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Obama awarded Nobel Peace prize


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Yeah, blame us for BO and the Dems' inability to capitalize on their supermajority status. As one of your heroes Jon Stewart recently put it, "The Democrats seem to be the kind of people who switch to Geico and lose money." :lol:

I'm not a democrat. I'm not affiliated with either party, because I can think for myself. I just call things as I see them, and I see the Republicans are full of shit and delusional. Sorry.

You've all expressed your opinions on the matter, and I expressed mine. If you have a problem with that, you can fuck yourself.

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I think I have a valid point. Obama takes a shit, and you people complain about it.

Seriously, it's annoying. If he's actually DONE something to deserve your hatred, I wouldn't have a problem with it. But three days after he was sworn in, some of you said "he hasn't changed anything, impeach him!" It's only been 9 months, and these things take time.

I'm just trying to be reasonable. It's not my fault if you want to be immature about it.

The previous administration was hammered from day one, somehow I doubt you had a problem with that.

What exactly am I supposed to give him time to do?

Add another exponential increase to the deficit?

Initiate legislation that will unfailingly lead to surrendering my right to choose my own healthcare?

Piss away money my children haven't even begun to earn yet on a bullshit "cap and trade" shell game developed to combat a flawed theory of "climate change"?

Hand over our country's sovereignty to International Law?

Silence talk radio (and ALL of his opposition) through his shady FCC "Diversity Panel"?

Further ingratiate himself into the International community by continually poor-mouthing our country and all it stands for to every two-bit, crackpot, human-rights ignoring third-world dictator thug he can suck up to?

Grant citizenship and/or voting rights through amnesty to tens of millions of illegal aliens in order to significantly increase his support base for re-election?

Please tell me - what is it I'm supposed to give him time to do?

Because I already KNOW what he intends to do - he made it quite clear in his campaign.

Here's what I find seriously annoying...

All of these lemmings bleating "hope and change" without a real fucking clue what Obaama actually meant by it.

It's all the idiots who picked up the chant of "Yes, we can!" without stopping to really consider what he was proposing.

Not to mention the hordes of first-time voters emerging from our fatally flawed public school system who have been conditioned to kneel and bow to image, diversity and political correctness, but are strangely unsure of the details of the Constitution, the branches of government and how they interact, and why we have the system of government that we do, and how we got it, and most importantly, how we've managed to maintain it.

Every time someone complains about Obama's spending, some idiot lib plays the Bush card - "well, Bush had a huge deficit before Obama ever got elected!"

So THAT's justification for spending 3 - 4 times MORE???



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The previous administration was hammered from day one, somehow I doubt you had a problem with that.

What exactly am I supposed to give him time to do?

Add another exponential increase to the deficit?

Initiate legislation that will unfailingly lead to surrendering my right to choose my own healthcare?

Piss away money my children haven't even begun to earn yet on a bullshit "cap and trade" shell game developed to combat a flawed theory of "climate change"?

Hand over our country's sovereignty to International Law?

Silence talk radio (and ALL of his opposition) through his shady FCC "Diversity Panel"?

Further ingratiate himself into the International community by continually poor-mouthing our country and all it stands for to every two-bit, crackpot, human-rights ignoring third-world dictator thug he can suck up to?

Grant citizenship and/or voting rights through amnesty to tens of millions of illegal aliens in order to significantly increase his support base for re-election?

Please tell me - what is it I'm supposed to give him time to do?

Because I already KNOW what he intends to do - he made it quite clear in his campaign.

Here's what I find seriously annoying...

All of these lemmings bleating "hope and change" without a real fucking clue what Obaama actually meant by it.

It's all the idiots who picked up the chant of "Yes, we can!" without stopping to really consider what he was proposing.

Not to mention the hordes of first-time voters emerging from our fatally flawed public school system who have been conditioned to kneel and bow to image, diversity and political correctness, but are strangely unsure of the details of the Constitution, the branches of government and how they interact, and why we have the system of government that we do, and how we got it, and most importantly, how we've managed to maintain it.

Every time someone complains about Obama's spending, some idiot lib plays the Bush card - "well, Bush had a huge deficit before Obama ever got elected!"

So THAT's justification for spending 3 - 4 times MORE???



Many people are critical of the way the Obama administration spends tax dollars.

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:rolleyes: Must have struck a nerve. double-finger.gif

It bothers me that you think it's OK to express your views on the matter, but it's not OK that I do because they differ. So yes, you did strike a nerve. As I said, go fuck yourself.

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The previous administration was hammered from day one, somehow I doubt you had a problem with that.

What exactly am I supposed to give him time to do?

Add another exponential increase to the deficit?

Initiate legislation that will unfailingly lead to surrendering my right to choose my own healthcare?

Piss away money my children haven't even begun to earn yet on a bullshit "cap and trade" shell game developed to combat a flawed theory of "climate change"?

Hand over our country's sovereignty to International Law?

Silence talk radio (and ALL of his opposition) through his shady FCC "Diversity Panel"?

Further ingratiate himself into the International community by continually poor-mouthing our country and all it stands for to every two-bit, crackpot, human-rights ignoring third-world dictator thug he can suck up to?

Grant citizenship and/or voting rights through amnesty to tens of millions of illegal aliens in order to significantly increase his support base for re-election?

Please tell me - what is it I'm supposed to give him time to do?

Because I already KNOW what he intends to do - he made it quite clear in his campaign.

Here's what I find seriously annoying...

All of these lemmings bleating "hope and change" without a real fucking clue what Obaama actually meant by it.

It's all the idiots who picked up the chant of "Yes, we can!" without stopping to really consider what he was proposing.

Not to mention the hordes of first-time voters emerging from our fatally flawed public school system who have been conditioned to kneel and bow to image, diversity and political correctness, but are strangely unsure of the details of the Constitution, the branches of government and how they interact, and why we have the system of government that we do, and how we got it, and most importantly, how we've managed to maintain it.

Every time someone complains about Obama's spending, some idiot lib plays the Bush card - "well, Bush had a huge deficit before Obama ever got elected!"

So THAT's justification for spending 3 - 4 times MORE???



I don't want to argue with you. I'm not in the mood. So go ahead, keep telling yourself he's out to destroy the world and that the economy didn't turn to shit until he was elected. Have fun living in your bubble.

There is one part of your post I must correct, though. Most of us who opposed Bush never hated him the first time he was elected. People were disappointed, sure, but that's natural. We gave him a chance. It wasn't until after he had let us down for the 500th time and proved himself to be a bumbling, incompetent idiot that we started to hate him. Even then, the majority never wished death threats on him. I laughed when that guy threw shoes at him, but trust me, I would not be laughing if it had been a hand grenade. Barack Obama has not been given a chance, has had death threats against him, and so on. So yeah, it's exactly the same. :rolleyes:

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I couldn't even tell you who got the award last year and I suspect most people couldn't. That's how relevent the Nobel prizes are. The gasps of surprise from the press congregation was pretty hilarious though. It was like "WTF???"

The ITV news totally ripped into it and mocked the award to Obama.

Edited by Mangani
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I don't want to argue with you. I'm not in the mood. So go ahead, keep telling yourself he's out to destroy the world and that the economy didn't turn to shit until he was elected. Have fun living in your bubble.

There is one part of your post I must correct, though. Most of us who opposed Bush never hated him the first time he was elected. People were disappointed, sure, but that's natural. We gave him a chance. It wasn't until after he had let us down for the 500th time and proved himself to be a bumbling, incompetent idiot that we started to hate him. Even then, the majority never wished death threats on him. I laughed when that guy threw shoes at him, but trust me, I would not be laughing if it had been a hand grenade. Barack Obama has not been given a chance, has had death threats against him, and so on. So yeah, it's exactly the same. :rolleyes:

Now this I agreee with. I was always taught to respect The President. I did not care for Bush, but my friends will tell you, while he was in office, I did not disrepect him. But I have friends now who think Obama should have all of the problems fixed by now. Give me a break!!!

I will give him, just as I did Bush the opportunity. That's why we can vote them out in four years. But to disrespect the Commander-In-Chief is not something I can agree with.

Edited by Deborah J
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He's nearly a quarter thru his term as President and Democrats have held a majority of state governorships and controlled a majority of state legislatures the whole time.

It would be wonderful if we could magically fix the economy and settle health care and issues in Iraq and Pakistan that fast but the reality is, we can't. So to condemn him because he hasn't is ludicrous. You honestly think had McCain been elected, he'd have fixed it all by now?

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It would be wonderful if we could magically fix the economy and settle health care and issues in Iraq and Pakistan that fast but the reality is, we can't. So to condemn him because he hasn't is ludicrous. You honestly think had McCain been elected, he'd have fixed it all by now?

Hi "ninelives!" How are you doing? The Federal deficit is in the Trillions now, it is going to be EXTREMELY hard and difficult for any president to fix the economy completely at this point. ROCK ON FOREVER my friend.

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Even then, the majority never wished death threats on him. I laughed when that guy threw shoes at him, but trust me, I would not be laughing if it had been a hand grenade. Barack Obama has not been given a chance, has had death threats against him, and so on. So yeah, it's exactly the same. :rolleyes:

Are you saying a majority of those opposed to Obama have made death threats against him? :hysterical:

Because that's certainly the implication of your statement.

Tell us about these death threats.

Because when you say "death threats against him", it sounds like there are all these people out here who have made death threats just waiting for a chance to get him.

Which is bullshit.

It's not like he's some random citizen who has no way of knowing who might be waiting in his bushes when he opens the front door.

Anyone who's made a death threat against the President is most certainly in custody, or has been placed on a wanted list.

Making death threats against the president isn't exactly something that's overlooked.

Unless you mean people posting on forums and such.

And even that isn't overlooked.

You can bet anyone who's posted an actual threat, or even suggested violence towards the President has been identified through their IP and logged.

If you don't believe that you really are a fool.

And all this doesn't mean I don't believe there aren't people out there who would try to kill the President.

But that's true of any President.

And the fact that he's African-American definitely adds all the extreme racist fringe elements.

But hey, it's not like they've made a movie about assassinating him, right?

Now imagine, I mean seriously... just imagine if this movie had been made about Obama.

Would it still be "enlightening, provocative, controversial"?

Somehow, methinks not.

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It bothers me that you think it's OK to express your views on the matter, but it's not OK that I do because they differ. So yes, you did strike a nerve.

I don't know how you came to that conclusion but you are free to express all the views you want here, no matter how idiotic :wacko: they might be. So keep posting away my dear. :wave:

As I said, go fuck yourself.


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I don't want to argue with you. I'm not in the mood. So go ahead, keep telling yourself he's out to destroy the world and that the economy didn't turn to shit until he was elected. Have fun living in your bubble.

There is one part of your post I must correct, though. Most of us who opposed Bush never hated him the first time he was elected. People were disappointed, sure, but that's natural. We gave him a chance. It wasn't until after he had let us down for the 500th time and proved himself to be a bumbling, incompetent idiot that we started to hate him. Even then, the majority never wished death threats on him. I laughed when that guy threw shoes at him, but trust me, I would not be laughing if it had been a hand grenade. Barack Obama has not been given a chance, has had death threats against him, and so on. So yeah, it's exactly the same. :rolleyes:

Nice one! :thumbsup:

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He's nearly a quarter thru his term as President and Democrats have held a majority of state governorships and controlled a majority of state legislatures the whole time.

Must correct your math. Not even 9 months in out of 48, less than 20%. By the way the Dems don't get ANYTHING done as a majority. They are too easily led by others...instead of doing any leading themselves. GOP is way too self-serving with an obvious agenda. So what the f*ck can we do, except start a political party that doesn't include religious nuts, psycho racists or idiotic, easily led pussy's!?! :blink:

This wasn't Obama's award given to himself, it was another misguided organization trying to make headlines - so why does HE take the heat for this and NOT THEM!?!


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Must correct your math. Not even 9 months in out of 48, less than 20%. By the way the Dems don't get ANYTHING done as a majority. They are too easily led by others...instead of doing any leading themselves. GOP is way too self-serving with an obvious agenda. So what the f*ck can we do, except start a political party that doesn't include religious nuts, psycho racists or idiotic, easily led pussy's!?! blink.gif

This wasn't Obama's award given to himself, it was another misguided organization trying to make headlines - so why does HE take the heat for this and NOT THEM!?!


You could try to figure out where Teddy Roosevelt went and ask his advice on the matter.

It was another organization trying to curry influence with a sitting United States President. Obama takes the heat because he is the sitting United States President, currently in power. It is his responsibility not to be anyone's puppet.

Interestingly enough, Obama is not the first United States President to win a Nobel Peace Prize while he was still serving in office. The difference is that the other two United States Presidents received their awards later during their terms.


He won the Nobel Peace Prize for mediating the Russo-Japanese War, reached a Gentleman's Agreement on immigration with Japan, and sent the Great White Fleet on a goodwill tour of the world.


President Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

OSLO — President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday in a stunning decision designed to encourage his initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism.

Nobel observers were shocked by the unexpected choice so early in the Obama presidency, which began less than two weeks before the Feb. 1 nomination deadline.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Obama woke up to the news a little before 6 a.m. EDT. The White House had no immediate comment on the announcement, which took the administration by surprise.

Obama is the third sitting U.S. president to win the award: President Theodore Roosevelt won in 1906 and President Woodrow Wilson was awarded the prize in 1919.



After the Germans signed the Armistice in November 1918, Wilson went to Paris to try to build an enduring peace. He later presented to the Senate the Versailles Treaty, containing the Covenant of the League of Nations, and asked, "Dare we reject it and break the heart of the world?"But the election of 1918 had shifted the balance in Congress to the Republicans. By seven votes the Versailles Treaty failed in the Senate.


Edited by eternal light
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Are you saying a majority of those opposed to Obama have made death threats against him? :hysterical:

Because that's certainly the implication of your statement.

Tell us about these death threats.

Because when you say "death threats against him", it sounds like there are all these people out here who have made death threats just waiting for a chance to get him.

Which is bullshit.

It's not like he's some random citizen who has no way of knowing who might be waiting in his bushes when he opens the front door.

Anyone who's made a death threat against the President is most certainly in custody, or has been placed on a wanted list.

Making death threats against the president isn't exactly something that's overlooked.

Unless you mean people posting on forums and such.

And even that isn't overlooked.

You can bet anyone who's posted an actual threat, or even suggested violence towards the President has been identified through their IP and logged.

If you don't believe that you really are a fool.

And all this doesn't mean I don't believe there aren't people out there who would try to kill the President.

But that's true of any President.

And the fact that he's African-American definitely adds all the extreme racist fringe elements.

But hey, it's not like they've made a movie about assassinating him, right?

Now imagine, I mean seriously... just imagine if this movie had been made about Obama.

Would it still be "enlightening, provocative, controversial"?

Somehow, methinks not.

I'm talking about the people bringing GUNS to town hall meetings and people making polls on Facebook asking if he should be killed. Most Republicans don't want him dead, but the number of people who do is significantly greater than the people who wanted Bush dead. I'm certain that sooner or later, someone will try. I don't know if they'll succeed, and I hope they don't.

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I'm talking about the people bringing GUNS to town hall meetings and people making polls on Facebook asking if he should be killed. Most Republicans don't want him dead, but the number of people who do is significantly greater than the people who wanted Bush dead. I'm certain that sooner or later, someone will try. I don't know if they'll succeed, and I hope they don't.

Facebook polls?

You're counting Facebook polls as proof?

People with guns at town hall meetings have absolutely NOTHING to do with death threats against the President.

They are perfectly demonstrating typical liberal knee-jerk response to 2nd Amendment rights.

Such as yours.

Most Republicans don't want him dead, but the number of people who do is significantly greater than the people who wanted Bush dead.



What source did you get this information from?

I'm surprised this isn't all over MSNBC...

"There are more people (obviously Republicans) who want Obama dead than who wanted Bush dead!"

Or could it be that's nothing more than your personal, subjective, unfounded and grossly-biased opinion?

Opinions are fine, just don't try to present them as facts or truth and expect people to sit on their hands and accept them as such.

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Facebook polls?

You're counting Facebook polls as proof?

People with guns at town hall meetings have absolutely NOTHING to do with death threats against the President.

They are perfectly demonstrating typical liberal knee-jerk response to 2nd Amendment rights.

Such as yours.



What source did you get this information from?

I'm surprised this isn't all over MSNBC...

"There are more people (obviously Republicans) who want Obama dead than who wanted Bush dead!"

Or could it be that's nothing more than your personal, subjective, unfounded and grossly-biased opinion?

Opinions are fine, just don't try to present them as facts or truth and expect people to sit on their hands and accept them as such.


You know what? I'm done talking to you. Nothing I say will get you to see my point, so it's not worth my time or energy to argue with you any further. It's simple: all you have to do is turn on the news or take a look at what people are doing and saying to see why I think the things I do. It's simple observation. I'm worried about it, and I think it's disgusting and highly alarming. You don't see it, and that's not my problem. Like I said before, have fun living in your own delusional little world.

Peace. :hippy:

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It's simple: all you have to do is turn on the news

I think we've identified the problem.

And you accuse ME of living in a delusional world? :hysterical:

Keep having your perception of things spoon-fed to you by the news media.

No wonder you're ready to curl into a fetal ball.

And no wonder you voted for Obama in the first place.

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