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Is It Snowing Where Your At?


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I have a feeling we're going to lose power; people around us have, and I can hear ice falling. sad.gif It flickered a couple of times earlier.

I hope not, Virginia.

We are getting lots of snow, predicting up to 14 inches by tomorrow.

It is very wet and heavy, and the wind is blowing from the north east (very weird as it usually is out of the southwest) causing huge snow drifts.

I wouldn't be surprised if we lose power, too, due to the weight of this snow on the power lines.

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We just thawed out but the weather people are saying we're due to get some more tonight but nothing like last week...Tennessee use to get a lot. I remember the the ice storm we had in Memphis--it was bad.

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Some people are speculating possibly 2-3' over the weekend; I sure hope not though :(

Right now we've got freezing rain falling, so I'm a little nervous about losing power.

My brother lives in Berryville, Northern Virginia. He said it's not that big a deal. They're sure covering it on the news like it is.

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We got about two feet of snow. Started Friday around 6:30 pm and went on until after 2pm today. Kept me at work overnight after my day shift yesterday. At least i got a private patient room of my own to shower/watch tv and sleep in before going back for more work today. Came home to shovel the heaping mess. I think i've had my fun for the week.

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It would appear that the weather is gone from our area now. It's still going to be chilly, but no more rain/sleet/snow in the forecast, at least up to Monday night. Thank God, because I just finished shoveling the last of the snow/slush/ice from our driveway this afternoon and don't want to do it anymore. <_<

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Power back on after almost 36 hours; house still ~ 50 degrees. South Carolina power company rocks for helping! Hermit crabs almost froze but they are ok. Didn't sleep well. Extremely grumpy. Cabin fever. Not sure if I'm going to work or not tomorrow; haven't dared to look in our 2 refrigerators/2 freezers yet :( Lots of laundry/dishes/shoveling to do. All is well; house still standing; lost a few trees; everyone healthy. Hope all affected fared well! Calling for 2-4" more Tues and more over the weekend :( Moving to Bahamas next week...

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