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Obama awarded Nobel Peace prize


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Yes, it's because he got us out of Iraq!

Uh, no. Not yet.

He won the war in Afghanistan!


He closed Guantanamo Bay!

Not yet.

I know, I know...

The Beer Summit!

Yes, Congrats Obama!!

YEAH, lets give Obama the Nobel Peace Prize for The Beer Summit, now we all know what our Government's priorities are. ROCK ON FOREVER!

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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All I can say is what a disgraceful performance by the Nobel Peace Prize committee!!!

The peace prize has lost any sense of credibility and respectibility.

The reward has become a political pawn, espousing biased politics, instead of rewarding induviduals or entities who have truly promoted and propogated peace by their actions and sacrifices. The committee has passed over the rewarding of true heros who did indeed perform acts and feats to promote peace, and in turn, rewarded one who has done absolutely nothing, one who has only just fooled people (suckers) by his eloquent speeches into believing that he has actually done something. What an insult and slap in the face to those who actually deserve the reward.

Let the worshiping and idolizing of the savior of the world continue.

Keep on feeding his ego.

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The Nobel Peace prize has become completely political, which is a disgrace.

Story here.



WASHINGTON -- President Obama said Friday he was "most surprised and deeply humbled" to win the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, adding that he accepts the honor as "a call to action to confront the common challenges of the 21st century."

In a brief statement in the White House Rose Garden on Friday, the president said he does not "view it as a recognition of my own accomplishments," but rather as a recognition of goals he has set for the United States and the world.

"I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many transformative figures that have been honored by this prize," he said.

Obama will go to Oslo in December to accept the honor, which includes a $1.4 million award, the White House said.

Obama will donate the entire amount to charity, a spokesman said.

So, he really meant, thank you for the award, but you really shouldn't have, which was the intelligent and gracious way to respond. I am glad that he will give the proceeds to charity.

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From Reuters...


So now the Nobel Peace prize is given BEFORE anything is accomplished, on the basis of potential, or promise, instead of results and accomplishments.

It's like receiving the award on credit - "OK, remember, you now owe us some results."

I'm sure it will have no effect whatsoever on his decisions in Afghanistan, and on Iran.

He should weigh what is most mutually beneficial between the United States and those countries, and the overall impact of our foreign policy, not only on what the Nobel committee thinks, but I suspect that he knows that.


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President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday in a stunning decision designed to encourage his initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism.

Aagot Valle, a lawmaker for the Socialist Left party who joined the Nobel committee this year, said she hoped the selection would be viewed as "support and a commitment for Obama."

"And I hope it will be an inspiration for all those that work with nuclear disarmament and disarmament," she told AP in a rare interview. Members of the committee usually speak only through its chairman.

The peace prize was created partly to encourage ongoing peace efforts, but Obama's efforts are at far earlier stages than those of past winners, and the committee acknowledged they may not bear fruit at all.

The award appeared to be at least partly a slap at Bush from a committee that harshly criticized Obama's predecessor for his largely unilateral military action in the wake of the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

"Those who were in support of Bush in his belief in war solving problems, on rearmament, and that nuclear weapons play an important role ... probably won't be happy," said Valle.

Unlike the other Nobel Prizes, which are awarded by Swedish institutions, the peace prize is given out by the five-member committee elected by the Norwegian Parliament. Like the Parliament, the panel has a leftist slant, with three members elected by left-of-center parties and two right-of-center members. Jagland said the decision to honor Obama was unanimous.

He's being played as the worst kind of fool.

He's the consummate useful idiot - perfectly willing to be used by a foreign body to deprecate a former President.

They understand his biggest weakness is his ego.

They are now able to influence his foreign policy as well as encourage his socialist agenda.

Now he will attempt to justify being chosen for such a "prestigious" honor.

He was given the award on credit, now he's obligated.

By stroking his ego, they cause him to continue focusing on himself, and his actions, and his legacy, while subordinating the good of the country as well as the will of the majority.

The Olympic bid was a perfect example - while other candidates spoke of the benefits of their particular city, Obama expounded on himself.

It's always about HIM.

As always, he's a victim of his own hype.

Sure love to see the list of all those who were passed over in favor of B.O.

You know, besides Sima Samar...

Samar was born in Jaghoori, Ghazni, Afghanistan, on 4 February 1957. She obtained her degree in medicine in February 1982 from Kabul University, the first Hazara woman to do so. She practiced medicine at a government hospital in Kabul, but after a few months was forced to flee for her safety to her native Jaghoori, where she provided medical treatment to patients throughout the remote areas of central Afghanistan.

In 1984, the communist regime arrested her husband, and Samar and her young son fled to the safety of nearby Pakistan. She then worked as a doctor at the refugee branch of the Mission Hospital. Distressed by the total lack of health care facilities for Afghan refugee women, she established in 1989 the Shuhada Organization and Shuhada Clinic in Quetta, Pakistan. The Shuhada Organization was dedicated to the provision of health care to Afghan women and girls, training of medical staff and to education. In the following years further branches of the clinic/hospital were opened throughout Afghanistan.

After living in refuge for over a decade, Samar returned to Afghanistan in 2002 to assume a cabinet post in the Afghan Transitional Administration led by Hamid Karzai. In the interim government, she served as Deputy President and then as Minister for Women's Affairs. She was forced into resignation from her post after she was threatened with death and harassed for questioning conservative Islamic laws, especially sharia law, during an interview in Canada with a Persian-language newspaper. During the 2003 Loya Jirga, several religious conservatives took out an ad in a local newspaper calling Samar the Salman Rushdie of Afghanistan.

She currently heads the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC).

She is one of the 4 main subjects in Sally Armstrong's 2004 documentary [Daughters of Afghanistan]. In the documentary, Sima Samar's work as the Minister of Women's Affairs and her subsequent fall from power is shown.

Dr. Samar publicly refuses to accept that women must be kept in purdah (secluded from the public) and speaks out against the wearing of the burqa (head-to-foot wrap), which was enforced first by the fundamentalist mujahideen and then by the Taliban. She also has drawn attention to the fact that many women in Afghanistan suffer from osteomalacia, a softening of the bones, due to an inadequate diet. Wearing the burqa reduces exposure to sunlight and aggravates the situation for women suffering from osteomalacia.

or Denis Mukwege...

Denis Mukwege (born circa 1955) is a Congolese gynecologist. Working in Panzi Hospital in Bukavu, where he specializes in the treatment of women who have been gang-raped by Congolese militia, Mukwege has probably become the world's leading expert on how to repair the internal physical damage caused by gang rape. He has treated 21,000 women during the Congo's 12-year war, some of them more than once, performing up to 10 surgeries a day during his 18-hour working days. He has described how his patients arrive at the hospital sometimes naked, usually bleeding and leaking urine and faeces from torn vaginas.

or even Piedad Córdoba...

Piedad Esneda Córdoba Ruiz (born January 25, 1955, in Medellín, Antioquia) is a Colombian lawyer politician, affiliated to the Colombian Liberal Party. She is currently serving as Senator for the period 2006-2010. She is a Colombian of African descent and represents these minorities in congress as part of the "Poder Ciudadano Siglo XXI" political movement. Senator Córdoba has been a constant supporter of legislation addressing discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation and race. She is an outspoken critic who has opposed several of the controversial policies implemented by President Álvaro Uribe.

During 2007, Córdoba participated as an official government mediator in the Humanitarian exchange discussions between the Government of Colombia and the FARC guerrilla group, along with Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez. After the end of the mediation in November, FARC announced that it would release the hostages Clara Rojas and Consuelo González as a result of Cordóba's and Chávez's previous work. Her efforts to find a negotiated solution to the conflict led to her being nominated as one of the contenders for the 2009 Nobel Peace Price.

Yeah, I can see how the promise that Obama represents far outweighs the trivial real, measurable accomplishments and deeds of these wannabes.

Besides, none of the others would have gained even a fraction of the attention that Obama brings!

It's a decision that's FULL of win!

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He should weigh what is most mutually beneficial between the United States and those countries, and the overall impact of our foreign policy, not only on what the Nobel committee thinks, but I suspect that he knows that.


You are a beacon of optimism.

I, on the other hand, am not nearly as confident of Obama's ability to separate what's best for us (the citizens he's elected to serve) from what's best for him (and his legacy).

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O'Reilly just played a clip of Limbaugh's head exploding today.

One down. ;)

Hi "bigstickbonzo!" How are you doing? In my opinion, Limbaugh should get the Nobel Peace Prize just for his head exploding alone! At least Limbaugh did something!

In my opinion, Bill Clinton was more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than Obama even if he was having fun with Monica Lewinsky in the White House behind Hillary's back. Clinton's well publicized affairs alone, are definite qualifications to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and possibly win rather than Obama. What do you guys think? At least Clinton did something even if it was behind closed doors. I know, I'm just being sarcastic! ROCK ON FOREVER my friend!

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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Libs heads are intact? Holy shit! Let's have a kegger at 1600 Penn Av.

Hi "jabe!" How are you doing? Let do one better than that, lets have a kegger at The Beer Summit II with Obama and the Police Department at The White House. Than we can all go drunk driving home and not worry about having to get caught especially since the cops will be drunk too. ROCK ON FOREVER my friend!

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Anyway, there is no chance he will decline seeing as he will be joining the ranks of the unemployed in three years and needs all the resume padding he can get.

Wow, I just said today at work that Obama will at least have this added to his resume. So much for the Olympics, but, this trumps. Ensuring, he will NEVER work a day after his first and only term is over.

(One of my clients tomorrow is moving to Spain soon with her husband after he received a ginormous position after his substantial campaign donation. YAWN.)

ps I want to make sure Steve gets credit for the first quote on my post..what am I doing wrong?? I was responding to his earlier post.

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Yes, it's because he got us out of Iraq!

Uh, no. Not yet.

He won the war in Afghanistan!


He closed Guantanamo Bay!

Not yet.

I know, I know...

The Beer Summit!

Yes, Congrats Obama!!

Look, man, he's doing his best. His job would be a lot easier and he could get a lot more done if you people stopped objecting to every fucking thing he does, simply because he is the one that's doing them.

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You are a beacon of optimism.

I, on the other hand, am not nearly as confident of Obama's ability to separate what's best for us (the citizens he's elected to serve) from what's best for him (and his legacy).

It remains to be seen.

Someone should write to the White House and recommend that he review Teddy Roosevelt's biography and history when he served as the President of the United States. Maybe that would point President Obama onto the right path of how not to be anyone's puppet.

You have to wonder about people's motives where it appears they are trying to influence the decisions of the current United States President. It would be different if they had bestowed the honor after he had completed his stay in office.


Edited by eternal light
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Look, man, he's doing his best. His job would be a lot easier and he could get a lot more done if you people stopped objecting to every fucking thing he does, simply because he is the one that's doing them.


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I think I have a valid point. Obama takes a shit, and you people complain about it.

Seriously, it's annoying. If he's actually DONE something to deserve your hatred, I wouldn't have a problem with it. But three days after he was sworn in, some of you said "he hasn't changed anything, impeach him!" It's only been 9 months, and these things take time.

I'm just trying to be reasonable. It's not my fault if you want to be immature about it.

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Look, man, he's doing his best. His job would be a lot easier and he could get a lot more done if you people stopped objecting to every fucking thing he does, simply because he is the one that's doing them.

Yeah, blame us for BO and the Dems' inability to capitalize on their supermajority status. As one of your heroes Jon Stewart recently put it, "The Democrats seem to be the kind of people who switch to Geico and lose money." :lol:

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