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:wtf: Who are you? Will it make YOU feel younger if Jimmy dyes his hair?:blink:

Please Mods, set a minimum post count or a time limit before someone can start a thread.

How rude... If someone wants to discuss this, let them. You don't necessarily have to respond if the topic is of no interest to you. On the other hand, if people want to discuss this, they should be able to... no matter how idiotic the subject is.

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I think we're all going to have to get used to the hair. I just want him to have some kind of embroidery on whatever he wears. He doesn't have to wear a dragon suit, but I don't want him to just wear a black T-shirt. I'd like to see them all dress up a little bit more, actually.

dont you think he starting to look like the same images from the sequence in TSRTS

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Yes, it is him. He's over 60, it's his natural colour now.

Agreed. (And I love your use of the British "colour" OWZ. :D )

His hair is beautiful no matter the colour, because it is attached to him. Jimmy is still handsome and charming and interesting and talented - he's still Jimmy Page. People age. It's not 1977 anymore. Listen, I hate to preach or spout cliches but, this man has given us so much great music and great times, how could anyone possibly give a rat's about his hair colour? The only thing that matters is the magic that happens when he picks up his guitar.

And for God's sake, where is the banging your head against the wall smilie when you need it? :lol:

End of rant.

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Might you be one of those women? My guess is yes. Not that I care, but if I were I him Id probably die it for the sake of the later DVD releases. I know, vanity sucks, but its the way the world works. What do you think they would do with him in Hollywood if he was goingo to star in a new film? they would die it for sure.

Richard Gere ? George Clooney ?? :whistling:

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Might you be one of those women? My guess is yes. Not that I care, but if I were I him Id probably die it for the sake of the later DVD releases. I know, vanity sucks, but its the way the world works. What do you think they would do with him in Hollywood if he was goingo to star in a new film? they would die it for sure.

Crap. Tell it to George Clooney. Or Anthony Hopkins.

Or while we're on the subject, what about Anderson Cooper at CNN? Nobody tells him to dye his hair.

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I totally disagree. Glad he gave up that Ronald Reagan look.

He looks like the perfect, distinguished English gentleman now.

Completely disagree. Leave the guy alone!! He looks great. I wish Paul McCartney would follow Jimmy's lead...

Why on earth would he want to dye his hair!!

FAR better than the ridiculous black dye he was using a few years back.

I LOVE his hair. Seriously - so much better than the shoe polish.



I never knew that people hated dyed hair so much

You'd never know it by looking at any magazines,or movies...

I can't put my pic up now..... :rolleyes:

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ok ok since im receiving a lot of flack for this subject all im trying to say is for show biz sake he should dye the hair its hard for some people to see there heros age and would like to remember them as they were. I dont have a problem with his gray ( I actually like it to ) but it would look better for the concert or dvd performance hope I cleared things up sorry.

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Maybe he'll drag out the Dragon Suit and wear it, paunchy gut and all ! Robert can wear a blouse and bangles...he can still pull it off right ? I hope to god Jimmy doesn't ever dye his hair again, they are older, face it and they all look GREAT ! it aint '73 folks.....

Edited by Bilbo the Rover
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Maybe he'll drag out the Dragon Suit and wear it, paunchy gut and all ! Robert can wear a blouse and bangles...he can still pull it off right ? I hope to god Jimmy doesn't ever dye his hair again, they are older, face it and they all look GREAT ! it aint '73 folks.....

Agreed, bilbo, Jimmy is 63(YES, 63, FOLKS) now so obviously he's gonna be gray on top, he looks very distinguished(and he's lost a few pounds, too)!

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Aren't god's supposed to be silver haired?

At least they are not Bald (well except for Jason, but at his age he could argue that it is by choice)

Could you imagine Robert Plant with a nice horse shoe shaped bald spot on top!!!

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