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I've had the option to view peoples sigs 'off' for who knows how long (for the very reason I'm making this thread), but out of curiosity I turned it back on just a few minutes ago...

...and you have got to be kidding me! Far too many of them are MA-HOO-SSIVE!! They fill up my entire screen, and then some! Shrink those pics. Use photoshop, use photobucket, use paint for cryin' out loud, anything to get those pics smaller. Or you could just get rid of them. That works too.

This is just a suggestion. If no one else seems to care then I can just turn sigs off again.

Good day.

Edited by Muse
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Typing your sigs shows personality.

Famous quotes are iffy, but admissible.

Using pictures that are not hillarious moving gifs is just lazy.

Using large pictures is well...on par with pederasty, supporting terrorism, or not liking the Clash.

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I've had the option to view peoples sigs 'off' for who knows how long (for the very reason I'm making this thread), but out of curiosity I turned it back on just a few minutes ago..

This is just a suggestion. If no one else seems to care then I can just turn sigs off again.

Thanks for the reminder...I just turned off my signatures. :rolleyes:

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I'm pretty sure the largest signature I've seen is my own. And I don't think it's that big. Is it? :huh:

no, your isn't the biggest but it's in the top positions ...

anyway, what's the meaning of a signature if it's so big as a screen?? :burp:

oh, yeah, I can turn it off ... does it make sense?? :angry:

to me, it's exactly the same as for the netetiquette: writing in block letters is screaming, big pictures are louder :thumbdown:

I think there's no respect, that's it :rant:

We need active moderators ... i.e. there are so many duplicate threads that I'm almost bored to see new posts (and sometimes language is really offensive or questions are so stupid :mad: )!!

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I think they're too large also,it takes away from peoples' enjoyment of the board.Plus;I think like others;that it's another way of saying "Hey!!Look at me!!!"

...and I won't even mention the blatant disregard for those of us who are stuck on fucking dial-up....

..wait a minute....

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I've had the option to view peoples sigs 'off' for who knows how long (for the very reason I'm making this thread), but out of curiosity I turned it back on just a few minutes ago...

...and you have got to be kidding me! Far too many of them are MA-HOO-SSIVE!! They fill up my entire screen, and then some! Shrink those pics. Use photoshop, use photobucket, use paint for cryin' out loud, anything to get those pics smaller. Or you could just get rid of them. That works too.

This is just a suggestion. If no one else seems to care then I can just turn sigs off again.

Good day.

So you bailed your Radiohead sig to set an example?? :rolleyes:

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So you bailed your Radiohead sig to set an example?? :rolleyes:

Nah, the change wasn't connected. It's just a different Radiohead sig now.

I figured people may be getting tired of Thom screaming "dance, dance, dance" into the camera.

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I like siggy's....they don't bother me one bit...and as far as Rabia's big sig....

I love Sharon Tate !!! Is that still hers ?

Why do people harp on such insignificant things ? :huh:

Yeah, Sharon is great to see. But I'm referring to Rabia's Rita Hayworth pics.

Now those were



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not really. First off, there's two N's in Legionnaire......and second I read you though Zep would be playing In My Time Of Dying for the first time ever....that alone should demote you to cadet in training. :P


It's only been 2 years for me so far. Shh... :P /me runs off to edit sig. :oops:

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One good thing is that the post space are of the same minimum size so theres a point to which it does not matter. But most of the large ones I've seen could be cropped or shrunk by a good third and still be very nice.

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Some are big...like DeepBlackZeppelin's....but it is indeed always tasteful. :thumbsup:

I say...if you don't like them then deactivate them by turning display sigs off!! Your problem solved.

Ric, my friend,.. your suggestion for a solution presumes the person doesn't like seeing sigs, which, as far as I can tell, isn't the "problem" at all. The issue of complaint is not the use of images in sigs, it's the size of the images some people use in their sigs.

It seems to me there's no reason why sigs.. you know, post "signatures".. need to be so large that they dominate a post rather than serving as a post signature.. an unobtrusive post add-on. Personally I find big sig images rather irritating, and although I know I have the option of not displaying sigs at all, I opt to leave sigs turned on because I don't wanna miss everyone's sigs just because some people are inconsiderate and insist on having big images in their sigs.

Many boards solve the problem of big sig images by not allowing images in signatures at all; others address the issue by limiting the size of images allowed in sigs; and some boards have no limits at all. It's not surprising that where there are no limits there will be people who take advantage of the privilege and will use big, obtrusive images in their sigs.

Imho, the middle path.. limiting sig image sizes.. is a reasonable and fair compromise.

The middle path allows for signature images while also providing some "structure" for

those who are unable to restrain themselves from using obtrusive images in their sigs.


anyway.. that's my .02


Edited by Hermit
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^ Me too. When I used my sister's puter, she had dialup and I used the option.

I shrunk my own just for Hermit!

There is one Av. I cannot stand! but I cover it by hand while reading, because I can't just turn that ONE off.

If you are a hardcore poster, turn them off!

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