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Led Zeppelin Theft

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I am sure this Topic has been discussed before but I could not find it under any previous topics.

New York City. 1973. The Drake Hotel. Safe deposit Box. Between $180,000 and $210,000. Profits from the final leg of Led Zeppelin's historic and record-breaking tour. Stolen(?) from the safe deposit box that only Richard Cole and the Drake Security staff only had the keys to (supposedly).

As far as I know, this high profile theft has never been fully explained or "solved". I have read that Richard Cole submitted to and passed a polygraph test. And I really do believe (from what I have read) that the members of Led Zeppelin or Peter Grant himself, think that Richard Cole actually did not have anything to do with the disapearance of so much money. Richard remained Led Zeppelin's Tour manager for 6 more years up to and including both Knebworth 1979 gigs.

I have read that a possible answer to the theft of so much of Led Zeppelin's concert tour profits was maybe the work of some faction of the New York "Mafia". This is pure speculation on my part, however, it does not seem completely out of the realm of possiblity for such thing to happen in New York City (back in the early 1970's). All I can think of and say is that I do not think that this "heist" was done by the Great and (Fictional) CORLEONE Family. (Maybe the Bonnano or Luchesse or Gambino "Families?").

Anyone have any answers, facts or opinions on this subject?

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opinion: one would think that after 30 plus years of silence, someone would fess up.

Was it a desk clerk that knew a gray area or loophole with the assistance of outside help?

Was it a inside job by someone within the band?

Did the money go into the wrong safe deposit box?

Was it misplaced only to be found later to no reporting?

Was it all a misguided attempt at publicity that got lost in a drug haze?

Was the money taken by one of the band members?

By the non-challance(sp) stances taken by the band at the time and the years after ward would suggest that it wasn't that big of a deal, that they knew what happened but refuse to say because it didn't happen or it does not matter to them.

So, to all the super sleuth's out there, get a video cam and do a investigative report and have it syndicated for cable tv.

You can read all the quotes from the band and surrounding cast of characters through the years and do your own fill in the blanks to the who did, who did not, who could, who would.

It was Mr Mustard, in the cloak room, with Colonel Klink handing the key to the Devil in Mrs. Jones being escorted out by the Professor with the assistance of the Bolivian Army. HA!

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I reckon you will have to file this with other similar questions like

What was the name of the third person to be killed at the battle of Thermoplylae?

or what did you have for breakfast on the 17th May 1978?

Unless as KDH says someone does an in depth and well funded investigation and turns up something that no one else has uncovered. Which is unlikely.

Or someone does just "fess up" after all these years. Maybe a death bed confession or memoirs?

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  • 2 weeks later...

It could very well be the heist of the century. smile.gif

Was the key ever found?

The culprit could have been a groupie or some other hanger-on who decided to chance their arm, taking the key from Cole while he was asleep or too stoned to notice.

An inside job is more likely, though. Probably something to do with avoiding taxes back in the UK.

Edited by StopRightThere
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  • 3 years later...

It's always been my suspicion that it was an inside job. I actually do not believe that it was "stolen". I think it was staged by Grant for publicity purposes with the added benefit that they could then claim the loss as a tax write-off.

I actually consider this a very possible scenario.

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It's always been my suspicion that it was an inside job. I actually do not believe that it was "stolen". I think it was staged by Grant for publicity purposes with the added benefit that they could then claim the loss as a tax write-off.

I agree, this is the most likely explanation. However the mob angle makes a pretty compelling argument as well. I remember watching Goodfellas for the first time, when the whole story line about the Lufthansa heist was explained I thought, this could very easily have been the same scenario for the Drake robbery. It was the same time period, those same mobsters were working that exact same area where the Drake was, and just like Lufthansa an inside guy could have been used.

Either situation is a strong possibility, however for the later to have happened the inside guy would have only had a few hours to contact "the boys" and carry out the robbery. It would have been very tight and very risky. So, going back to good old Oocam, I think it was an inside job, most likely Cole or Grant, most likely for the double benefit of publicity and doubling their money through an insurance payout. Win-Win.

As far as them never staying at the Drake again, that is a no brainer no matter what really happened. If it was the mob than the Drake was negligent, if it was a member of the Zeppelin crew they could not stay there in the future otherwise it would have been very suspicious indeed.

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I actually consider this a very possible scenario.

In Barney Hoskyn's book, Unity McLean commented how she thought it odd that Peter Grant didn't turn the country upside-down looking for the stolen funds. Her recollection was that he was surprisingly calm about the theft.

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It's always been my suspicion that it was an inside job. I actually do not believe that it was "stolen". I think it was staged by Grant for publicity purposes with the added benefit that they could then claim the loss as a tax write-off.

Unlikely. By 1973 they had no problems with getting publicity thanks to their record-setting tour. The mob is more likely as bluecongo stated.

I know Cole passed a lie-detector test. Does anyone know if they administered one to Grant?

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I don't know what BestBandStill is referring to, but I'm referring to the theft of Jimmy Page's Black Beauty guitar in Vancouver March 1970. It's never been found, even after Jimmy placed an ad seeking to find it.

Oh yeah......forgot about the theft of Jimmy's guitar! Whoops! My memory's not as good as it used to be. Not that it ever was that good - LOL. Somebody has to have that guitar stashed somewhere.

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