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This is terrible news. I read the update this morning, and it bothered me for a large part of the day. It's depressing. Just reminds you how precious life is. So short, and you never know what's going to happen. It's good to get reminded of this. Helps you view things with a more pure perspective, but we all soon go back to our other ways. Just keep this in mind: We had a vibrant, intelligent, friendly 51 year old man, stricken by this disease, and now the end is near. I can't believe the guy I just talked to not long ago isn't going to be here anymore. Just awful, absolutely awful.

As for Charles, I knew him a bit through PM communication. We weren't friends really, meaning I cannot claim that we were buddies, like some of you can. We didn't communicate very often and didn't know each other that well, but we had very open personal communication, as two strangers, that you would have with someone who was your friend in real life, and I liked him quite a lot. I come here to skim the updates, but I'm not active, but if I was, I probably would have had a lot more communication with Charles, and so I can imagine how some of you are feeling right now, who were really his regular friends.

The word "hospice" to me is frightening, and I am imagining what the situation is like right now, and I wish I wasn't. And this may sound harsh and this may be rough for some, but I have some experience in this area, and I want to say a couple of things:

Monitor Charles' situation closely. Hospice is a big business, and they will do everything possible to keep someone alive who should have passed on, because they bill the hell out of Medicare/Medicaid etc. Yes, I know this personally. So, let the man go when he needs to, and be very careful of whatever further treatment he gets.

Charles is dying, and as horrible as it is, it's the truth. There is nothing nice about this situation. I wish I knew more about him and I wish I knew more about what he's said in these last months. I hope that his brother will write something for us, so we all know a bit more.

I don't have a whole lot else to say. The situation is very sad, and it sucks. I feel terrible about it to be honest.

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I understand and agree with most of what you're saying DRUNK08 (using the word "most" because I've never had personal experience with hospices) especially that I too wish we'd have more time to get to know Dzldoc Charles better. One thing he spoke of on this forum that really tugged at my heartstrings was about how his ex-wife was refusing him contact with his son during & after the divorce. So right now I am crossing my fingers and sending out prayers & wishes that his ex has softened and now allowing as much time together as both Charles & his son want.

Most of all, I hope that this Led Zeppelin official forum will be around for many years, with threads archived instead of deleted, so that some day in the future Charles' boy can come here and get to know his Dad outside the serious illness, to get a glimpse of a different side of his father, and to see how much he is loved and respected by the friends he has made here.

Thanks for keeping us informed Literally Speaking. My thoughts & prayers go out to your whole family.

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It's strange.

I've had to deal with a lot of death in my life, either through natural causes, accidents or suicide. It never gets easier, but each time someone you love or care about dies, you draw on previous experiences to get you through. I never met Charles in person, but spoke to him often here on the boards, as did the rest of you. It's odd to think of someone you've "known" as long as we've all known him making that final journey, but all of us should be grateful for the warm and fond memories we have of him and those memories should be what gets us through this difficult time.

I hope that the people with him in hospice care are making these moments as painless and peaceful for him as possible, and I wish his family and friends peace and strength when the day comes.

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Charles was the first person to say hello when I first joined here, and I always looked forward to chatting with him; as I know so many others here have as well. I've said a lot of prayers and will continue to do so; he is leaving such a legacy of friendship and grace. Peace be with you Charles.

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My thoughts and prayers are with Charles and his family. This is so very hard to put into words. I was privileged to have had a few phone conversations with our Charles. A soft spoken man. Among a few others,we sat for 3 hours one Sunday afternoon a few months ago and we talked of life, our sons, and music. He had so kindly sent me a few DVD's, so we listened to the ones he sent to me as we talked. I will so miss my friend, but you are in my heart in this world and whatever the next world is.

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This is terrible news. I read the update this morning, and it bothered me for a large part of the day. It's depressing. Just reminds you how precious life is. So short, and you never know what's going to happen. It's good to get reminded of this. Helps you view things with a more pure perspective, but we all soon go back to our other ways. Just keep this in mind: We had a vibrant, intelligent, friendly 51 year old man, stricken by this disease, and now the end is near. I can't believe the guy I just talked to not long ago isn't going to be here anymore. Just awful, absolutely awful.

As for Charles, I knew him a bit through PM communication. We weren't friends really, meaning I cannot claim that we were buddies, like some of you can. We didn't communicate very often and didn't know each other that well, but we had very open personal communication, as two strangers, that you would have with someone who was your friend in real life, and I liked him quite a lot. I come here to skim the updates, but I'm not active, but if I was, I probably would have had a lot more communication with Charles, and so I can imagine how some of you are feeling right now, who were really his regular friends.

The word "hospice" to me is frightening, and I am imagining what the situation is like right now, and I wish I wasn't. And this may sound harsh and this may be rough for some, but I have some experience in this area, and I want to say a couple of things:

Monitor Charles' situation closely. Hospice is a big business, and they will do everything possible to keep someone alive who should have passed on, because they bill the hell out of Medicare/Medicaid etc. Yes, I know this personally. So, let the man go when he needs to, and be very careful of whatever further treatment he gets.

Charles is dying, and as horrible as it is, it's the truth. There is nothing nice about this situation. I wish I knew more about him and I wish I knew more about what he's said in these last months. I hope that his brother will write something for us, so we all know a bit more.

I don't have a whole lot else to say. The situation is very sad, and it sucks. I feel terrible about it to be honest.

I feel terrible too - but hospice care is really wonderful. It is scary though in the sense of the reason the person is there but there is a small bit of comfort in knowing he's being well looked after.

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Literally Speaking, thank you for your message. You and your entire family, especially Charles, are in my thoughts and prayers.

This is terrible news. I read the update this morning, and it bothered me for a large part of the day. It's depressing. Just reminds you how precious life is. So short, and you never know what's going to happen. It's good to get reminded of this. Helps you view things with a more pure perspective, but we all soon go back to our other ways. Just keep this in mind: We had a vibrant, intelligent, friendly 51 year old man, stricken by this disease, and now the end is near. I can't believe the guy I just talked to not long ago isn't going to be here anymore. Just awful, absolutely awful.

As for Charles, I knew him a bit through PM communication. We weren't friends really, meaning I cannot claim that we were buddies, like some of you can. We didn't communicate very often and didn't know each other that well, but we had very open personal communication, as two strangers, that you would have with someone who was your friend in real life, and I liked him quite a lot. I come here to skim the updates, but I'm not active, but if I was, I probably would have had a lot more communication with Charles, and so I can imagine how some of you are feeling right now, who were really his regular friends.

The word "hospice" to me is frightening, and I am imagining what the situation is like right now, and I wish I wasn't. And this may sound harsh and this may be rough for some, but I have some experience in this area, and I want to say a couple of things:

Monitor Charles' situation closely. Hospice is a big business, and they will do everything possible to keep someone alive who should have passed on, because they bill the hell out of Medicare/Medicaid etc. Yes, I know this personally. So, let the man go when he needs to, and be very careful of whatever further treatment he gets.

Charles is dying, and as horrible as it is, it's the truth. There is nothing nice about this situation. I wish I knew more about him and I wish I knew more about what he's said in these last months. I hope that his brother will write something for us, so we all know a bit more.

I don't have a whole lot else to say. The situation is very sad, and it sucks. I feel terrible about it to be honest.

I feel many of the same emotions that you expressed here, DRUNK08. Like you, I didn't know Charles as well as many other people here did but I still feel sick and sad about this situation.

I understand and agree with most of what you're saying DRUNK08 (using the word "most" because I've never had personal experience with hospices) especially that I too wish we'd have more time to get to know Dzldoc Charles better. One thing he spoke of on this forum that really tugged at my heartstrings was about how his ex-wife was refusing him contact with his son during & after the divorce. So right now I am crossing my fingers and sending out prayers & wishes that his ex has softened and now allowing as much time together as both Charles & his son want.

Most of all, I hope that this Led Zeppelin official forum will be around for many years, with threads archived instead of deleted, so that some day in the future Charles' boy can come here and get to know his Dad outside the serious illness, to get a glimpse of a different side of his father, and to see how much he is loved and respected by the friends he has made here.

Thanks for keeping us informed Literally Speaking. My thoughts & prayers go out to your whole family.

I agree with what you've written here about the situation with Charles' little son.

My thoughts and prayers are with Charles and his family. This is so very hard to put into words. I was privileged to have had a few phone conversations with our Charles. A soft spoken man. Among a few others,we sat for 3 hours one Sunday afternoon a few months ago and we talked of life, our sons, and music. He had so kindly sent me a few DVD's, so we listened to the ones he sent to me as we talked. I will so miss my friend, but you are in my heart in this world and whatever the next world is.

This must be an incredibly difficult time for you, Deborah J. I never talked with Charles but I imagined him as a soft-spoken man. I know that he liked to have a good time with his friends but he was incredibly polite and gracious when he communicated with me. One of the first conversations I had here with Charles was about the muscle cars we drove in the 70s and about the clothes we wore then. I told him once that he was part of a vanishing breed of Southern gentlemen - I think I may have embarrassed him but I think he was flattered too. My husband and I sent him a get well card in the spring and he took the time to write and thank us for it even though I know he wasn't feeling well at the time.

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Charles is now in Hospice.


LS, You have been so very brave through this...thank you for sharing your pain...it is this moment in life when our minds come together, in unison for a common purpose, to understand life and humanity... more than happiness, it is very important to share sorrow....I hope you will continue many traditions in honor of your brother, one of them being that you stay in touch with fans here...it will be a wonderful reminder of him, as long as we are community..........

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charles was one of the first to welcome me when i joined. he was always friendly and one time ( in the middle of the night down here ) we chatted about lall kinds of stuff. i was alone and lonely at the time, and so was he. he told me about the situation with his son and ex wife, and found a common denominator there. we would often chat and email. and once we spoke on skype. he has a real southern drawl ( well it sounded that way to me ). he was always friendly, polite and funny. and he showed his generosity by posting a sound card to me for my computer when i mentioned mine wasn't working. all the way to australia!

we havent emailed in a few months now.

i wish him love and peace.

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Charles you are a true gentleman, a real credit to your family and friends- and a rare, rare individual. I won't talk as if you're gone yet, you are still around. Wait to the right of the Gates... we'll say "hello" one day.

LS, I know that no words are truly helpful at this time. May you find comfort.

Edited by Tejanablonde
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I know if there is any way, Charles probably has them putting this Saints game on the radio speaker for him. Just watching this game, his favorite team, I know it would take his mind off things if possible. I am very sad about our friend. As a believer, I hope that the Lord has saved him a special seat. Im sure he has. God bless you Charles. You are a great man!!! And a friend to so many here! We all love you!!!

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I am so very sad to hear this news even though I felt that something like this was coming. Thank you LS for the update and my thoughts go out to you and your family as you journey through this episode in life.

It seems so strange to have such a strong feeling for someone whom I have never met, only PM'd a couple of times , and exchanged posts with but thought of often while dealing with this life struggle. Life is nothing but unique here on the Led Zeppelin forum.

Charles....you have been nothing but kind to me and everyone else on this board and while you may be leaving us, your presence will continue in those who have had the pleasure to interact with you in this weaved fabric of threads here. You are a friend and a champion in my teary eyes.

Edited by ledzepfvr
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1st I'd like to thank everyone for all the comments.

2nd I'd like everyone to know the only reason I joined this forum was BECAUSE of my brother. Don't get me wrong, I love the Zep, fav tune is Kashmir.

3rd THIS SHIT SUX!!!!!

4th This is where I fall apart.............................

Edited by Literally Speaking
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1st I'd like to thank everyone for all the comments.

2nd I'd like everyone to know the only reason I joined this forum was BECAUSE of my brother. Don't get me wrong, I love the Zep, fav tune is Kashmir.

3rd THIS SHIT SUX!!!!!

4th This is where I fall apart.............................

LS... feel free to do so. Thank you so much for being that link to and from Charles for us.

I haven't said much in here although I read it, because it's just too hard at times. My ex is now in hospice, and even though we are no longer married, he is still an important person to me and I care very much about him... just differently. It's hard to watch someone go through all this... and the feelings of powerlessness it invokes is really maddening. As hard as it is to watch (or experience second-hand, because we live in different cities), I am reassured that D. is comfortable and that folks are working hard to make his last few weeks or months as good as possible. Someitmes that is all we can do... make what time we have left together as meaningful and good and comfortable as we can... and then scream at the walls and cry when we need to do so.

So please, LS... fall apart, scream, or cry when you need to do so... and embrace the love and firendship when you can.

Charles is in my thoughts and prayers, as are you and may you both be at peace.

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This is heartbreaking. I've been teary all day because all the pain involved: Charles's, LS's almost palpable suffering.

What comfort words can be said now? There are no confort words. Maybe the thought that one day in the future will be our turn to play the main role in this kind of situation.

It sux, indeed. But we cannot escape it. Either we grieve over the loved ones, either the loved ones grieve over us.

Today, I can't help but thinking about Charles all the time. Hope he'll find the final answers to the main questions of life.

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LS... feel free to do so. Thank you so much for being that link to and from Charles for us.

I haven't said much in here although I read it, because it's just too hard at times. My ex is now in hospice, and even though we are no longer married, he is still an important person to me and I care very much about him... just differently. It's hard to watch someone go through all this... and the feelings of powerlessness it invokes is really maddening. As hard as it is to watch (or experience second-hand, because we live in different cities), I am reassured that D. is comfortable and that folks are working hard to make his last few weeks or months as good as possible. Someitmes that is all we can do... make what time we have left together as meaningful and good and comfortable as we can... and then scream at the walls and cry when we need to do so.

So please, LS... fall apart, scream, or cry when you need to do so... and embrace the love and firendship when you can.

Charles is in my thoughts and prayers, as are you and may you both be at peace.

Well said Lakey and I'm sorry too, for what you're going through as well. There just are never the right words to express the sadness and heartache we feel in situations like this.

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