inside yourself then one day you will explode, and you will do a FULL ON rebellion. It won't be a peaceable one, you will lash out at your parents and probably bolt out of the door.

Its like a pressure cooker. If you didn't let the pressure out of the pan then the pan will explode. Rabia, you will explode if you let all of this stuff build up inside of you. You have got to let your parents know (calmly of course) how you feel about how you are treated....otherwise they will continue to do it innocently thinking that you don't have a problem with it.

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