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Thanks Alicia...I hope I feel better too, but I don't think I will for some time. :unsure:

Re-arranging a room is always a pain in the ass. I've done it several times. Did you find a suitable holder for all of your vinyls?

Did I tell you my PC passed away? Yup. My computer died on Thursday...I pronounced it dead at approx 1:23pm. I then extracted whatever could be salvaged and through the carcass outside!! :(

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No, my vinyl is piling up in my room. I want my dad to make something for but it will be while before I get that. Most of them are in a crate but the others are on top of that or piling on the floor. It's a mess.

How are you using the internet now if your computer died?

I have to go now, but I'll be back later to talk.

I hate not ever having time to talk.

Edited by lzfan715
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How are you using the internet now if your computer died?

Well for weeks.....even months I have been using the laptop for the wireless internet (the joys of technology). My computer was suffering a slow and agonising death. I need a new one, but I have been using the laptop for quite some time now.

Don't worry about going. I was coming back here to tell you I was going to bed now...I am not too good as you know. I'll talk to you later on.

Good night. :kiss:


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Oh okay, bye :wave:

Yeah, they probably don't have those tings out there? do they?

I think they do but I can't find anywhere. I just don't know where to look. Maybe in some music shops but there aren't too many in Oulu. Maybe in Helsinki

And Rich, I love your sig :D

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It's been a public holiday here today for Australia Day, so I too have attempted to rearrange my room. Although nothing has changed :lol: . It didn't work very well because I need someone to help me and I have to go to the shop and buy some poster hangers and stuff. My small vinyl collection is building up in a plastic bag behind the door :( .

Hey GG. Great to have you here with us!!!

Yeah my vinyl collection used to be behind the door. Now some of it is in the chill out room with the record player and the rest is displayed round my room...including my rare Zeppelin stuff. :yay:

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Hey guys! How is it that all school tests seem to hit you at the same time? I have twon this week and Maths test next Thursday...yikes!

Richard, I really hope you get better soon. I'll send my magical powers to Leeds for you :D

And RIP Richard's computer :(

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Richard, Richard, Richard. Tut tut.

Treasure my school years, like that will ever happen. I hate school. It sucks.

That's all I will say on that subject. I was in an extremely good mood then someone had to say the "s" word.

How is everybody?

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Rabia is either a Junior or a Sophmore. So she has 1 or 2 years left it just depends. I will tell you how it works later here in a America. It's pretty simple you have to go to school for 12 years.

Right now I have to go and shower so I don't smell later, then I will go to bed.

Gibson if I forget to tell you, send me a pm or something and I will explain it.

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Richard, Richard, Richard. Tut tut.

Treasure my school years, like that will ever happen. I hate school. It sucks.

That's all I will say on that subject. I was in an extremely good mood then someone had to say the "s" word.

How is everybody?

Not to sound like an old goat, but Richard's right. I never liked school a day in my life. From nursery school all the way through college. But looking back, I never had so much fun either, especially high school. You may hate it now, but you'll be singing a different tune in a few years.

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