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Ozone Baby

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I've never really bought into the "true fan" concept, at least not the way it's presented in this thread. If someone doesn't like a song or criticizes something Zeppelin (or any band or artist) has done, that's perfectly fine. To "bash" their work implies something else entirely, like maliciousness. It's only natural that we are going to have differing opinions on what are our favorites and least favorites are. To constructively criticize their music shows a real passion for it. Those folks are more what I would think of as "true" fans, not the ones that think Zeppelin can do no wrong.

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I actualy think it's kind of odd that they released Coda at all, especially so soon after they split.

It's almost as if they thought, 'Hang on, we don't really want people to think we were on the way down cos we ended with a bum album. Let's show 'em the rockers we threw away.'

I also wonder whether they would have released ITTOD in its original form, if they had known it was going to be their last album.

Edited by bouillon
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I don't think of In Through the Out Door as a "bum" album or of Zeppelin being a diminished version of their former selves at this point of their career. It wasn't until I started visiting this site that I learned that so many fans think so poorly of it. My original opinion of it still stands, I like it and feel like it shows them exploring and breaking some new ground at that stage of their career. I also don't think of Coda as proper album, I think of it as exactly what it was and was intended to be, a collection of previously unreleased material.

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^ Well you must be too young to have experienced the huge disappointment when ITTOD came out .

When Coda was released, my immediate reaction was 'Why did they put crap like Carouselambra and FITR on ITTOD when they had OB & WAT up their sleeves.

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^ Well you must be too young to have experienced the huge disappointment when ITTOD came out .

To the contrary. I was a senior in high school when it was released. I wasn't disappointed by it then nor am I disappointed in it now. I love the record from start to finish and consider it one of Zeppelin's finest moments.

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^ Well you must be too young to have experienced the huge disappointment when ITTOD came out .

ITTOD was the opposite of huge disappointment.

It was number 1 around the world, and went multi-platinum.

And it gained so many new fans, that it sent ALL of the previous Zep albums up the Billboard 200.

That's never been done by any group before or since.

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To me anyone who can't appreciate it really isn't a very true fan of the band. Most people would give their left arm to hear the lads play this song again at least once. I know I would.

But what I as trying to say was when people make comments like, "it's crap" or "can't stand it", then I don't believe they are being the type of fans you speak of which are attempting to critique Zeppelin's body of work within a larger context.

I can't stand it.

Now try to tell me I'm not a "true fan" . :rolleyes:

Edited by Knebby
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Coda was released as a contractual obligation to the record company (Atlantic), or at least that is what I have read. I am glad it was an official release and not just found on bootlegs without the final mix.

Ozone Baby would have cooked live, IMO.

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I don't think of In Through the Out Door as a "bum" album or of Zeppelin being a diminished version of their former selves at this point of their career. My original opinion of it still stands, I like it and feel like it shows them exploring and breaking some new ground at that stage of their career.

I think its truly amazing the change in approach to their music on that album. I find it understated how much they re-defined their sound there. To me, nothing else sounds like that album, by them, or anyone else. Plant came on with a new voice ! Wow! Very daring, and it sounded GREAT to these ears. I know people say Jimmy took a back seat on the album,could be, but I think he came up with amazing new things on the guitar. The way he accompanied the synth on that album showed a great musical sensibility to me. I think that having less guitar dominance on the album allowed his playing to come off very differently.

Here was a hugely sucessful band, leaving the vast majority of ground they'd covered far behind them. They went from dirty and grungy on many of their songs, to glistening, shiny, and clean, very convincingly. Its a great album.

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I think its truly amazing the change in approach to their music on that album. I find it understated how much they re-defined their sound there. To me, nothing else sounds like that album, by them, or anyone else. Plant came on with a new voice ! Wow! Very daring, and it sounded GREAT to these ears. I know people say Jimmy took a back seat on the album,could be, but I think he came up with amazing new things on the guitar. The way he accompanied the synth on that album showed a great musical sensibility to me. I think that having less guitar dominance on the album allowed his playing to come off very differently.

Here was a hugely sucessful band, leaving the vast majority of ground they'd covered far behind them. They went from dirty and grungy on many of their songs, to glistening, shiny, and clean, very convincingly. Its a great album.

It's been my experience that some Zep fans don't like change. They only want more of the same, especially when it comes to other artists outside of Led Zeppelin. Thank goodness, Zeppelin themselves never adhered to that credo either during Zeppelin's existence or since the untimely death of John Bonham in 1980.

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I think its truly amazing the change in approach to their music on that album.

You can say that again

The way he accompanied the synth on that album...

You've hit the nail on the head there. The synth should've been accompanying him.

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To the contrary. I was a senior in high school when it was released. I wasn't disappointed by it then nor am I disappointed in it now. I love the record from start to finish and consider it one of Zeppelin's finest moments.

WTF?!? You mean we're the same age? I thought you were around 28? I must have confused you with Electrophile. :)

As for ITTOD...I liked the album, especially Fool in the Rain, Hot Dog, Carouselambra, and I'm Gonna Crawl. After 3 long years, I was DYING for some Zeppelin, in whatever shape or form.

I do not care for Ozone Baby however...it seems an idea unfinished, like much of the Coda stuff, which given the circumstances of its release is understandable.

Of the ITTOD-era stuff on Coda, Wearing and Tearing is the best, IMO.

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I don't know what kind of fan you may believe you are, but you are entitled to your opinion just like everyone else I suppose. As long as I am entitled to have an opinon too in Led Zeppelin's own house.

I like the song. It's a good song, and I would feel comfortable giving my opinion to their faces without being rude.


PS. The thread is about other people's positive reactions to a song, I didn't think it was supposed to be about bashing Led Zeppelin.

Just my opinion.

Don't be ridiculous, I didn't "bash" Led Zeppelin ANYWHERE - I said I couldn't stand ONE of their songs. Grow up.

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WTF?!? You mean we're the same age? I thought you were around 28? I must have confused you with Electrophile. :)

As for ITTOD...I liked the album, especially Fool in the Rain, Hot Dog, Carouselambra, and I'm Gonna Crawl. After 3 long years, I was DYING for some Zeppelin, in whatever shape or form.

I do not care for Ozone Baby however...it seems an idea unfinished, like much of the Coda stuff, which given the circumstances of its release is understandable.

Of the ITTOD-era stuff on Coda, Wearing and Tearing is the best, IMO.

I agree. I love ITTOD, and enjoy a lot of CODA, but the first two initials don't stand for "Contractual Obligation" for nothing. They would not have released much of that material as it stood in other circumstances.

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Maybe Ozone Baby would've been more popular if it had been drenched in saccharin synths like the rest of the album it should've been on.

Or maybe it is - like every one of their other songs - subject to individual taste.

My individual taste hears NOTHING "saccharine" in the synths on Carouselambra - but hey, what do I know eh?

Edited by Knebby
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Don't be ridiculous, I didn't "bash" Led Zeppelin ANYWHERE - I said I couldn't stand ONE of their songs. Grow up.

You should see the reaction I get when people find out I can't stand Stairway To Heaven. Lordy mama. You'd think I'd insulted their mothers or something.

I never thought there was a such a thing as a "true" fan or a "real" fan or any of that other gobbledygook. We're all here because we love Led Zeppelin's music, some to more of a degree than others. However that base is still there. Do I love other bands more than Led Zeppelin? Yeah, there are a couple bands I prefer more, but if given a choice between say Led Zeppelin and Justin Bieber, I'm listening to Led Zeppelin. Someone who was not a fan of Led Zeppelin, no matter how big/small, would not say that.

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Yeah, there are a couple bands I prefer more, but if given a choice between say Led Zeppelin and Justin Bieber, I'm listening to Led Zeppelin. Someone who was not a fan of Led Zeppelin, no matter how big/small, would not say that.

Not necessarily. I fucking detest Jethro Tull, but I'd rather listen to them than JB. Probably.

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Not necessarily. I fucking detest Jethro Tull, but I'd rather listen to them than JB. Probably.

Can you envision

attempting to play Justin Bieber's "

btw, that's totally wrong placement of the foot in that first video; we never do that in dance because you can easily injure the foot, as the tendons are short on the outer ankle, compared to the long, strong tendon on the inner ankle. Where he ever got that I don't know, but he learned the technique totally wrong.

Edited by Silver Rider
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