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Jimmy's Book: VERY Limited Edition!


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after reading many of the posts of this topic, first of all I want to clarify that, although I can't afford the book, I think that everyone is free to dispose of their money as they see fit and they should not apologise or justify to anyone. ... Having said that, however I would like to know from some of you who have ordered it, after it arrives home and you admire it, what is there so special to cost so much: I know that Genesis is an ancient library that works in a homemade way, But ... because of I really like old books, the manuscripts, those masterpieces that were capable of doing the Benedictines and Carthusians scribes in the Middle Ages, you know, where everything was hand-made and the images were painted, engraved on the sides of the text .... I ask you this: this book is that "old" because it will be leather, hand-bound, but otherwise? The images are reproductions of photos of Jimmy, even beautiful, perhaps unprecedented, but photos ... can I pay so much a book of photos, although autographed by Jimmy ????? please don't answer me right away, let me know, if you like, I'll wait for your answer after you see your precious copy. ... smile.gif

While your bog standard photobook might only cost $20-30 the reproduction of the images is pretty poor, really top quality printing for a good sized 500 page book is far from cheap. The exclusivity obviously adds alot to the price but I'd guess the production cost for this book makes up a significant part of the total.

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While your bog standard photobook might only cost $20-30 the reproduction of the images is pretty poor, really top quality printing for a good sized 500 page book is far from cheap. The exclusivity obviously adds alot to the price but I'd guess the production cost for this book makes up a significant part of the total.

I hope you're right. I'm expecting to receive a lot more an average book. I think an awful lot of skill and thought goes into producing these books.

Maybe I need to get a pair of those gloves historians wear when they are looking through ancient tomes so the acid on my fingers doesn't damage the paper!! :D

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Maybe I need to get a pair of those gloves historians wear when they are looking through ancient tomes so the acid on my fingers doesn't damage the paper!! :D

My friend actaully said she would need to wear gloves when I showed it to her. :lol:

Edited by aen27
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I hope you're right. I'm expecting to receive a lot more an average book. I think an awful lot of skill and thought goes into producing these books.

Maybe I need to get a pair of those gloves historians wear when they are looking through ancient tomes so the acid on my fingers doesn't damage the paper!! :D

Well I don't own any books by this company but I do own a fair few books of art/photography and theres certainly a difference between something you pay $100 for and something you pay $30 for.

I'm not really interested enough in rock photography to buy this book but I have had people say to me "why spend so much on just a book?" a few times. The answer I always give is that people seem happy to pay $30 for a smallish print to hang on the wall so why is a book with 100 reproductions of a similar size and standard at $100 expensive?

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While your bog standard photobook might only cost $20-30 the reproduction of the images is pretty poor, really top quality printing for a good sized 500 page book is far from cheap. The exclusivity obviously adds alot to the price but I'd guess the production cost for this book makes up a significant part of the total.

well...sorry... probably I was misunderstood.. I think to be able to recognize and appreciate wich is the difference between a fine handmade book, and a "bog standard photobook"..... for your information, in my library I have got many cheap books (because I'm not rich and I like very much reading) as well as some collection books more costly, so I will never ask to anyone "why did you spend a lot of money only for a book?" this is not the question.....the question is "is 1000 $ the right price for this book?" If you think it's the appropriate price, buy it, enjoi it and be happy, with my blessing!!!!!! smile.gif

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I still haven't bought the book yet, even though I can easily afford it. And I love Jimmy, he is my favorite band member. I really don't think that I wiil buy the book for several reasons:

What are we actually getting in this book? More pictures of Jimmy. Are any of them new? I don't know. But we have two or three threads on this forum with myriads of pictures of Jimmy. If I want to look at pictures of him, which I do often, lol, all I have to do is go to these threads. If there are any new and interesting and insightful photos of Jimmy, then the book would be more worth the money. But I would guess that once the book comes out, any new photos will be posted on this and the other Led Zeppelin sites for all to view, I am just guessing.

What we really want, at least, I do, is a very comprehensive autobiography of Jimmy. I have my doubts that this book will deliver that, but we will have to wait and see. That would make the book more valuable, in my opinion. Particularly if Jimmy talks about things that are not public knowledge, such as his family, his interest in Crowley and how that has influenced him, his relationships with Robert, Jeff Beck, JPJ, Peter Grant, and others, what makes him happy, etc... But these are very personal and private matters that he will never talk about, and rightly so. We already know the rest of his biography, so what will be new in this book? I have no idea.

What makes the book special, in my opinion, is Jimmy's autograph. That alone may be worth the money for the cost of the book. How many people have it? Not many (although alot of our forum members do). I certainly don't have one. I would love to have one dedicated to me after a meeting with him in person, lol. That would make it more valuable to me. But to just have a signed copy of his book, not the same, although still valuable.

I am not a collector of any memorabilia, Zeppelin included. Alot of our forum members are. This book will be an investment, as the value will surely rise since there are a limited quanity being produced. But if I bought it, I would look at it several times, and then just sit it on my coffee table or bookshelf where it will collect dust. My boys would probably sell it at my death and make some money on it, LOL. Maybe that would make it worth getting one, as an investment vehicle, mainly for them.

I will probably wait until it comes out to hear everyone's opinion of it. Then I will probably decide that I want one, and then they will be all gone. You want what you can't have, LOL. I may change my mind and order one soon, particularly since the $ to Pound exchange rate is getting more favorable.

I hope that everyone that ordered a book is thrilled with it, and I know that you will be. And I am glad that any die-hard Led Zeppelin fan had a chance to buy a book, and that they weren't only sold to celebrities or multi-millionares who have no real love for Jimmy or Led Zeppelin (like some of the tickets for the O2 show). The price does make it out of reach for alot of people who would love to have one. But at least, it is available if you have the funds. Enjoy and treasure it! smile.gif

Edited by BUCK'EYE' DOC
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well...sorry... probably I was misunderstood.. I think to be able to recognize and appreciate wich is the difference between a fine handmade book, and a "bog standard photobook"..... for your information, in my library I have got many cheap books (because I'm not rich and I like very much reading) as well as some collection books more costly, so I will never ask to anyone "why did you spend a lot of money only for a book?" this is not the question.....the question is "is 1000 $ the right price for this book?" If you think it's the appropriate price, buy it, enjoi it and be happy, with my blessing!!!!!! smile.gif

As I said I'm not buying this book but I don't think theres anything abnormal about the price considering the production and its limated nature. Company's like say Taschen put out limated edition art books with prices in the thousands of dollars.

Remember that because its a limated edition it will likely at least hold its value if kept in a decent condiction.

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  • 2 weeks later...

cross-posting this here....

Any info on this pic? (Need the original source/photographer) http://forums.ledzep...photo-question/

Sam, I have searched through the 22 books I have, looked on line and so far this is the only thing I can find. I'll keep looking, unless someone else can post the name of the photographer.


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Sorry to report the book has entered a three week production delay. Fear not though as Jimmy has elected to slip some additional photographs in at the last minute.

One can dream but isn't it possible that those last-minute pictures are related to whatever music project Jimmy's working on right now?

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The book's late cos Jimmy's preparing a magick ritual to perform on all the books before delivery.

I have it on very reliable information that this means when you first open your copy, you will first smell some Moroccan incense then magically hear an as-yet unheard clip from a rare, unheard Zep song. It's also possible that one - and only one - copy has a 1970s groupie secretly stashed inside... BUY YOURS NOW!!

Edited by Triplet Kick
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The book's late cos Jimmy's preparing a magick ritual to perform on all the books before delivery.

I have it on very reliable information that this means when you first open your copy, you will first smell some Moroccan incense then magically hear an as-yet unheard clip from a rare, unheard Zep song. It's also possible that one - and only one - copy has a 1970s groupie secretly stashed inside... BUY YOURS NOW!!

I hope I get the one with the shark.

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I hope the book is delivered some time in July (before I go on vacation). Does anyone have any idea when it will be ready to ship?

Last week I emailed Genesis Publications at orders@genesis-publications.com to change my address and they did so, promptly. If you have an safe alternative address then I'd suggest to use it.

If the three week delay is for certain and final, then we're looking at anywhere from late July to mid-August for delivery, I'd wager.

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Last week I emailed Genesis Publications at orders@genesis-publications.com to change my address and they did so, promptly. If you have an safe alternative address then I'd suggest to use it.

If the three week delay is for certain and final, then we're looking at anywhere from late July to mid-August for delivery, I'd wager.

Thanks, I will email them if the book doesn't arrive before I leave. I did give them an alternate address when I placed my order.

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Just received this update from Genesis Publications. September? Sigh...

The only thing that could take the sting out is if it's released on September 14 (my b-day).




We would like to thank all of you who have pre-ordered your JIMMY PAGE limited edition book. We have had an unprecedented response and both Genesis and Jimmy are thrilled.

We know that you are waiting patiently, and originally we anticipated to have copies finished this month ready for delivery.

During the process of putting the book together Jimmy has been closely involved, reviewing the layouts on a weekly basis, and we have continued to expand on his written captions and find new and never before published images from Jimmy's own archive and by other photographers.

We have felt that it is very important to include these recent additions and, that in doing so, we have created an even more comprehensive book.

Official publication will now be September when finished copies will be available to you, the early subscribers.

We will continue to keep you updated with progress.

With best wishes from all involved in what will be a historic publication,

Catherine and Nick Roylance

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