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Hey ZeppFan,

I prefer the first few (period) Dracula films with Christopher Lee. I love all those gothic sets, country scenery.......and glamorous women with heaving bosoms and red lips. :D

I'm sick of all these modern 'vampire' flicks and t.v series where the gal falls in love with the heart throb vampire (er who doesn't even go around killing people) and meets him down the local bar or takes him home to meet the folks (*cough* Twilight, *cough* Moonlight, *cough* True Blood etc etc).

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Hey ZeppFan,

I prefer the first few (period) Dracula films with Christopher Lee. I love all those gothic sets, country scenery.......and glamorous women with heaving bosoms and red lips. :D

I'm sick of all these modern 'vampire' flicks and t.v series where the gal falls in love with the heart throb vampire (er who doesn't even go around killing people) and meets him down the local bar or takes him home to meet the folks (*cough* Twilight, *cough* Moonlight, *cough* True Blood etc etc).

I'm surprised that Hollywood hasn't made a new updated Dracula movie where Dracula catches Aids from biting the wrong female victim! ROCK ON FOREVER my friend!

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:hysterical: As always ZFF has something witty to add...

Thinking about going to the "VooDoo Fest" for the first time this year, KISS is head lining Halloween Night and the original members of Janes Addiction and thought I might catch "Jahfins'" Drive by Truckers to see what they are about.

Never been a big Kiss fan but what the hell the pyro should be great, I like things that blow up and go boom and bang!biggrin.gif

New Orleans is the place to be on Halloween!witch.gif


My boyfriend is going to see KISS this weekend & think he's pretty excited :) I'm sure it's gonna be great

I've just recently learned that most of my friends are going to be 3 states away Halloween weekend, so that kinda sucks. There's still going to be a few hanging around though and I'm going to a party so it'll be cool.

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I was considering going all out and dressing up like Page, ala stormtrooper 77..but the boots are 300 bucks and I couldn't locate a proper Lauftwaffe cap so I opted out..

Not to mention, I could run into a few Jews out and about who might not take kindly to my pseudo-Nazi with a Zeppelin t-shirt on.

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I have to go to some CD release party in the NYC, before heading down to the Halloween Parade.

I'm an Obama fan and I thought the Obama/Osama crap was hilariously ridiculous so my costume plan was to buy an Obama mask and a long beard, put the beard over the mask and wear a turban and walk around like that. I'd probably get stoned in less than .5 seconds in NYC, though.

I think I'll just stick with wearing a wig of some sort.

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This is a warm-up for tomorrow night.

I try not to get too bloody/messy at work.

But tomorrow night it's ON. lulz.

mmmmm, brains...


left side...


right side...


the phrase "only a mother could love" comes to mind... lulz


I actually chopped a photo of brains and then printed it out on vinyl adhesive.

Shaved muh head clean, stuck them on and finished out with blood scab (real gooey blood stuff in a tube) and then regular fake blood for the drips.

As far as doing something different, I do the head wound every year, just with variations.

One year I had a fork sticking out muh head, last year I added ridged rubber scar skin to look more like a cracked skull.

So this year I decided to open up the wound and show some brains, lulz.

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007-1.jpg This year I'm going to be a pirate. This was from the office party today, I'm the one in the hat. Tomorrow night I will be heading out to the pub with one of my good friends. My niece volunteered to take my son trick or treating because she wants an excuse to go.
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Happy Halloween everybody :wave: ! I'll be going out as Axl Rose this year :) !!

Haha that would be a fun one. How did that go?

Wow!! Great, TypeO

I went as Stevie Nicks, my Mom was the ghost of Alice Cooper "But Alice isn't dead, get it?" And my crazy cousin was Tina Turner. Ohhh what a night..... :)

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Did anyone in the U.K. celebrate Guy Fawkes Night on November 5th?

My sons said that they saw a few people on the Ohio State campus wearing Guy Fawkes masks on Thursday, and that they always watch V for Vendetta to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night.

Edited by BUCK'EYE' DOC
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Did anyone in the U.K. celebrate Guy Fawkes Night on November 5th?

My sons said that they saw a few people on the Ohio State campus wearing Guy Fawkes masks on Thursday, and that they always watch V for Vendetta to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night.

Bonfire Night (as it's more commonly known as) always lasts for days. So, if you don't celebrate it on the 5th of November, you'll usually have about a week around where I live. They always start about a few days beforehand and last a few days afterwords. Pretty much everyone celebrates it. And if you don't go to a Bonfire party or buy fireworks, you pretty much see them anyway. It's the worst time of year for pets.

I remember as a kid they used to place Guy Fawkes effigies on the bonfires at the back of my local Catholic church. And when my parents were young they used to make the dolls themselves and go door to door asking, 'Penny for the Guy?' and then spend the money on sweets. So wish I could get away with that now.

I don't think you'd find many wearing Guy Fawkes masks. I've never heard of that before.

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Bonfire Night (as it's more commonly known as) always lasts for days. So, if you don't celebrate it on the 5th of November, you'll usually have about a week around where I live. They always start about a few days beforehand and last a few days afterwords. Pretty much everyone celebrates it. And if you don't go to a Bonfire party or buy fireworks, you pretty much see them anyway. It's the worst time of year for pets.

I remember as a kid they used to place Guy Fawkes effigies on the bonfires at the back of my local Catholic church. And when my parents were young they used to make the dolls themselves and go door to door asking, 'Penny for the Guy?' and then spend the money on sweets. So wish I could get away with that now.

I don't think you'd find many wearing Guy Fawkes masks. I've never heard of that before.


I guess the masks come from the movie. Here is a copy of one:


And here is a link for the movie:


I guess that the movie plot is similar to the Guy Fawkes gunpowder plot. I have not seen the movie, only know what my sons have told me about it.

It seems like the asking for pennies is somewhat like our Trick or Treating at Halloween! smile.gif

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I guess the masks come from the movie. Here is a copy of one:


And here is a link for the movie:


It seems like the asking for pennies is somewhat like our Trick or Treating at Halloween! smile.gif

Thanks for that, Buck Eye. I've seen the mask from the film, but never as a mask that you can wear. In the UK the main emphasis on bonfire night is on the bonfires and fireworks rather than the actual history behind it, so I don't think the mask would be popular at all. It's a shame really, 'cause I used to love learning about it in school when I was younger. We even have a nursery rhyme, but it's not used much nowadays.

Remember, remember the Fifth of November,

The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,

I know of no reason

Why the Gunpowder Treason

Should ever be forgot.

It's actually longer, and erring on the side of gory, but, you get the point. We still burn him.

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  • 10 months later...

Our dog is scared to death of the doorbell, so we're not passing candy out this year. Yay. I'll end up putting a sign on our door saying that we're not passing candy out this year and hope they are old enough to read and move on to the next house.

Your no fun! Disconnect the door bell and go get some candy!:o

Ooops. I forgot. You hate my guts so you wont answer me directly. Only indirectly. But when I dig up a thread from the dusty archives you put your two cents in and cant even respond. Typical Liz. Gee Liz, what is it I did to you? Hmmm. Dont quite remember. Happy Halloween with the lights out, no pumpkin burning and no candy for the poor little kiddies. "mommy, why is that house dark with no pumpkin?" "Dont worry sweetie, some people are just grumps". ha.

Edited by silvermedalist
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Time to let all the cobwebs collect in the corners of my front porch. :)

We bring the dog in the house as she barks at anyone who makes noise while walking along the sidewalks as we live on a corner. And there is the random firecracker set off and those scare her to death. If she is inside with the family she is ok, but outside on her own she will literaly tear up the door jam to get inside.

I always wait til the day of Holloween to buy candy, when the cost is reduced for clearance. If I buy it any earlier, the hubby will eat it up, especially the chocolate.

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Okay this might be lame. For the past few years, I always dress up as Dorothy. I don't think people understand how big of an Oz fan I am. I have custom made ruby slippers for goodness sake's! Anyways, I probably won't dress up this year b/c of my job. You really can't dress up. But here is a picture of last Halloween. My friend was Princess Fiona. It might sound "kid-ish" but I work in a conv.store and the little kids just loved us and I think that's what matters and makes me want to dress up. :)


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Okay this might be lame. For the past few years, I always dress up as Dorothy. I don't think people understand how big of an Oz fan I am. I have custom made ruby slippers for goodness sake's! Anyways, I probably won't dress up this year b/c of my job. You really can't dress up. But here is a picture of last Halloween. My friend was Princess Fiona. It might sound "kid-ish" but I work in a conv.store and the little kids just loved us and I think that's what matters and makes me want to dress up. :)


Thats a great ideal Love the ruby slippers. If only they were reall rubies! I have a cat so dont have to worry about those issues. Just having enough candy. We are getting a pumpkin this weekend. We have alot of country around and country stores and farms.

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