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Hello from 6 year old zeppelin fan


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Hi Everyone, My name is Harry and I'm into Zeppelin big time (at least for a 6 year old). My Dad showed me the film 'The song Remains the Same' one Christmas about 3 years ago and I was inspired from that point on. About 18 months ago I started tinkering with the guitar trying to aspire to Jimmy. Along the way I've discovered other music from the same period such as Pink Floyd, AC/DC, Black Sabbath etc.

In my class at school everyone is into Pop Party 5 stuff, so hopefully it would be cool to meet with other young Zeppelin/Rock fans here.

I was allowed to take my guitar into school the other day, and I shook up the class a bit with some songs including Black Dog. That was fun!!

Hope this is okay, but here are some links on YouTube of me playing some Led Zeppelin... Hope you enjoy them!


Harry (and dad)

Edited by RockHadgio
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Hi Everyone, My name is Harry and I'm into Zeppelin big time (at least for a 6 year old). My Dad showed me the film 'The song Remains the Same' one Christmas about 3 years ago and I was inspired from that point on. About 18 months ago I started tinkering with the guitar trying to aspire to Jimmy. Along the way I've discovered other music from the same period such as Pink Floyd, AC/DC, Black Sabbath etc.

In my class at school everyone is into Pop Party 5 stuff, so hopefully it would be cool to meet with other young Zeppelin/Rock fans here.

I was allowed to take my guitar into school the other day, and I shook up the class a bit with some songs including Black Dog. That was fun!!

Hope this is okay, but here are some links on YouTube of me playing some Led Zeppelin... Hope you enjoy them!


Harry (and dad)

Hello Harry! If you are only six and you are already this good, I can only imagine a few more years down the road.

To have chosen Jimmy Page to aspire to warms my heart. I can't play an instument, but I have loved them since I was 9.

Dad, glad to see your support of your son Harry. Keep us posted on his progress.

Thnaks to you both for making me smile. Harry, I hope to see you fill auditoriums some day!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Harry, you are one cool little kid! Great guitar playing. I'd like to give props to your dad too, for supporting you as he does. You really don't know how special and cool that is Harry, to have your father's support.

Keep playing, keep jamming and please keep all of us updated on what you do in the future! Rock on!!!

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