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The 'I've picked up my wristband and this is how the day went' thread

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Could you hear Zep rehearsing ^_^

When at the ticket collection table right at the Arena's ground floor level entrance, I I could hear the vague sound of drumming, but it couldhave been from some piped music and you certainly could not associate with songs as such. The soundproofing of the Arena seems pretty faultless.


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You say this....

but the email I got from ticketmaster said this...

nothing about friggin emails,

so do I need emails or not? did they look at the emails because you gave them to the people or because they asked for them

OK, I'm starting to panic now. Used a friends passcode (from the first ballot) as they weren't sure they could go (and now can't since the change of date, so I'm going with someone else). Got an email from ticketmaster confirming the tickets will be valid as they are from the first ballot. Also got all the details, passcode etc but not the original email. My friend who won the ballot is out of the country and I'm not at all confident that I can get hold of them in time, let alone get them to forward the email. That's not even considering that they might have deleted it after all this time. Help! :unsure:

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Got to the O2 at seven am, Q'ed in the cold and rain outside for two hours before the arena staff allowed us in to Q for a further hour until ten when we got the tixs and wristband. Had to change wristband as they gave us the wrong colour five minutes later! We were the first in our Q (F) and were the second to get our tickets, Q A was quicker. Lots of Americans and Canadians in the Q, one Canadian guy with an acoustic guitar slept out all night and will do the same tonight! I cried getting my tickets, christ what am I gonna be like tomorrow night?

Was it crowded?? Anyone there mid day let us know the scene please. How about some camera phone shots for us friends of yours across the Pond?

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OK, I'm starting to panic now. Used a friends passcode (from the first ballot) as they weren't sure they could go (and now can't since the change of date, so I'm going with someone else). Got an email from ticketmaster confirming the tickets will be valid as they are from the first ballot. Also got all the details, passcode etc but not the original email. My friend who won the ballot is out of the country and I'm not at all confident that I can get hold of them in time, let alone get them to forward the email. That's not even considering that they might have deleted it after all this time. Help! :unsure:

I think providing you have all the documentation you do have you should be fine.


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I only had to show photo ID, credit card that I used to purchase tickets and conformation e-mail from Ticketmaster, not the winning ballot email....which I didn't have as I paided for my passcode....please don't hate me!

Phew, panic over B) I'm taking the passcode and my friends name and address etc anyway, just to be on the safe side. Anyway, I'm in block 401, anyone else near?

And I can't believe ebay and other sites are still flogging tickets. Makes you wonder how many empty seats they'll be. Any empty seats will be criminal with the number of people who can't get in. :angry:

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Phew, panic over B) I'm taking the passcode and my friends name and address etc anyway, just to be on the safe side. Anyway, I'm in block 401, anyone else near?

And I can't believe ebay and other sites are still flogging tickets. Makes you wonder how many empty seats they'll be. Any empty seats will be criminal with the number of people who can't get in. :angry:

I'm still waiting for a post from someone who has been refused admittance for some stupid reason.
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We got there at 1130 queued under A/B for 2hrs 30mins (this was a short queue) about 100 in front of us. We got asked for Email confirmation and home address, thats all. We offered ID and C Card but they didnt bother, but on the next desk they even asked the 2nd person for ID, he didn't have foto ID but still got his wristband.

The merchandise was the typical Ahmet Ertegun tribute logo Ts as you would expect, in black or white was all I saw, no Zep stuff.

As I leftthe queues were twice as long and just as slow, I am guessing they will either start cutting corners to speed it up or a lot of people will have to get turned away until tomorow, the screen says they will close at 1800 prompt.

It was nice to see a lot of happy faces from all over the globe, I didnt realise that many Americans ever left the states. I was in between Italians and Canadians with Swedes on my right.

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Just about to leave for the 02 with a rainforest's worth of confirmation paperwork in my pockets and a few hundred excited butterflies in my tum.

Will post 'pon my return.

got my wristband and ticket this morning.Great atmosphere .People from all over the world have come for this concert.Tomorrow the atomsphere will be fantastic.

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Everything seemed orderly to me. Got to the arena around noon, waited for an hour or so in line for tickets, waited another hour for merchandise (lol), then sat in the bar with a great couple we met and had a few beers and some food. The buzz of the crowd was mellow but palpable.

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And I can't believe ebay and other sites are still flogging tickets. Makes you wonder how many empty seats they'll be. Any empty seats will be criminal with the number of people who can't get in. :angry:

I noticed this as well.

24hrs before & there are still people trying to flog passcodes for outrageous sums on ebay!


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My friend used someone elses passcode won on the final ballot last week. He got his tickets this morning - no problems. It seems that Harvey was calling everyone's bluff all along! The passcodes were always transferable because there was no system in place to cross check, even after the first round of ballot winners.

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Dear All - Two brothers from SE London veterans of Ally Pally, 5 nights at Earl's Court and Knebworth - we've got 'em!!! How can two old sods like us be as excited as my 6-year-old looking forward to Christmas?? It's been a long time...

That's a Great Post ! ! :)

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Got there about 11.30. Queues organised by alphabet of ticket holders surname. Took about 2.5 hours - painfully slow. Photo Id, credit card and ticketmaster confirmation required and worked fine (I was an ebay passcode buyer from first ballot).

When you got to the front of the queue it was like a village fete...tressle tables and boxes full of envelopes with tickets holders surnames on - hysterical after the 'hi-tech' system they put in place. Was half expecting to see jars of homemade jam and elderberry wine on the tressle tables.

Anyway elated to have the blue band on my wrist (standing).

Oh yeah...saw HG waddling around the queues as well (I kid you not), was half tempted to make some sarky comment about who ate all the pies or some such but decided not to do anything to risk entry into the promised land.

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Did they not give you a ticket as well?

Yep got a ticket as well.

Whoever asked the question about hearing drumming in the arena...wasn't the boys warming...it was some group of Chinese musicians walking through. Chinese new year p'raps?

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HI All, we picked up tickets and wristbands for the gig, we were in the queue, 3hrs but its worth it !! I am at the hotel at mo but just about to leave for the Zeppelin party !!

Give more in fo later !! :)

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