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Happy Birthday John Paul Jones


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actually this post was early, wouldnt today be his birthday? yea January 3rd, 1946.

Not when I posted!

Oz is up to 18-19 hours ahead of the US depending where you are.

At present its 5.55pm 3/1/10.

Edited by Reggie29
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Yes, happy birthday John Baldwin. I have great admiration for you as a musician & just how you have handled your career post Zeppelin. You've written, arranged, & played some of the most beautiful music I've ever heard while also coming up some of the hardest riffs I've ever heard ( I know they weren't ALL from that other guy who gets the lion share of the credit). Anyway, it's time to play "She's A Rainbow" from the Stones, "In The Light" from Zep, "Nightswimming" from REM, "No Quarter" from Knebworth, your own "Crackback" & "Bass N Drums", "Black Dog" from Zep, & "Scumbag Blues" from TCV's.

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John, best wishes for a wonderful birthday!

For my husband and me, one of our music highlights of 2009 –perhaps THE highlight of 2009 - was seeing you perform live with your new band,TCV, and hearing the fantastic new music that you and your fellow band members have created.

And one LZ memory: Decades ago, when you were with LZ and I was a young teen and I approached you for ask for your autograph, I handed you the only thing I had to write with: a 19-cent blue Bic pen. It stopped writing while you were in the middle of signing your name and I remember feeling so foolish and embarrassed that I had handed a rock star a cheap pen that was running out of ink! But you were so nice about it – you just smiled, changed the angle of the pen, and continued signing. I've never forgotten that. I still have your autograph (complete with the gap in the ink) and, all these years later, I still treasure it. This weekend, one of my friends and I were looking at a photo from that day and in it, along with everything else, we could see the "infamous" Bic pen. My friend remarked that the only thing in the photo that hadn't changed was the Bic pen. I told her there was another thing that hadn't changed and that is that JPJ is still rocking…and is still as gracious as ever.

Wishing you the happiest of birthdays and many more years of good health, happiness, and great music!

Edited by MadScreamingGallery
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