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ROCK ON fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics!


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I dont get the chance to post here often but I do read it occasionally so I'm glad I can do both today if only because of this thread having been started. I have often wondered "What's with the constant use of ROCK ONs' by ZFF? He seems like more than a nice guy from his posts, but whats with the ROCK ONs'? Does he manually type it every time he posts or is there a special ROCK ON button one pushes thats not on my keyboard?"

If I ever got aggravated or at the very least befuddled by those words before, worry no longer ZFF. By you starting this thread you have cracked me up more than you could know & for that I would never want you to hold back from wishing others to ROCK ON as it were. So ZFF please ROCK ON forever

:lol: Best laugh I've had all morning! I couldn't have said it better myself. I've always found ZFF to be a pretty cool guy in my board experiences on here. I do find the posting style to be a bit out of the norm... but hey - like someone else stated... whatever floats your boat! B)

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Hi ZeppFanForever,

I LOVE your salutations. And "Rock On" is your sgnature sign off.

Don't ever change. smile.gif I love it!

I love your posts, keep them coming. They are so entertaining. We all can live viacriously through your posts of your exploits, LOL. You have so much fun and are always so positive and upbeat. You are a very happy person, and I love talking to you.

And, as I always sign off to you out of respect to you:

Rock On!

(And I know that you will!)

Edited by BUCK'EYE' DOC
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Hi "Hotplant!" How are you doing? I hope all is well with you. :hysterical: Thank you for your support, I really do appreciate it. Maybe I should use "Kind Regards, H-E-R-E-S Johnny!" Ha Ha! Take care and ROCK ON "Hotplant!"

Hi ZeppFanForever,

You even think about using "Regards" "Kind Regards" or "Very Kind Regards" and me and you are gonna fall out real quick matey, OK? you got that? :angry:

Now as for you using "H-E-R-E-S Johnny" thats OK with me, but you might want to run it past the "Big Man's Son" First.

This is Jack's,and he's OK with what you are proposing.


This is you, well the best i could do under the circumstances.


And this is the "Big Man's Son", so say your prayers and live in hope coz "H-E-R-E-S Jesus"


Very Very Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Bet you didn't see that one coming "Hot Plant" :lol:

Edited by BIGDAN
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Since I'm really a nobody here, my opinion may not mean much. But in reading, your posting style isn't so annoying but the quoting of entire posts, especially if it's been previously done in the thread by you or other posters IS annoying. And that goes for anyone in any thread.

I DO get a laugh out of your "how's it going?" And ROCK ON!!!


Hi 'dogtired'

"You're Nobody Untill Somebody Loves You" so i loves ya buddy, now you're Somebody, feels good dont it? ;)

Nice post, you could also cut and paste it in the "Pet Peeves" thread, just a thought. :D

Regards, Danny

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I think the one who complained has been banned, anyways, so it's okay. I for one, like the friendly tone.

The one thing I will say is... sometimes it ends up the bulk of your post... like, you'll have a paragraph of "how are you" and then your statement on the thread will be... um... miniscule...

But, that's just me. In the end, I kinda like it, so keep doin' it, my man. While I'm sitting here in the darkest corner sweating, cursing God that marijuana isn't legal yet, and going on about how much I hate humanity, someone's gotta balance that out, and you do a hell of a job. So keep on keepin' on, ZFF!


Hi Nathan,

Not yet i aint. ;)

Regards, Danny

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Kind Regards,

(The True Non Limey) Danny

Oi Oi, looky ere me hearties, i've been "Plagiarized", i want to complain to the management but i aint no Grass, could someone do it for me please? :D

In the Mean Time (Greenwich, get it?)

Regards, Danny the True Limey

Edited by BIGDAN
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I don't find it annoying. I have seen stuff Jimmy sign off on with "Rock on" and I think it's in "Honey Don't", Ringo says, "George, rock on for Ringo!" in it. And the character Rocky in the show As Time Goes By, says it all the time.

Edited by aen27
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Hi "ZeppFanForever". B)

I've been without electricity for the past 24 hours, so I'm a little late in responding to this thread.

I have no problems with your posting style. Keep it up.

The things some people on here will complain about, it boggles my mind. :rolleyes::blink:

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I just think you're friendly and upbeat.

People really need to get a life if they are "offended" by this or even took the time to PM you about this.

Just keep doing what you're doing...and of course, ROCK ON! :D

Kindest regards,

Barb (not Danny) Hee Hee!

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I wish I could reply to you with a big "ROCK ON!", ZFF - but it looks like I've been chastised for making fun at you "like a child would do". Guess the only thing I can tell someone who comes here on a daily basis to cry over being dumped is "BITCH ON!".

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Here, I'll quote you and address this.

Quoting is fine and relevant when you actually use the quote in your own response. And you DO use it sometimes but not always. Don't change for anyone though, if you feel you want to change your style in any way do it because YOU want to. You can also quote a post then edit out stuff you're not going to directly respond to and your post will be more relevant to what you've quoted.

And yes, I AM fine thanks! I just got home from bodysurfing a new sandbar that's formed on the northshore of Oahu in Hawaii after the past few early swells we've had that's shifted the sand around. The waves have been excellent and I LOVE to get POUNDED!! :lol:

It ain't been a Long Time Since I've Rock and Rolled! B)

Sorry "dogtired," I called you "Nathan." It was around this time that the database freaked out and the computer was moving real slow. When I tried to log back on, I couldn't get back on. Anyway, I deeply apologize. Have a great day and ROCK ON "dogtired!"

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I dont get the chance to post here often but I do read it occasionally so I'm glad I can do both today if only because of this thread having been started. I have often wondered "What's with the constant use of ROCK ONs' by ZFF? He seems like more than a nice guy from his posts, but whats with the ROCK ONs'? Does he manually type it every time he posts or is there a special ROCK ON button one pushes thats not on my keyboard?"

If I ever got aggravated or at the very least befuddled by those words before, worry no longer ZFF. By you starting this thread you have cracked me up more than you could know & for that I would never want you to hold back from wishing others to ROCK ON as it were. So ZFF please ROCK ON forever, or if you'll indulge me, RAK OUT WITH YER KAK OUT.

Kind Regards,

(The True Non Limey) Danny

What's happening "kakdaddy?" I hope all is well with you. Thank you for your honesty, I really do appreciate it. I like your RAK OUT WITH YER KAK OUT trademark signature, it has some spunk in it. Please continue using it, that's what you'll be known for here on the forum. In the mean time, take care and ROCK ON "kakdaddy!"

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No worries here

Hi "Virginia!" How are you doing? Well thats good "Virginia!" Worrying you would be the last thing that I would ever want to do to you or anybody else here on the forum for that matter. Thank you for your comment, I really do appreciate it. Take care and ROCK ON "Virginia!"

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Welcome to virtual chinese water torture.

How it goes "SteveAJones?" I hope life's treating you well. I wouldn't miss the Chinese water torture or the Chinese Torture cell for the world! Ha Ha! If you are THE SORCERER'S APPENTICE, then I am THE SORCERER, the late great Harry Houdini, THE GREATEST ESCAPE ARTIST OF THEM ALL! Ha Ha Ha Ha! Thank you for your comment, take care and ROCK ON my friend!

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Hi ZeppFanForever,

You even think about using "Regards" "Kind Regards" or "Very Kind Regards" and me and you are gonna fall out real quick matey, OK? you got that? :angry:

Now as for you using "H-E-R-E-S Johnny" thats OK with me, but you might want to run it past the "Big Man's Son" First.

This is Jack's,and he's OK with what you are proposing.


This is you, well the best i could do under the circumstances.


And this is the "Big Man's Son", say your prayers and live in hope coz "H-E-R-E-S Jesus"


Very Very Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Bet you didn't see that one coming "Hot Plant" :lol:

Hi Danny, you are too damn funny :) I could be wrong, but i have a feeling, it's you Danny, who is wrong (i hope ZFF backs me up on this one). I believe this is the real "Johnny":


ZFF is too nice to ever be compared to "Jack".

As for the issue at hand, i think you should change the ROCK ON to another famous quote from a rocker i dug in the 80's, Billy Squier's song ROCK ME TONIGHT would be a nice change. Well just my two cents, and i don't think you need them anyway icon4.gif

the only repetition on this board that did irk me... and i did a great job of not saying so most of the time, was this (anybody remember): "this" and "that", lol. Who was that, the First Led Zep i believe (boy i miss him).

ZFF, you didn't really need a thread for more board attention did you? :)

Have a great day, and keep offending! Your friend, Bobbie

p.s. it's great to see the two Dan's in one thread again! miss ya, kakdaddy

Edited by ~tangerine~
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Hows it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics! I hope all is well with all of you. Ok, lets stop beating around the bush! I realize that there are some of you out there that resent me using "How's it going" and "ROCK ON" repeatedly. If any of you resent me using these phrases, now is the time to speak your mind. But let me warn you, I can fight back! In the mean time, take care and ROCK ON fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics!

I don't resent you, nor am I offended but I do find the redundancy of your posts extremely annoying. Perhaps even worse is your habit of replying to every single post made in a thread (and not just this one).

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No problems here ZFF. Your posts are enjoyable to read and never offensive. It’s a refreshing change to read a post that doesn't contain snide and petty remarks just for the sake of it. ROCK ON.

How's it going "whyalla?" I hope that life is treating you well! Thank you for your kind words "whyalla," I really try to be an example for everyone here on the forum. Why? Because I would like to show that positive comments can make a difference. I like to be positive and encouraging.

This is not aimed towards you at all "whyalla," its bad enough what we all have to deal with what's outside in the real world, why should I have to do a thread over something petty like this? I felt that I had to since there are people here on the forum that are against what I am doing. Many of you do not know what I do for a living, believe me, this thread is petty shit compared to what I have to do for my career on a daily basis.

Sorry "whyalla," I got a little carried away! Thank you for understanding and for your comment. Take care and ROCK ON my friend!

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