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Mary J. Blige Covers 'Stairway to Heaven'


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Oh wow! I wish I could have seen that. Perhaps they have it on the Oprah website...must check that out.

I was pondering if we'll get to hear what the former members of Led Zeppelin thought of the cover...

Hi Memphis!

Here it is:-)

Mary J. Blige performs Stairway to Heaven - HD

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I would quote this again and again and again if I could. Bloody well said!!!!

I'll second that. The negative comments posted here are a disgrace, and those of you who are so "offended" by this cover should really get a life and some heavy duty therapy. Doing a funk/soul cover of a popular rock tune has been going on for decades. With mixed results? Absolutely, but there's no greater compliment than another artist covering your song in a sincere manner, and there's certainly nothing worthy of being "offended" about. My God...

There's nothing going on here in this thread than good old fashioned racism and bigotry, plain and simple. If the members of your favorite band read these comments, I have no doubt they'd be equal parts annoyed, horrified and disgusted.



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I'll second that. The negative comments posted here are a disgrace, and those of you who are so "offended" by this cover should really get a life and some heavy duty therapy. Doing a funk/soul cover of a popular rock tune has been going on for decades. With mixed results? Absolutely, but there's no greater compliment than another artist covering your song in a sincere manner, and there's certainly nothing worthy of being "offended" about. My God...

There's nothing going on here in this thread than good old fashioned racism and bigotry, plain and simple. If the members of your favorite band read these comments, I have no doubt they'd be equal parts annoyed, horrified and disgusted.



WTF???? There's no racism going on here. I also think her version sucks so does that makes me a bigot? Am I bigot when I listen to Hendrix, Public Enemy, Sade, Stevie Wonder, Santana, and other great acts that are not white? So basically you are saying if you don't dig her version, you're a racist? What I get tired of is people like you preaching how others should be more open-minded and not hate on a song or artist. It's a fucking forum where people can say whatever the hell they want. THAT'S THE POINT OF A FORUM. Take the all-loving hippie crap and stick it. There's a ton of artists I hate and a ton I love. When one of the ones I hate does something good, I'll be the first to admit it (and vice-versa). I agree any artist should be able to cover any song they want. That doesn't make their version good. I don't like her voice, I don't the cheesy intro to the solo, and I don't like the sound overall. Dolly Parton's version also stunk imo. I did like Stanley Jordan's jazz version though and guess what, he's black. Nothing more ticks me off then people automatically calling it racism when other people don't like something a "minority" artist does. People are allowed to hate or love on here as long as they don't intentionally offend someone. Rant over.

Edited by Wolfman
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Hi Memphis!

Here it is:-)

Mary J. Blige performs Stairway to Heaven - HD

Thank you, thank you! That was really nice and very much like I pictured. She really touched on the emotional side of that song. Mary J. Blige has a style that is her own with the help of those who came before her lol I think she paid the band and song much respect in her own way.

Also, thank you Billy for your comment...I would hope that Led Zeppelin fans are better than that but sometimes there is that underline negative vibe.

I do think some of the comments have been really interesting and since it is based on opinions and personal taste I can't fault anyone for not liking the Mary J. Blige's version-- I do think perhaps using a nicer way to express a dislike would have been more favorable. But I think at times it takes moments like these to bring everyone together even if they don't agree it's still all about enjoying the music and giving respect to the band, performers and other LZ board members.

Keypoint...just because you can say something doesn't always mean you should.

~We are Family~

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Thank you, thank you! That was really nice and very much like I pictured. She really touched on the emotional side of that song. Mary J. Blige has a style that is her own with the help of those who came before her lol I think she paid the band and song much respect in her own way.

Also, thank you Billy for your comment...I would hope that Led Zeppelin fans are better than that but sometimes there is that underline negative vibe.

I do think some of the comments have been really interesting and since it is based on opinions and personal taste I can't fault anyone for not liking the Mary J. Blige's version-- I do think perhaps using a nicer way to express a dislike would have been more favorable. But I think at times it takes moments like these to bring everyone together even if they don't agree it's still all about enjoying the music and giving respect to the band, performers and other LZ board members.

Keypoint...just because you can say something doesn't always mean you should.

~We are Family~

Exactly. Point taken. For me it's hard to accept change. Change meaning Led Zeppelin singing STH to Mary J. Blige singing STH. But I accept it. Change can be a good or bad thing. I am glad to see that she went towards the "rock" path. Everybody has the opportunity to voice their opinions, and that's great. We may not agree with one another, but we all know where we stand. I hope this all makes sense. After all music is the language that speaks to all of us in one form or another. Let's treat it with respect. B)

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WTF???? There's no racism going on here. I also think her version sucks so does that makes me a bigot? Am I bigot when I listen to Hendrix, Public Enemy, Sade, Stevie Wonder, Santana, and other great acts that are not white? So basically you are saying if you don't dig her version, you're a racist? What I get tired of is people like you preaching how others should be more open-minded and not hate on a song or artist. It's a fucking forum where people can say whatever the hell they want. THAT'S THE POINT OF A FORUM. Take the all-loving hippie crap and stick it. There's a ton of artists I hate and a ton I love. When one of the ones I hate does something good, I'll be the first to admit it (and vice-versa). I agree any artist should be able to cover any song they want. That doesn't make their version good. I don't like her voice, I don't the cheesy intro to the solo, and I don't like the sound overall. Dolly Parton's version also stunk imo. I did like Stanley Jordan's jazz version though and guess what, he's black. Nothing more ticks me off then people automatically calling it racism when other people don't like something a "minority" artist does. People are allowed to hate or love on here as long as they don't intentionally offend someone. Rant over.

The wolfman doth protest too much, methinks. Touch a nerve, Wolfie? Does the fact that you don't like this cover make you a bigot? I don't know, you tell me. You sure come across like you've got a guilty conscience about something. So overly defensive, and so over the top in general. Come clean with your true feelings, tiger. What are you hiding? For all I know, you "like" all the artists cited above for all the wrong reasons. Rattling off some random list of ethnic and "people of color" artists doesn't enhance your credibility as an open minded person one bit. You're like one of those people with Bob Marley and the Wailers' greatests hits CD in your collection who claims to "love reggae!" but can't name one other reggae artist and only listens to "One Love" on your "favorite reggae CD." What are you hiding? And what are you afraid of?

Thanks for reminding me that Stanley Jordan is black. Much appreciated. Interesting that you chose a black artist performing the most bland and white bread version of STH I've ever heard. That says a lot about your true inner feelings.



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Wow Billy - ^ - what a pile of shite!

How so, my dear? What are YOU afraid of?

How ironic that Led Zeppelin fans are showing their "true colors" over a cover version of STH performed by a woman of color. All I can say is, Kumbaya and Blessed Be that today's younger generation is a lot more open minded about this sort of thing.

I'm sorry if I'm holding up a mirror that you'd rather not peer into. Why don't you take a good look at yourself and describe what you see? And baby, do you like it?



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The wolfman doth protest too much, methinks. Touch a nerve, Wolfie? Does the fact that you don't like this cover make you a bigot? I don't know, you tell me. You sure come across like you've got a guilty conscience about something. So overly defensive, and so over the top in general. Come clean with your true feelings, tiger. What are you hiding? For all I know, you "like" all the artists cited above for all the wrong reasons. Rattling off some random list of ethnic and "people of color" artists doesn't enhance your credibility as an open minded person one bit. You're like one of those people with Bob Marley and the Wailers' greatests hits CD in your collection who claims to "love reggae!" but can't name one other reggae artist and only listens to "One Love" on your "favorite reggae CD." What are you hiding? And what are you afraid of?

Thanks for reminding me that Stanley Jordan is black. Much appreciated. Interesting that you chose a black artist performing the most bland and white bread version of STH I've ever heard. That says a lot about your true inner feelings.



Fuck off clown.

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Not you - nor anyone who plays the "racism" card where it clearly doesn't belong.


How can you be so sure it doesn't belong in this discussion? Some of these negative comments call into question the posters' true feelings. Especially the Wolfman's.



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Exactly. Point taken. For me it's hard to accept change. Change meaning Led Zeppelin singing STH to Mary J. Blige singing STH. But I accept it. Change can be a good or bad thing. I am glad to see that she went towards the "rock" path. Everybody has the opportunity to voice their opinions, and that's great. We may not agree with one another, but we all know where we stand. I hope this all makes sense. After all music is the language that speaks to all of us in one form or another. Let's treat it with respect. B)

Well said

I hope we get to hear what the former members of Led Zeppelin said hopefully they use a bit of "tact" when they share their thoughts lol

So, about that Mary J. Blige cover ;)

On a sad note I am troubled that the "race" card was noted in such a way-- while I believe Billy's comment wasn't directed to anyone however this view has been highlighted and seems to be a topic in other places so it is out there and might go unnoticed but can be felt when it comes to the mentioning of types of music being performed by a certain type of artists--like rock n' roll only being performed by rock bands

One Yahoo poster commented back to the question "black people should stay in their own genre of music"


Sad to see a song about peace could even bring up such thoughts from others...

On a different note...It did make me wonder if Mary J. Blige was the first African American female to cover the song.

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Funny how I wasn't the one who used profanity, yet I receive the warning from the admin to cool it. Very interesting. So much for free speech unless you're going along with the herd, I suppose.

Anyway, kudos to Sister Blige for a very sincere and heartfelt rendition of this timeless classic in contemporary music. I hope it's a huge hit and I love the fact that it's gotten so many people riled up. And I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that Robert and Jimmy think it's great. They know who they are, and they aren't afraid.



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You basically said that people who didn't like her cover of the song, hated it because she was black. Which is a fucking joke and you damn well know it. You threw the "racism" card out on the table when there was no need for it at all.

And for that you should be embarrassed.

Edited by Electrophile
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You basically said that people who didn't like her cover of the song, hated it because she was black. Which is a fucking joke and you damn well know it. You threw the "racism" card out on the table when there was no need for it at all.

And for that you should be embarrassed.

I have to pipe in for a second...Actually I feel the original comment didn't touch on that thought it was the reply back from another board member that implied that the comment was taken to mean that if someone doesn't like the remake then it was based on a racist view...which I did notice in the beginning of this thread a lot of strange and negative comments about Mary J. Blige as a person and the music type vs who had a 'right' to cover this type of music. I agree that the back in forth got out of hand but it's a touchy subject even for the other side lol

and on another note while others might feel this topic isn't warranted--it is being discussed in other forums so I guess it's safe to say as sad as it is to see this thought in some people's minds it's there and we can't run from it but we can try to understand why and that would be a call for civil discussions.

So, about that Mary J. Blige cover of 'Stairway to Heaven' lol

I couldn't find anything that listed any other African American women covering the song so it would be interesting to note that she might be the first to do so professionally...and it was interesting to see all the different ways the song has been interpreted.


I'll second that. The negative comments posted here are a disgrace, and those of you who are so "offended" by this cover should really get a life and some heavy duty therapy. Doing a funk/soul cover of a popular rock tune has been going on for decades. With mixed results? Absolutely, but there's no greater compliment than another artist covering your song in a sincere manner, and there's certainly nothing worthy of being "offended" about. My God...

There's nothing going on here in this thread than good old fashioned racism and bigotry, plain and simple. If the members of your favorite band read these comments, I have no doubt they'd be equal parts annoyed, horrified and disgusted.



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You basically said that people who didn't like her cover of the song, hated it because she was black. Which is a fucking joke and you damn well know it. You threw the "racism" card out on the table when there was no need for it at all.

And for that you should be embarrassed.

You're so angry and defensive. And you have a filthy mouth. You should be ashamed of yourself. The fact that you use the term "racism card" so freely says a lot about you. All bad. Look, tootsie, I honestly don't care if you're a racist or not. You're a stranger, your true nature means nothing to me. But at least be honest about it.

Why are you so afraid? And clean up your language. Think of the children, please.



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Let me get this straight. You tell people here that the reason they don't like Mary J. Blige's cover of Stairway to Heaven is because of "racism and bigotry". Those were YOUR words. You got called out on that because not only is it wrong, it's fucking disgusting. Then you called the people who called you out on it, racists. So in your little world, anyone who disagrees with you about this, is a racist. Is that the message we're to take from your ramblings in this thread?


BTW, if you don't like the word "fuck", you need to get over yourself. You may think I have a dirty mouth, but at least I don't go around calling other people racists because they don't like someone's cover of a Led Zeppelin song. So I'll take my dirty mouth and be proud of it because if the alternative is being you, I'd rather hang myself.

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Mary seems to be quite a fan . . .

I wish she had covered Kashmir that one would have fit the Mary J. Blige vibe a lot. I do wonder if she'll performer "Stairway to Heaven" on the American Idol gives back concert and show.

She was mention last night along with the All-Star Band. It sounds like an amazing show...even Jeff Beck will be there

I still ponder why the Led zeppelin covers were first released as a bonus track on the European version of her new cd



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I bet the record company will cash in now & re-release her cd with the bonus tracks (in the US), now that she was on Oprah and will be on AI next week.

R B)

I think you are right

Timing lol

but then I also wondered if it was to test the waters or the label figured American fans might not be into it

What's interesting is when it first got mention it was along with the "We are the world" remake so I figured the "Stairway to Heaven" cover was for a charity.

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