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Glenn Beck


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I remember a couple years ago when he had Keith Ellison on his show and he asked him point-blank if he was a terrorist, simply because he's Muslim. I thought that was despicable. My second favorite Glenn Beck-ism came when he said Obama was racist and hated "white culture" and when pressed by Katie Couric what "white culture" was, he couldn't answer. This is the same Katie Couric who tripped up the mental midget that is Sarah Palin with a question like "What newspapers do you read?".

All Glenn Beck is good for is a laugh. My dad doesn't even watch him.

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He was hated more by republicans than any group about 2 or 3 years ago. Now he's hated more by democrats. Actually he's a lot more optimistic than people make him out to be, but I still can't stand him that much. He was right in going after Van Jones and Acorn. I think he spreads much less fear than say Hannity or Limbaugh do. And he spreads much less fear than Pelosi, Obama, Reid and other democrats in office right now.

Edited by NickZepp
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I wonder how many of the people who have commented about what a racist/fearmonger/hatemonger/liar/etc Glenn Beck is have listened to or watched him for any extended period of time? A week? A few days?

Or, as I suspect, are your opinions and comments based on short YouTube videos or sound bites?

I listen to him every day because he's on the internet stream I listen to.

And seriously, I'm not here to take on all comers in this discussion, I'm simply curious how many of those who have a relatively strong negative opinion of him actually listen to him, or just what's said about him.

I remember similar remarks and opinions about Bill O'Reilly, yet in truth he's actually annoying to strong right-wingers because of the effort he makes to "be fair" in his reportage. He's a lot fairer than many people give him credit for, hence his massive success. Despite liberal/Democratic cries otherwise, this country remains a majority slightly right of center, which is where O'Reilly has built his foundation. He's not the far-right crackpot he's portrayed as by those who loathe him - he's just slightly but firmly right of center.

And most of the people who dismissed O'Reilly never really gave him more than a cursory listen.

And I suspect it is probably similar in the case of Glenn Beck.

I do find it interesting how he's receiving so much heat most recently directly after being right in the middle of breaking the BigGovernment.com exposure of the ACORN scandal.

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Is anyone else tired of this hate monger spreading lies throughout the media?

No and not that I watch his show. But he is free to make his opinions known. And I hear that his show get pretty high ratings too.

But why do you care? I would guess that your TV like all TV's has the ability to change channels doesn't it? So why don't you watch Keith Orberman or one of the other "commentators" because I'm sure their shows are always fair and balanced, and stick strictly to just reporting the news, right?

Or maybe you could just become a member of Obama's church and you could fill your mind with all the "truths" being spewed out of Reverend Wrights mouth, right?

The thing about liberals is that they are babies. So wrapped up in emotional responses and feelings that as soon as somebody says someting that their minds cannot wrap around, they start crying for mommy.

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The reason Beck is focused on so heavily by the Left is because he has such an influence... an incredibly negative, possibly violence-inducing influence. Glenn Beck, IMO, is mentally unstable. He is a moron, a freak, and a weirdo, and I will not besurprised if some mis-guided dumb-ass attempts to assassinate the President and, in his trial, it comes out that he was a religious follower of Glenn Beck. Let's be clear... he is one of the originators of much of the Nazi comparisons and other such idiocy. He is also a walking contradiction:

When he worked for CNN, he went through a hell of a year, specifically with Health Care, and boy were his remarks telling... he literally told his viewers from the back of an emergency vehicle that America's Health Care system has treated him like shit and it sucks. Then, suddenly, he goes on Fox and "America has the greatest Health Care System in the world." He is a shameless corporate cock-sucker.

And the problem with him is the influence he wields. He will inspire someone in this country at some point in the next 4 to 8 years to a horrible act of violence, and I'll bet my life on that.

And if you deny that, then you deny the undeniable influence television has on the public. People create and get their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs via communication. Communication is considered to be by all experts the number 1 way to push propaganda. Christianity spread like wild fire after the creation of the printing press. And TV changed the course of history and communication like never before. JFK didn't win that election because he was a better debater. Anyone will tell you that if you listened to the radio, Nixon won that debate (let's ignore Watergate). JFK won by how he looked on TV.

TV has revolutionized communication, and the internet even moreso. So don't underestimate the influence television has on people. Don't ever do that, because it is the biggest mistake you will ever make. Glenn Beck wields a mighty influence because he is on TV, and on a channel with very high ratings. He wields an influence, and considering his rather obvious mental instability and the fact that his words have already inspired some vocally violent retorts, this is a very, very bad thing. I can only hope that Fox will bow to the pressure of the constant stream of advertisers pulling out of his show and finally cut him.

And if you need any further evidence of the negative influence he wields, even the conservatives in our Government are telling people to stop listening to Glenn Beck. Even the republicans are afraid of his influence. The very members of Government that Glenn supports are afraid of him. That's telling, quite frankly.


And yes, I've watched his show... numerous times. I first heard Glenn when he was on the radio station 750 WSB here in Atlanta, GA. He was also somewhat normal, then, but I listened to him as he became more and more extreme, more and more creepy, more and mentally unstable. Only since Obama has become president have I been unable to stomach anymore of his shit. Only recently have I turned him off, being too afraid to hear what would come out of his mouth next.

He scares me.

Edited by Nathan
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I've read this post before - deja vu...


And yes, I've watched his show... numerous times. I first heard Glenn when he was on the radio station 750 WSB here in Atlanta, GA. He was also somewhat normal, then, but I listened to him as he became more and more extreme, more and more creepy, more and mentally unstable. Only since Obama has become president have I been unable to stomach anymore of his shit. Only recently have I turned him off, being too afraid to hear what would come out of his mouth next.

He scares me.

I don't see how you leave your home each day if you're that easily scared.

I hear Glenn Beck daily, and I haven't heard anything suggesting, condoning, alluding to, or even joking about violence towards the President.

If Glenn Beck scares you that much, I'd advise you not to tune into Mark Levin.



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No and not that I watch his show. But he is free to make his opinions known. And I hear that his show get pretty high ratings too.

But why do you care? I would guess that your TV like all TV's has the ability to change channels doesn't it? So why don't you watch Keith Orberman or one of the other "commentators" because I'm sure their shows are always fair and balanced, and stick strictly to just reporting the news, right?

Or maybe you could just become a member of Obama's church and you could fill your mind with all the "truths" being spewed out of Reverend Wrights mouth, right?

The thing about liberals is that they are babies. So wrapped up in emotional responses and feelings that as soon as somebody says someting that their minds cannot wrap around, they start crying for mommy.

I've seen/heard enough of Glenn Beck to know he is a complete douche. Same goes for Keith Olbermann, Hannity, and Rachel Maddow. Hypocritical in telling someone to change the channel if they disagree with what's on, and then posting in a thread you disagree with even though you could have avoided it. Not everyone who disagrees with this guy is automatically a liberal.

Overall Glenn Beck comes off as pretty fucking crazy.

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I don't see how you leave your home each day if you're that easily scared.

Ihear Glenn Beck daily, and I haven't heard anything suggesting,condoning, alluding to, or even joking about violence towards thePresident.

If Glenn Beck scares you that much, I'd advise you not to tune into Mark Levin.



At least he doesn't like Glenn Beck... :P

No, I know Mark, and he bothers me, too.

The reason Glenn scares me is because he reaches out to more people, because he's a fuckin' idiot, he's a corporate cock-sucker, he's a liar, a douche-bag, a hypocrite... need I go on?

-Glenn Beck Loses his Mind; Screams at Caller

-Jon Stewart's Analysis of Beck's interesting 180 on Health Care

-Glenn Beck on Marijuana (dumbass)

-"I Was a Dirtbag and a Liar, but I'm not now!" (I'd say you still are, Glenn, but that'd be an insult to dirtbags and liars)

-"Crime is Caused by the Absence of Faith in God"

-Obama Creating A Nazi/Saddam Hussein Army

-"I see Communist Symbols."

-Obama doesn't hate white people! No! Glenn didn't say that! He just that Obama is a racist! Totally different...

-Aww... wittle Glenny's hurt by wittle old words...

Some call this his scariest meltdown yet

-Does Glenn actually agree with the idea that America needs another Al Queda attack to save America? To be honest, I would not say "yes" based on this clip alone, but the case can be easily made... couldn't he have told the guy to "fuck off"? He really should've called the guy out on it. I think even Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity... fuck, even Rush Limbaugh would have told the guy to fuck off. But not Glenn. He just nods...

-Glenn Beck wants the pesticicde "DDT" back! You know, because breast cancer isn't a bad enough reason to ban it... I'm not saying Glenn Beck is sexist, I'm just saying he has a deep-seated hatred for women's breasts...

Well, I can't really knock him for being emotional, but I can knock him for being fake.

And here is just one example of the kind of influence Beck has on people:

Conservatives are afraid of this man. Conservatives are afraid of the influence Glenn Beck has on the country. Do you understand that? it's not just Liberals. The very people Glenn claims to support are afraid of him.

He is dangerous, and he needs to be taken off the TV and the Radio. And for a truly hilarious turn, it needs to be the Free Market that gets rid of him. Let's see how happy he is when he loses all of his sponsors:

Host Loses Some Sponsors After an Obama Remark

Glenn Beck keeps losing sponsors, but has it changed him?

Glenn Beck losing advertising dollars

Fox's "Glenn Beck" losing sponsors over Racist comment

Report: Glenn Beck Losing TV Sponsors Over Rant

Glenn Beck losing advertising dollars (See Who's Cancelling Sponsorship)

Can I show any more?

Yes, I can...

Yes, the perfect montage to show why Glenn Beck is dangerous... even Bill O'Reilly thinks Glenn is crazy!

-Glenn beck Becomes Damaged Goods A brilliant article, in my opinion... though rather long.

Edited by Nathan
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Conservatives are afraid of this man. Conservatives are afraid of the influence Glenn Beck has on the country. Do you understand that? it's not just Liberals. The very people Glenn claims to support are afraid of him.

He was always hated by the conservatives first because they aren't really conservative and he went after them. The liberals really didn't care before Obama/Dems taking over because they went after the very liberal "conservatives" also. Now people are waking up to the fact that there is no difference between the democrats and republicans now and there is no such thing as a conservative in politics anymore.

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He was always hated by the conservatives first because they aren't really conservative and he went after them. The liberals really didn't care before Obama/Dems taking over because they went after the very liberal "conservatives" also. Now people are waking up to the fact that there is no difference between the democrats and republicans now and there is no such thing as a conservative in politics anymore.

Dude, you need to go take a look at the rest of the world.

I have recently discovered that the USA doesn't know what Liberal politics is.

I met a guy from Sweden a couple days ago (he had not moved here, he was visiting some friends or something). I asked what he thought of American polticis and his exact response to me was:

"I find it hilarious that people here are afraid of 'liberals'."

I asked what he meant and he essentially told me that only in America are Democrats considered Liberals. Turns out America, apparently, is a very Conservative country. Even the Democrats are rather conservative.

There's a forum I belong to where most of the people are not American. They think Obama is a right-leaning Moderate. They think I'm a conservative, and I voted for Obama (though I'm coming to regret it now). They even consider the Clinton's to be Conservative.

We've had Conservative politics from the very beginning. Every now and then it just gets a little more moderate, but then goes back to being Conservative. So don't worry... I wouldn't be surprised if the spineless, ball-less, dickless, yellow, lily-livered cowards that are the Democrats are voted entirely out in 2012 for another Republican Executive and Legislative government (because the people in this country will never fucking learn).

Edited by Nathan
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No and not that I watch his show. But he is free to make his opinions known. And I hear that his show get pretty high ratings too.

But why do you care? I would guess that your TV like all TV's has the ability to change channels doesn't it? So why don't you watch Keith Orberman or one of the other "commentators" because I'm sure their shows are always fair and balanced, and stick strictly to just reporting the news, right?

Or maybe you could just become a member of Obama's church and you could fill your mind with all the "truths" being spewed out of Reverend Wrights mouth, right?

The thing about liberals is that they are babies. So wrapped up in emotional responses and feelings that as soon as somebody says someting that their minds cannot wrap around, they start crying for mommy.

I actually don't really care for Keith Olberman or Rachel Maddow (they are a little too biased). I prefer Chris Matthews. But at least Olbermann and Maddow aren't spewing hate and lies. So I guess you probably didn't see that coming.

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I've seen/heard enough of Glenn Beck to know he is a complete douche. Same goes for Keith Olbermann, Hannity, and Rachel Maddow. Hypocritical in telling someone to change the channel if they disagree with what's on, and then posting in a thread you disagree with even though you could have avoided it. Not everyone who disagrees with this guy is automatically a liberal.

Overall Glenn Beck comes off as pretty fucking crazy.

How do you figure it's hypocritical to submit a post in a thread that the author was looking for feedback on? I'm not upset by what was posted about Glen Beck... I just don't care what Beck has to say in his "opinion" show.

I'm just facinated that someone would feel so compelled to be worried about Beck's free speech when there are so many dumbasses on the left saying so many ridiculous things daily that the poster does not feel compelled to comment on. The left is always so traumatized by the opinions of Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity and now Beck to the point that they will toss out the "race card" in a futile attempt to discredit them rather than to debate the merit of their positions. It's the act of BABIES is what it is. Whiney babies.

I actually don't really care for Keith Olberman or Rachel Maddow (they are a little too biased). I prefer Chris Matthews. But at least Olbermann and Maddow aren't spewing hate and lies. So I guess you probably didn't see that coming.

I think the fact that you "prefer" Chris Mathews is very telling my friend. Mathews is about as biased as they come. In fact, his coverage of the Republican convention along with pal Olberman was so biased and juvenille that even veteran NBC news anchor Tom Brokaw scolded them for their over the top biased coverage, which eventually led to Mathews and Olberman being limited only to "commentary" roles and not news coverage. Brokaw and others said they had "gone too far" and were not being fair. The whole thing ended up being a big embarrasment to NBC News and probably why they(MSNBC) have continually trailed in the ratings behind FOX and CNN.

But I don't watch Beck or even Hannity and O'Reilly. I just don't really like that type of news "entertainment/opinion" show. I will sometimes tune into O'Reilly just to see some of the hot blond women on his panels, but I don't listen to him. Hannity was much better when his show was balanced with liberal Alan Colms as a co-host; Hannity is just too into juvenille talking points now for my taste. I will on a daily basis watch Fox News's 'Special Report' for the news and discussion. But again, the panel is always made up with conservatives, moderates and liberals. I also like the financial reporting with Neil Cavuto, he is very bright and always give his guests a chance to speak. Sometimes I will tune into Lou Dobbs on CNN. But not often and probably for only a few minutes as he tends to get on my nerves as well.

So as far as "not seening that coming" what do you say to that.... Mr. Liberal?

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