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Obama awarded Nobel Peace prize


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The Nobel Peace Prize isn't a reward for results achieved, but intended to encourage and stimulate actions toward achieving peace.

I'm sure Martin Luther King, Jr. and many other Prize Laureates who earned their award through great achievements would have appreciated your opinion. :rolleyes:

But from the Nobel Peace Prize website, it states...

According to Nobel's will, the Peace Prize is to go to whoever "shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses".

Sounds like old Alfred was looking for "doers" not "talkers".

But like so many things today, people get together and "interpret" meanings to suit their own personal agendas.

I can't remember anytime in recent history that the committee had to explain and "justify" their choice.

And despite liberals who want to believe otherwise, the media was reporting immediately Friday morning what a shock it was, way before anyone - conservative or otherwise - had a chance to voice their opinion.

So the uproar wasn't caused by those who oppose Obama.

Looks like the debate over whether or not he deserved the award is the only thing Obama actually earned.

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First off, yes, I'm quite aware of it, and I disagreed with Bush when he said it. I personally think Obama had and has more important things to do. Sorry if I criticize the messiah, but I'm not convinced he's the Son of fucking God, yet. When he raises the dead and walks on water I'll consider it.

Where did I say or intimate that Obama is the messiah or the son of God? Next time you respond to something I say, don't make shit up.

Edited by Electrophile
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Where did I say or intimate that Obama is the messiah or the son of God? Next time you respond to something I say, don't make shit up.

You don't have to say it, Electrophile. All it takes is you (and others) jumping to his defense every time some of us (fuck... even me! And I voted for the man!) criticize him.

I don't know and, quite frankly, don't care whether or not you actually believe he's the messiah. But, sometimes, it seems that way when you jump to his defense even when he deserves the criticism (Olympics in Chicago, premature Nobel prize).

And you're jumping to his defense against me! I'm so fucking Liberal Obama is a right-leaning Moderate as far as I'm concerned! The Democrats are Conservatives to me! The Green Party is Conservative to me! And despite that, I voted for Obama! Aren't I entitled to criticizing him when he makes a mistake or when he's given something he has yet to deserve? If you don't want steve and TypeO to criticize him, then fine. Since they're Conservative, you don't want to take what they say seriously. Fine (I'm not ready to right off their opinions just because they're Conservative, but that's your prerogative).

But I'm on your side, here!

Obama has made some mistakes and he needs to be called out on them, and this Nobel prize was premature. Period, end of subject.

Edited by Nathan
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Where did I say or intimate that Obama is the messiah or the son of God? Next time you respond to something I say, don't make shit up.

From the looks of it, Nathan didn't say YOU said "Obama is the messiah or the son of God" - he was simply being sarcastic.

But in predictable lib fashion, you resort to literalism to turn the debate.

Case in point:

You and a few others in this thread have defended Obama by saying it's too early to expect Obama to have "everything" solved already.

No one criticizing Obama has complained that he hasn't accomplished "everything".

We've said he hasn't accomplished much of anything, especially enough to rate the Nobel Peace Prize.

But then the common response becomes "because opponents of Obama say he hasn't done enough to deserve the award, they obviously think he should have fixed EVERYTHING by now."

But no one has "said or intimated" such a thing.

But three days after he was sworn in, some of you said "he hasn't changed anything, impeach him!" It's only been 9 months, and these things take time.

It would be wonderful if we could magically fix the economy and settle health care and issues in Iraq and Pakistan that fast but the reality is, we can't. So to condemn him because he hasn't is ludicrous.

By the way Nathan, I don't know of any president that in less than a year into their term, they've managed to "fix" all the problems our country is facing. Why Obama is expected to be super human is beyond me.

He's been President since January, and apparently by today's date of October 11th, everything was supposed to be fixed by now, or at least 90% done.

Just like Obama himself in the Stimulus debate - he kept repeating that the Democrats plan wasn't perfect but it was better than "doing nothing".

The Republicans weren't saying "do nothing", they just had different ideas on how to accomplish it, which, BTW, Obama ignored.

But that's a standard tactic - re-define the opponents argument.

Bottom line, no one's saying B.O. should have EVERYTHING fixed already.

We're just saying he hasn't accomplished enough to rate the award.

But, as Steve pointed out, it's pretty sad that even with total control of the House and Senate they haven't done any more than they have.

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Wrong, wrong and oh yeah, wrong. And since you don't care that you're wrong, enjoy.

And since you can't read my posts past the first fucking sentence, I'm done with this conversation.

And quite frankly, I'm sick and fucking tired of my posts not being read.

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And since you can't read my posts past the first fucking sentence

What makes you think because I only quoted the first sentence, I didn't read anything else? Geez, you're all full of assumptions tonight, ain't ya? I read the whole post, dearie. And you for some reason think because I don't believe all the criticism of Obama here is legitimate and choose to say something about it, apparently that means either directly or indirectly I think he's God or something......and then you went on to further state that you don't care whether I think that or not.......AFTER YOU SAID YOU THINK I DO! Helloooooooo. Also, and this is the kicker, the comments I made about people crawling up his ass about everything, whether it was warranted or not.....WEREN'T EVEN DIRECTED AT YOU!

So yeah you wanna be done, be done.

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I'm sorry, but the whole thing is a pathetic charade. The US invaded Afghanistan on the pretext of pursuing "al Qaeda". Obama is continuing this facade as a kinder gentler imperialist. US politics is no more representative than that of the former Soviet Union. Google for N900SA+bin-Laden to get a taste of what's really going on. And before you try to claim "it's just the GOP" try


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Obama really should've declined it. Imagine if he'd got up there and said "My friends, I do not feel, at this time, when there is so much bloodshed in Afghanistan and Iraq, when so many innocent lives are being killed, that I can accept an honourable and noble award of peace, not until we have achieved an hourable and noble peace! Not until the bloodshed ends and the lives of so many rebuilt can we embrace our rewards of peace"

That would been a leadership move we could've all admired.

Now that he's taken it, to the Arab world that he's so desperate to placate, he's just going to look like another hypocrite

As Tom Lehrer said "Political satire died the day that Kissinger won the Nobel peace Prize"

Edited by I have got a horsey
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I am glad that he graciously accepted the award and left it at that. It shows that he is accepting of others' concerns without being too judgemental.

That's pretty standard for Obama. He just makes profound-sounding nebulous statements and leaves others to fill in whatever dreamy reality they want to. Kind of like a Rorschach image.

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Obama really should've declined it. Imagine if he'd got up there and said "My friends, I do not feel, at this time, when there is so much bloodshed in Afghanistan and Iraq, when so many innocent lives are being killed, that I can accept an honourable and noble award of peace, not until we have achieved an hourable and noble peace! Not until the bloodshed ends and the lives of so many rebuilt can we embrace our rewards of peace"

That would been a leadership move we could've all admired.

Now that he's taken it, to the Arab world that he's so desperate to placate, he's just going to look like another hypocrite

As Tom Lehrer said "Political satire died the day that Kissinger won the Nobel peace Prize"

I certainly would have applauded him.

It would help convince me he's not as enslaved to his ego as it currently appears.

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Oh yeah, we're so much worse off now than we were before. Right. Of course.

Unemployments still going up, we have even more debt, Guantanamo isn't closed, we're still in Iraq and Afghanistan, Gm and Chrysler are stil fucked, the housing markets still tanked, the banks still aren't lending, etc.

What, may I ask, is better now then it was before? My point is that nothings changed...or am I wrong?

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Unemployments still going up, we have even more debt, Guantanamo isn't closed, we're still in Iraq and Afghanistan, Gm and Chrysler are stil fucked, the housing markets still tanked, the banks still aren't lending, etc.

What, may I ask, is better now then it was before? My point is that nothings changed...or am I wrong?

The packaging has changed.

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You know what? I'm done talking to you. Nothing I say will get you to see my point, so it's not worth my time or energy to argue with you any further. It's simple: all you have to do is turn on the news or take a look at what people are doing and saying to see why I think the things I do. It's simple observation. I'm worried about it, and I think it's disgusting and highly alarming. You don't see it, and that's not my problem. Like I said before, have fun living in your own delusional little world.

Peace. :hippy:

Instead of throwing your hands up in the air and giving up because "we don't get it", explain your source about the number of people who want to kill Obama, because I'm not seeing it. No, I don't see it...show me.

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Fine. You wanna get nasty to the other posters, fine. But I will not. I try to respect others' opinions. This is turning into a mean-spirited debate. It saddens me greatly. :(



The problem here is we have three kinds of people debating:

First we have people on two exact opposite ends: people who believe Obama's done nothing wrong, and people who believe Obama's done nothing right.

Then there are the rest of us in the middle who think it's too soon to tell either way but don't mind pointing out the mistakes Obama has made so far because it's the right thing to do.

What I'm noticing here is, the people who think Obama can do no wrong seem to take it personally when everyone else says "well here's a mistake he's made already."

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I don't think Obama has done nothing wrong. I just happen to believe that not all the criticism he gets here is legitimate. It's not my problem if people choose not to believe/accept that.

I think you're right. There are people who simply can't find anything right with the guy, people who think he's the greatest person to walk the earth, and people who are somewhere in between. I'm not a fan of Obama's, but some of the criticism here is just plain nasty.



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