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Who started this retarded thread?

Clearly some retard. ( the same one that keeps asking for 'respect' because quite plainly she's incapable of earning it for herself)

Who is that stoopid woman and why does she imagine her banality is of any interest to the masses?? :huh:

Edited by trampled
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What about eating spotted dick while enjoying a fag ?


Do they allow that ?



I just can't decide which TOPIC is the stupidest one on the site. If not this "smoking advisory" then certainly "Should I bring a coat?". I'm thinking Sam should have left the hyphen in the url as it made it complicated enough to keep these lame brains out.

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I just can't decide which TOPIC is the stupidest one on the site. If not this "smoking advisory" then certainly "Should I bring a coat?". I'm thinking Sam should have left the hyphen in the url as it made it complicated enough to keep these lame brains out.

Or make it to where you have to CTRL C/CTRL V a code in would suffice.

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Remember the smoking bans,if your from another country you may not be aware of this. :)

For anyone that doesn't already know..... From the O2 Website

The following activities are strictly prohibited and may result in customers being asked to leave a Venue: :o

In Other Words....this is the O2's Official Standing, although, how strenuously it's enforced, I could not say....

entry onto the performing area and backstage or any other prohibited areas;

unauthorised visual or audio recording inside any Venue in The O2;

standing on seats or in any walkways and climbing any fencing or other structure;

throwing any object or substance onto the performing area or otherwise in the Venue;

excessive noise or the use of abusive language or gestures;

unauthorised offer for sale or distribution of any newspapers, magazines, merchandise or other items;

possession of any article which is or may be used as a weapon or missile;

damage to or interfering with any property of The O2 or Event Promoter;

crowd surfing and moshing; and

smoking anywhere inside any building in The O2.

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Yes, Johnny Foreigner - welcome to Great Britain, the country that fought off the Nazi hordes in the name of Democracy and where it rains rather a lot. So while you're keeping the O2 staff happy by being forced outside for a ciggy you too can catch pneumonia to take back to your homeland. Don't forget yr Winter coat!!

Don't you just love our Nanny State/Health & Safety culture?

PS yes I'm smoking a fag while typing this.

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Let's put it to rest guys. DesireZep was trying to make conversation. She can be a world of information for visitors. And their "aint" none of us perfect. I was ticked and I apologise if anyone was offended. How can it be worse than the Lumber Sluts thread?

Shit I cant remember dates.....




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Someone from the government will probably be dispensing ear plugs on the night...

:D Someone wrote a letter to a local rag this week moaning that concerts were too loud and should be turned down to protect the kids hearing! Some people!

Aren't they going to relax the smoking bans for this event? There are people from Canada who are attending.

You're lucky it's not in Glasgow mate, we've got Litter Nazis who give spot fines of £50 if you toss yer cig butt in the street. Not only aren't you allowed to smoke inside various places but you have to carry a lit end around til you find a bin!

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Hey, GOOD for Glasgow :)

It is plain inconsiderate to Mother Earth to just chuck that nasty crap on the ground!

Makes me mad when I see someone tossing butts on the ground, I feel like going up to them and saying " Um...you Dropped something! "


I think our inner hippie just came out ... :lol:

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^ Butts are litter ! Why do smokers just think it's not ? They're an eyesore...TRASH !!

Try to take a cig away from a smoker and they act like you're trying to tear their finger off. But as soon as the fire hits the filter, or before, they think nothing of tossing into the street. Nicotene destroys logical thought process...that's just one manifestation of it....

..and yeah...it's too bad for the smoker ..butt you should be required to contain it or find a bin....no brainer !!

Man I'm glad I don't smoke. I used to but I have been quit for a long time now.

Earplugs? Too loud? There's no such thing lmao. If you think it's gonna be 2 loud, well next time let my tympanic membranes give yours a rest. I willl gladly go for you :blink::blink: .



Rolls>>> :wacko:

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^ Butts are litter ! Why do smokers just think it's not ? They're an eyesore...TRASH !!

Try to take a cig away from a smoker and they act like you're trying to tear their finger off. But as soon as the fire hits the filter, or before, they think nothing of tossing into the street. Nicotene destroys logical thought process...that's just one manifestation of it....

..and yeah...it's too bad for the smoker ..butt you should be required to contain it or find a bin....no brainer !!

Let's just require all cig mfgrs to make them without filters.... then that would take care of it !! :D

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