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do you/should.. you think The "Zeppelin" will carry on......should we say the year......2030? (Hey...Hey...what can you say?)


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All this classic rock will die along with those of us in our 30s. Generally speaking, music doesn't matter in the fabric of society anymore. It's really become just another product, to be digitized, downloaded and sold for commercials. It's not the soundtrack of young lives anymore, just background noise. They couldn't tell you who John Bonham is and they

sure couldn't tell you anything about Gene Krupa. The revolution will not be televised because there will be no revolution. Rock is dead. Long live Rock.

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never mind the refund Steve........what did they pass on?..i totally agree on what you say on yesterdays and todays market........but really...........you don't believe it will carry on? Trick may i say...not

For the commercial happenings.......GM...heading towards a dire straights situation?.....a rock has to roll......wait wait wait....my eyes are squinting

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:coffee:My cup is half full in this imperfect world, and I'm satisfied living in the moment.

Ok then....lets watch with our cock in our hands....lolygag'n.....nothing is pefect!

Steve would ruin you any time of the day

Stay on Topic now.....

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Shit has to roll...........no?

Steves right about one thing, there's more daft thing's on here that you can shake a shit at. I mean come on, the temperature in London? How to dress, how to smoke. I say wear clothes and smoke until someone makes you put it out. As far as "desirezep" I know her personally and she's a good person at heart, just real confusing, but then again I have been accused of the same.

Rolls>>> :wacko:

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I never realize it could be both. Here's one that's half-full...


Is this like that age-old philosophical question. If there's a bustle in your hedgerow and there's no one there to hear it, does it make a sound? <_<

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I love how all the newbies are crowding the regular forums and the other more accredited members are hanging out in the newbies section!


I'm 24 and I like to think there will be a resurgence in rock consciousness.

I don't know exactly what that means, but I think at this point, nobody gives a damn about any of the social callings that rock proclaimed 40 or so years ago.

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