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school isn't that great [shrugs shoulders]

I've been feeling apathetic lately. [shrugs shoulders]

You alright though, you romanticize about school and the past halcyon days.

Sorry man, I'm really in a disgruntled mood lately

Hell, I am still repressing a lot of things, because I don't need to waste your time.

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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Hey Noora and Rich! I hope your dad's better :( Wehn parents are unhappy, so are you.

You know what cheers me up? Watching Pride and Prejudice clips on Youtube :lol: I'm getting the DVD for my birthday. Or watching Blackadder...

"Is it true that I have here in my mortal hands, a nugget of purest green??"

"It looks like you've sneezed."

"I will save you from death by selling these jewels."

"So you think there's a big market for jewellry that looks like snot then??"


I have a public speaking contest this Sunday! :o

Edited by wendigo
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Hey Dierdre...good to see you here.

Ha, I love Blackadder...it is great British comedy. Brilliant stuff.


Darling: "I've got a cunning plan sir!"

Blackadder: "Is it as cunning as a fox that's just graduated from the university of cunning?" :lol:

Nice to see you too! Are you and your dad better??

:lol: Baldrick rocks.

Blackadder: "Get the door Baldrick."

*Baldrick comes carrying the front door.*

Blackadder: "And what fantastic explanation is there for this?"

Baldrick: "You said to get the door".

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Classic humour...love it. :thumbsup:

We are both a little better thank you for asking.

I think he wants to talk to me in a minute though so I might be disappearing in a minute. B)

How's Wuthering Heights going?

Me too :D

That's good. I have to go now myself - Irish essay due for Friday needs to be done!

Unfortunately my impulsive side has had to leave it for now so I can read Pride and Prejudice :lol: Pathetic, isn't it?? I'll return to WH later. But I'm so busy that I;'ve no time to read anyway. THanks very much for the translation help! :) Say hello to your dad for me. :wave:

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I am ok today thank you, although not much of today has passed. Today is now Thursday for me...precisely 1 hour and 23 minutes into Thursday....so I think the real question you should be asking is:

"How were you yesterday?" B)


I was precisely feeling so much better.

I felt as if I was drifted up into some unexplainable level of ecstasy, after coming home. I felt as if there was nothing to burden me :D

And it's all thanks to one special note

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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Rabia, I want to know! I wanna know! I love notes. Espeacially the kind you don't know your going to get and someone just gives it to you.

Richard, it's evening. I'm alright, been better.

Edited by lzfan715
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