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RB2/GH3 and the Zepp


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Firstly let me state I am new to these forums and in no way affiliated to any music companies/corps or games mentioned in the following post. I am just a music lover and one who has loved Led Zepp for a long time.

As many people are probably aware, games such as Guitar Hero and Rock Band on modern gaming consoles are starting to make many old/new bands available to a new generation (this doesn't include me- i just play the games like a crazy old fart). I know Mr Page has been quoted in the past saying he believed these games stopped people from playing real instruments... however, I have to wholeheartedly disagree and know that myself and many friends/relatives are taking up instruments as a DIRECT RESULT of playing these games...

So, all i ask is that if the guys read this stuff, or anyone who knows them could ask them to reconsider this... There's a huge new market out there for LZ with the next generation (The Who, The Police have already had come-backs on the basis of TV shows etc). Now i know the LZ reform concert was a huge sell-out and I loved seeing 2 of the members at Wembley play with Dave Grohl & The Foo Fighters 2 years ago, but come on, let's educate these kids that Timberland and all this other emotionless crap they listen to is nothing more than refuse bin material!!!smile.gif


A big Led Zepp fan

P.S The complete recordings pack is great:)

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Unfortunately an entire generation of music fans will never know the joy of what it's like to listen to an ALBUM. They will never know the sense of anticipation of bringing that huge chunk of shrink wrapped vinyl with the cool art home, inspecting the cover, reading the lyrics. Putting on side 1, and hearing the new stuff for the FIRST time on decent stereo. Getting to the end of side 1 and trying to decide whether or not to put on side 2 or play side 1 again because it was so fucking awesome. Now they can download a new album for free, play each song for a few seconds on a crappy PC speaker or mp3 player, make an instant decision what they like and without ever listening to the album in it's entirety again, pick tracks 3 and 8 and dispose of the rest.

Where am I going with this and how it relates to RB/GH ? Well, simply that if Page wants to reach out to a new audience then he will likely have to lower his standards. I'd almost rather he didn't.

Support your local record store ! Fuck GH.

Edited by toscano
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Unfortunately an entire generation of music fans will never know the joy of what it's like to listen to an ALBUM. They will never know the sense of anticipation of bringing that huge chunk of shrink wrapped vinyl with the cool art home, inspecting the cover, reading the lyrics. Putting on side 1, and hearing the new stuff for the FIRST time on decent stereo. Getting to the end of side 1 and trying to decide whether or not to put on side 2 or play side 1 again because it was so fucking awesome. Now they can download a new album for free, play each song for a few seconds on a crappy PC speaker or mp3 player, make an instant decision what they like and without ever listening to the album in it's entirety again, pick tracks 3 and 8 and dispose of the rest.

Where am I going with this and how it relates to RB/GH ? Well, simply that if Page wants to reach out to a new audience then he will likely have to lower his standards. I'd almost rather he didn't.

Support your local record store ! Fuck GH.

Hi toscano

You talking about Geri Halliwell? (Ginger Spice) She's a bit "Crabby" now you know? :o:lol:




Regards, Danny

Edited by BIGDAN
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I don't think that Led Zeppelin ever had a recording that was only good if you listen to track 3 & 8.

This was a group with consistent song's, song's people actually liked. I'm a song writer for decade's now and can say that they are one of only a hand full of "Modern Music" act's that did this with every disc they released.

For that reson they do not, must not ever think of ever doing anything that they don't wish to do!

And they have said many time's that they do not wish to do this sort of thing, so leave it alone please!

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I don't think that Led Zeppelin ever had a recording that was only good if you listen to track 3 & 8.

This was a group with consistent song's, song's people actually liked. I'm a song writer for decade's now and can say that they are one of only a hand full of "Modern Music" act's that did this with every disc they released.

For that reson they do not, must not ever think of ever doing anything that they don't wish to do!

And they have said many time's that they do not wish to do this sort of thing, so leave it alone please!

I will leave it alone sure, but there's no harm in asking and quite frankly i see it all as very narrow minded in general tbh. Ah well..

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I don't think that Led Zeppelin ever had a recording that was only good if you listen to track 3 & 8.

This was a group with consistent song's, song's people actually liked. I'm a song writer for decade's now and can say that they are one of only a hand full of "Modern Music" act's that did this with every disc they released.

For that reson they do not, must not ever think of ever doing anything that they don't wish to do!

And they have said many time's that they do not wish to do this sort of thing, so leave it alone please!

What BLD said, this has been discussed and IMHO Led Zeppelins music is no video game. Go to the meet and greet thread and look at little six year old Harry...he is playing the instrument! I agree with what Jimmy has stated, to learn you must pick up the instrument.

Edited by Deborah J
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What BLD said, this has been discussed and IMHO Led Zeppelins music is no video game. Go to the meet and greet thread and look at little six year old Harry...he is playing the instrument! I agree with what Jimmy has stated, to learn you must pick up the instrument.

Hi Debs,

Sometimes Musicians can be a little too serious and pompous, Music is supposed to be "Fun", and if "Fun" means standing in front of a TV mimicking your Idol then whats wrong with that? if you haven't got the talent to play guitar in the first place then you ain't got it, period, and nothing is gonna make you keep trying if you just cant get the hang of it.

Do you remember the 70s when Heavy Metal first came out, all those long haired weird hippie types with their cardboard cut out Gibson Victory V guitars doing every guitar solo out there at every rock club you ever visited? well if you don't i do, especially at the Bandwagon in NW London, the place was so famous it featured on the Heavy Metal Britannia Rocumentary here in the UK.

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, I can still do the STH solo on air guitar as well as i did when it first came out, and i still practice regulary. ;):lol:

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Unfortunately an entire generation of music fans will never know the joy of what it's like to listen to an ALBUM. They will never know the sense of anticipation of bringing that huge chunk of shrink wrapped vinyl with the cool art home, inspecting the cover, reading the lyrics. Putting on side 1, and hearing the new stuff for the FIRST time on decent stereo. Getting to the end of side 1 and trying to decide whether or not to put on side 2 or play side 1 again because it was so fucking awesome. Now they can download a new album for free, play each song for a few seconds on a crappy PC speaker or mp3 player, make an instant decision what they like and without ever listening to the album in it's entirety again, pick tracks 3 and 8 and dispose of the rest.

Where am I going with this and how it relates to RB/GH ? Well, simply that if Page wants to reach out to a new audience then he will likely have to lower his standards. I'd almost rather he didn't.

Support your local record store ! Fuck GH.

toscano, you only have 7 posts and this is the second one I have read and felt exactly the same way! Not stalking you... LOL but good posts deserve credit. Hats off...

Now... to the OP...

I will leave it alone sure, but there's no harm in asking and quite frankly i see it all as very narrow minded in general tbh. Ah well..

I don't see it as narrow-minded at all. Since you claim to be an old fart this should come as no surprise to you, but in the 1970's it was commercially viable to release singles. But Jimmy didn't want to do that. The band were begged to release Stairway as a single and probably could have made even more $$$ if they had, but Jimmy refused.

I've always respected that and I respect his decisions now. I go back to what toscano said... today's generation will never know that simple joy of purchasing an album and racing home to check it out. Led Zeppelin were about albums, not individual songs, and to put an end to your argument that they are missing out on young fans today... weren't there something like 20 million people trying to get tickets to the O2? I believe it's safe to say that people know who Led Zeppelin are and games like Rock Band or Guitar Hero had nothing to do with that.

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I don't think I have the energy anymore to support this topic. I made the first Guitar Hero/RB thread here and I'm just tired of the same arguments. I support a Led Zeppelin appearance in these games for many of the reasons ayalem mentioned.

But there's just no resolution here. Get out while you still can...

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I don't think I have the energy anymore to support this topic. I made the first Guitar Hero/RB thread here and I'm just tired of the same arguments. I support a Led Zeppelin appearance in these games for many of the reasons ayalem mentioned.

But there's just no resolution here. Get out while you still can...

Well done!!!

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Hi Debs,

Sometimes Musicians can be a little too serious and pompous, Music is supposed to be "Fun", and if "Fun" means standing in front of a TV mimicking your Idol then whats wrong with that? if you haven't got the talent to play guitar in the first place then you ain't got it, period, and nothing is gonna make you keep trying if you just cant get the hang of it.

Do you remember the 70s when Heavy Metal first came out, all those long haired weird hippie types with their cardboard cut out Gibson Victory V guitars doing every guitar solo out there at every rock club you ever visited? well if you don't i do, especially at the Bandwagon in NW London, the place was so famous it featured on the Heavy Metal Britannia Rocumentary here in the UK.

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, I can still do the STH solo on air guitar as well as i did when it first came out, and i still practice regulary. ;):lol:

Naww..It's not like that at all man, most of us are just perfectionist.

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Naww..It's not like that at all man, most of us are just perfectionist.

Yea it is like that Man, I'm a "Professional Air Guitar Impresario", :elvis2: but i still have to practice 18 hours a day to sustain my 30 minute Guitar solos, :guitar_mood: and too numerous to mention Chord Sequences, which i do on my own by the way, no help required form you lot of "Stringed Instrument Perfectionists Types, :standup_bass: you make me sick, do you know what its like to constantly get cardboard burns on your finger tips daily? Ah. :lol:

Retards, Danny :thanku:

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Yea it is like that Man, I'm a "Professional Air Guitar Impresario", :elvis2: but i still have to practice 18 hours a day to sustain my 30 minute Guitar solos, :guitar_mood: and too numerous to mention Chord Sequences, which i do on my own by the way, no help required form you lot of "Stringed Instrument Perfectionists Types, :standup_bass: you make me sick, do you know what its like to constantly get cardboard burns on your finger tips daily? Ah. :lol:

Retards, Danny :thanku:

Yeeeowwwweee!! I've got cardboard blisters on me fingers!!! Ha Ha Ha

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I don't think I have the energy anymore to support this topic. I made the first Guitar Hero/RB thread here and I'm just tired of the same arguments. I support a Led Zeppelin appearance in these games for many of the reasons ayalem mentioned.

But there's just no resolution here. Get out while you still can...

I may disagree with your option but you can still say it with out my blessing my friend, I really have nothing against the "Rock Band" or "Guitar Hero" game's (I do like to game on my PC), I don't play them at all, I just don't like the way it's all being marketed.

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Yea it is like that Man, I'm a "Professional Air Guitar Impresario", :elvis2: but i still have to practice 18 hours a day to sustain my 30 minute Guitar solos, :guitar_mood: and too numerous to mention Chord Sequences, which i do on my own by the way, no help required form you lot of "Stringed Instrument Perfectionists Types, :standup_bass: you make me sick, do you know what its like to constantly get cardboard burns on your finger tips daily? Ah. :lol:

Retards, Danny :thanku:

Oh Danny, I feel for you. That cardboard can leave some nasty cuts too. I get them at work from the files and make my fingers a bloody mess. I recommend lots of bandaids. :D

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Real guitars are for old people! :hippy:

Funny, but sad..... I mean, I know it's just a TV show (I enjoy South Park too) but why all the fuss? I don't like the way it's all going, if thing's keep in that direction no one will be able to tell real talent and natural abilities from hacked imitation's.

Now I know how the old folks back in the 1950's felt. :D

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Funny, but sad..... I mean, I know it's just a TV show (I enjoy South Park too) but why all the fuss? I don't like the way it's all going, if thing's keep in that direction no one will be able to tell real talent and natural abilities from hacked imitation's.

Now I know how the old folks back in the 1950's felt. :D

We're not going in that direction.

I don't think there's a person on this earth that truly mistakes video game talent for instrumental talent, outside of a comical joke.

Sure, people have argued that it's somewhat of a bridge between not playing a real instrument and then having a basic understanding of how such an instrument might be played.

But nobody actually thinks that being good at GH/RB is the same thing as being good at an instrument.

Nobody does now...and no one ever will.

Edited by guitarmy
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