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UK Politics ~~ "New" Labour / Liberal Democrat / Conservative

The Rover

UK Politics   

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Whom do you support in UK Politics ?

    • Gordon Brown & The "New" Labour Party
    • Nick Clegg & The Liberal Democrats
    • David Cameron & The Conservative Party
    • Nick Griffin & The British National Party
    • Other

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The other day on C-SPAN, they were showing the UK Parliament discussing the propsed 2010 budget allocations, where the PM Gordon Brown speaks, and then the Conservative Party Leader speaks, David Cameron, and then the Liberal Democrat Leader spoke, Nick Clegg.

I appreciated the upbraiding of the Labour Party by David Cameron.

But then, Nick Clegg, spoke, and I though.... now here's a man of the people.

Others outside the US have plenty to say about our Politics....

So, I will say, that if I were voting in the upcoming elections.....

I would Vote Liberal Democrat, as they appear to be able to both talk the talk AND walk the walk -- of effectively helping the common man and woman.

The "Good" 'Ol Days . . . ? ?

Edited by The Rover
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In July 2007, Led Zeppelin II topped a poll conducted to find the favorite album of British politicians commemorating the London opening of a British library display.

Damian Green, the Member of Parliament from the Conservative Party, said "It's the ultimate album for teenage boys - metal as art. No one ever topped it. The opening riff is straightforward perfection."

On the same occasion, Liberal Democrat and the Member of Parliament Lembit Öpik said "Whole Lotta Love is the greatest rock song ever."

The ONLY event in the history where "Liberal" and "Conservative" decisions were reached by consensus.... :P :cheer:


- Led Zeppelin Rock British Politicians

- MP's Stairway to Heaven

(transplanted from What The Famous Say About Led Zeppelin thread)

Edited by zeppphead
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Realistically its the same 2 horse race as ever, the Lib Dems looked like they were moving forward 5-6 years ago but have really stalled and are still looking for the popularist policeys they know they'll never have to deliver.

Labour are getting a bit stale with ego's and back biting coming to the fore but Brown to me just seems like he has more real ability than Cameron. Yes the "end of the boom bust cycle" was a dumb prediction but ultimately in a banking meltdown the UK was always going to be hit hard, the stimulus wasnt backed by the Tory's but were now seeing its saved us from a much deeper recession.

While the BNP's support has picked up a bit there still luckly along way from getting an MP unlike the far right across much of the rest of europe.

Edited by greenman
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British politicians are viewed in such distain by myself now that it really is a job to choose the best of a pretty crooked bunch.The recent expenses expose has shown a lot of them up for what they really are.I feel that a vote for the Liberal Democrats is essentially a wasted vote as they will never win an election outright.A spot in a coalition government is all they could ever hope for at best.That leaves the big two,Labour or Conservative.Personally,I would probably be looked at as a Labour certainty.I was brought up in a one parent family,in a tower block on a council estate and I am a skilled manual worker.Yet when I look at what this present government has turned my country into over the last few years,although I've voted for them in the past,I could never,with a clear conscience,vote Labour again.Probably it will be Conservative for me,I've never voted for them before and I never really thought that I ever would,but the U.K cannot go on the way it is going.

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You see I don't see many problems in this country that I think the conservatives would counter, are they going to cutdown political corruption? reduce the recklessness and bonus culture in big business? reverse privitisation of public services? improve relations with Europe or the Muslim world? Protect the manifacturing sector?

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I've never really understood what the Lib Dems stand for so I doubt i will be voting for them. Nick clegg seems like a bit of a tory at times yet a lot of the other party members are very leftist. They are probably too pro-Europe as well for me.

I generally don't agree with any of Labour's political views and they have left the country in a complete mess. Again.

My political views are naturally more right leaning so I will probably vote Conservative. I know a lot of people are finding it hard to believe in and trust Cameron and Osborne but i'm willing to give them a chance. There is good experience with the likes of William Hague and Ken Clarke (He brought us out of the last recession and handed over a decent economy to labour in 1997) in the shadow cabinet and I'm much more willing to trust them than any of the Labour bunch.

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Hi All,

Well let me tell you this for nothing, I'm gonna vote this time, against my better judgement i might add.

I have been assured that this new party and and its new local candidate will reinforce all what is good about British Politics and they will "Wipe" the opposition out, and "Flush" away all corruption and any "Tissue" of lies that the other parties say about them.

The new party candidate for my constituency is Mr R Swipes and the party he will be representing is called "TRUE" (Turds-R-Us-Everyone) they stand for "Lying, Cheating, Hurting, that's all they seem to do", now where have i heard those words before?

Regards, Danny

PS, Well at least their honest, :cheer: as if the public care. :rolleyes:

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I have over the years become weary of politics, they all promise so much but usually fail to delver. I still can't in all consciousness vote for the Tories though, The scars of the 1980's still linger. We need a radical change in British politics, but while the big two are always in power that isn't going to change, they will feather their own nests to keep in power.

Edited by leddy
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(Reuters) - British Prime Minister Gordon Brown was set to announce on Tuesday a May 6 parliamentary election which could bring down the curtain on 13 years of rule by his center-left Labor Party.

Brown will meet Queen Elizabeth on Tuesday to request a dissolution of parliament, a Labor party source said, a formality which will mark the start of a month-long campaign for one of the most unpredictable elections in Britain for almost two decades.

The opposition Conservatives lead Labor in opinion polls but the gap has been narrowing. An ICM poll in Tuesday's Guardian newspaper showed Labor only four points behind the Conservatives and on course to remain the largest party, albeit without an overall majority.

Support for the Conservatives is unevenly distributed in Britain's 650 parliamentary constituencies, meaning Labor can win the most seats even if it does not capture the largest share of the vote nationally.

An inconclusive election result is rare in Britain and is the nightmare scenario for financial markets, which want a clear outcome and the promise of meaningful action to tackle a budget deficit running at almost 12 percent of GDP.

Failure by either of the main parties to win a majority could hand a pivotal role to the smaller opposition Liberal Democrats, who will be trying to maintain a bloc of around 60 MPs in parliament.


How best to run an economy slowly emerging from the worst recession since World War Two is likely to be the central theme in the campaign, entwined with issues such as how best to manage public services in straitened times.

Labor argues that Brown has steered Britain through turbulent economic times and to hand over now to an inexperienced opposition would jeopardize recovery.

"The people of this country have fought too hard to get Britain on the road to recovery to allow anybody to take us back on the road to recession," Brown said in a statement previewing his campaign themes.

The Conservatives, led by former public relations executive David Cameron, have long said they would cut the deficit harder and faster than Labor but have now promised to exempt most workers from a rise in payroll tax that Labor plans from 2011.

That has won applause from the party's traditional business supporters but Labor has cried foul, saying the Conservatives' plans do not add up.

"We're fighting this election for the Great Ignored. Young, old, rich, poor, black, white, gay, straight," Cameron said in a statement, showing how he has tried to make his party more inclusive.

The outgoing parliament, which has served a full five years, has been tarnished by a scandal over lawmakers' expenses that angered Britons. As many as 150 members of parliament are stepping down, many with reputations harmed by the scandal.

All three main parties have suffered and some analysts expect fringe parties and independent candidates to pick up extra votes at the polls.

Adding spice to the campaign will be an innovation in British politics -- live television debates between Prime Minister Brown, Conservative leader Cameron and Liberal Democrat Nick Clegg.

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Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has said the general election will not be the usual "two-horse race" between Labour and the Conservatives.


Mr Clegg told workers at the Lib Dem campaign headquarters in central London that their party would offer real change to voters.

He said the 6 May poll would be "a huge, huge election".

'Different and new'

Mr Clegg said: "It is a very exciting opportunity for everyone in Britain who wants fairness and real change, who wants something different.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Greetings from Canada:

Well...alot has happened in your country ..I watch the BBC WORLD NEWS..it starts broadcasting live at @ 3 am over here...Brown has departed and Cameron and Clegg are sharing the stage now...I tried to follow their live news conference this am but I could not....put me to sleep..

Good Luck...we have a minority government in Canada....there was a big hoopla two years ago about the possibility of a coalition.....never happened..


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