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Jimmy's Book: VERY Limited Edition!


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I don't know much about the Mount Sinai hospital, but what about the money raised going to the ABC Trust as it has a direct JP connection? Just a suggestion, I know all these causes are deserving.

This just reminded me of something: at the beginning of this year when the plans for Jimmy's pictorial autobiography were announced one of my friends contacted the ABC Trust to inquire as to whether copies of this book would be available though and to benefit the charity. The person there told her they would look into it - I forgot all about that until I read this post so I suppose I should call my friend to find out what happened.

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Knebby and kenog,

I was only responding to Tripmender and meant no disrespect to anyone. I am here to talk about and share the music. If this came accross wrong I apologize, but I will not apologize for buying something that I can at this time fortunately afford...as many times in my life I could not due to family priorties as well.


Oh dear; please don't apologize! I can't buy one either (trust me, I would if I could!), but I am so happy you and the others are getting one :) It's a very special opportunity and those who can afford it and want it absolutely should get it and treasure it :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I emailed them, and was told toward the end of June as to when to expect it. They have 1,000 to ship.

Hello aen27 and all!

I was told the same.

However, I can say that I called them a while back and was able to get book #665 :D

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Hello aen27 and all!

I was told the same.

However, I can say that I called them a while back and was able to get book #665 :D

Ha ha!

I tried getting #667 a couple of weeks ago but they told me it was already taken!

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How do you know which # is your book? My reciept doesn't say a #. :unsure:

I called a while back and spoke to a gentleman at Genesis Publications and ask for it and he stated it was available,and I was told this is the book # I will be receiving. :book:

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After all these years of playing down allegations of satanism and occult connections, why would Page reserve the #666 for himself?!

He's obviously just taking the piss and having a laugh...

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after reading many of the posts of this topic, first of all I want to clarify that, although I can't afford the book, I think that everyone is free to dispose of their money as they see fit and they should not apologise or justify to anyone. ... Having said that, however I would like to know from some of you who have ordered it, after it arrives home and you admire it, what is there so special to cost so much: I know that Genesis is an ancient library that works in a homemade way, But ... because of I really like old books, the manuscripts, those masterpieces that were capable of doing the Benedictines and Carthusians scribes in the Middle Ages, you know, where everything was hand-made and the images were painted, engraved on the sides of the text .... I ask you this: this book is that "old" because it will be leather, hand-bound, but otherwise? The images are reproductions of photos of Jimmy, even beautiful, perhaps unprecedented, but photos ... can I pay so much a book of photos, although autographed by Jimmy ????? please don't answer me right away, let me know, if you like, I'll wait for your answer after you see your precious copy. ... smile.gif

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Well I ordered my book (collector's edition) on Sunday. I spoke to the publishers this morning and they said that they have had thousands of orders for the Page book over the weekend so they must be close to selling out. I am so glad I managed to get one. I know I would have really regretted it if I didn't get one. Yes, I agree it is a lot of money, but for me personally, it is worth every penny. I think it's not just a book, it is a work of art, and something I will cherish for the rest of my life. Luckily I am a British customer so I haven't got to worry about the conversion rates. Also I live a very frugal life, no smoking or drinking, haven't been on holiday in over 15 years, and so on - so I think I can justify spending £400 on something that will be so significant to me personally.

Edited by Magic Fills the Air
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re the conversion rate: the day I ordered the book I looked up the rate from pounds to US dollars to get an idea of what it would be, however when Genesis finally charged my credit card 5 weeks later, I lucked out- the rate had dropped and I'm paying $17 less than I thought I would be. smile.gif

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after reading many of the posts of this topic, first of all I want to clarify that, although I can't afford the book, I think that everyone is free to dispose of their money as they see fit and they should not apologise or justify to anyone. ... Having said that, however I would like to know from some of you who have ordered it, after it arrives home and you admire it, what is there so special to cost so much: I know that Genesis is an ancient library that works in a homemade way, But ... because of I really like old books, the manuscripts, those masterpieces that were capable of doing the Benedictines and Carthusians scribes in the Middle Ages, you know, where everything was hand-made and the images were painted, engraved on the sides of the text .... I ask you this: this book is that "old" because it will be leather, hand-bound, but otherwise? The images are reproductions of photos of Jimmy, even beautiful, perhaps unprecedented, but photos ... can I pay so much a book of photos, although autographed by Jimmy ????? please don't answer me right away, let me know, if you like, I'll wait for your answer after you see your precious copy. ... smile.gif

Deluxe copies (books numbered 1–350)

The first 350 books in the limited edition are Deluxe copies, each one signed by Jimmy Page.

The Deluxe book is fully bound by hand in a single morocco leather hide, which is glazed and polished. A gold-leaf ‘Zoso’ blocking appears on the front board. The natural grain leather has been tanned and dyed to Jimmy Page's specification, to reach his chosen midnight hue.The page edges are gilded, and the spine is hand-blocked in gold leaf. A specially created marbled end paper lines the interior with a blend of blues, blacks and silver.

The Deluxe book is presented in an archival solander box. The folding case is bound in midnight-hue silk. Inside, a soft and supple traditional felt lining will protect your leather-bound book. The silk-bound solander box is blocked in gold leaf and, as a finishing touch, an aluminum plate screen-printed with one of Jimmy Page’s favorite portraits has been inset by hand onto the front of the case.

Also the Deluxe Edition is only 350 copies in the freakin world and I got one. SIGNED BY JIMMY PAGE****************** and I dont have to wait and see it to justify the price. Like I said in previous post, its worth every penny, So yea I will enjoy my "precious copy"

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Deluxe copies (books numbered 1–350)

The first 350 books in the limited edition are Deluxe copies, each one signed by Jimmy Page.

The Deluxe book is fully bound by hand in a single morocco leather hide, which is glazed and polished. A gold-leaf ‘Zoso’ blocking appears on the front board. The natural grain leather has been tanned and dyed to Jimmy Page's specification, to reach his chosen midnight hue.The page edges are gilded, and the spine is hand-blocked in gold leaf. A specially created marbled end paper lines the interior with a blend of blues, blacks and silver.

The Deluxe book is presented in an archival solander box. The folding case is bound in midnight-hue silk. Inside, a soft and supple traditional felt lining will protect your leather-bound book. The silk-bound solander box is blocked in gold leaf and, as a finishing touch, an aluminum plate screen-printed with one of Jimmy Page’s favorite portraits has been inset by hand onto the front of the case.

Also the Deluxe Edition is only 350 copies in the freakin world and I got one. SIGNED BY JIMMY PAGE****************** and I dont have to wait and see it to justify the price. Like I said in previous post, its worth every penny, So yea I will enjoy my "precious copy"

You seem to imply that only the first 350 copies will be signed by Jimmy Page. The entire run, 2500 copies, will be signed by Jimmy Page in fact.

I got the Collector's edition instead of the Deluxe (I really couldn't justify the higher price tag) but I'm really glad I bought the Collector's edition as it seems it will sell out too...

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You seem to imply that only the first 350 copies will be signed by Jimmy Page. The entire run, 2500 copies, will be signed by Jimmy Page in fact.

I got the Collector's edition instead of the Deluxe (I really couldn't justify the higher price tag) but I'm really glad I bought the Collector's edition as it seems it will sell out too...

I see nowhere in my post that would imply that, sorry you misread. I was simply describing the Deluxe Edition as quoted from Genesis website. Of course all of Deluxe and Collectors are signed by Jimmy Page, I thought that was obvious, as they are clearly described on the website where you purchased the book.

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I see nowhere in my post that would imply that, sorry you misread. I was simply describing the Deluxe Edition as quoted from Genesis website. Of course all of Deluxe and Collectors are signed by Jimmy Page, I thought that was obvious, as they are clearly described on the website where you purchased the book.

I stand corrected

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