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Criticising God!


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I think you're right to a certain extent.

To us, being the major fans that we are, there wouldn't be anything better for him to do than carry on with the current group past December 10th.

But for him, his heart may be elsewhere.

It would seem that Plant is very much driven by social movements and following his heart.

I don't think there's anything else we can do but hope that his heart, at least a little bit of it, can side with the millions of fans who will be looking beyond the O2.

Any win-win situations are welcome. ;)

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I'm thinking that Robert's hang up is the prospect of posing and posturing through 20 minute solos like in the old days. It's one thing to do it in your 20's but in your 50's it's somewhat laughable. He's alluded to this in a few fairly recent interviews so I think it must be somewhat of a concern to him.

The solution:

Shave down the "Dazed" and No Quarter jams to studio album length, scrap Moby Dick, and I'll see you in 08. :thumbsup:

Absolutely....IF they do more shows, I pray they cut out the flab....I really dont need to see Jimmy Page scraping away with a violin bow for half an hour!

Stick to those shorter, punchier numbers, without the excess.

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I'm actually pretty confident that there'll be a World Tour in the nearish future. I think the band were as gobsmacked as anyone by the worldwide frenzy that lthat ittle annoucement created. Robert has still been sticking to his 'for one night only' stance whilst Jimmy trys to apply subtle pressure to tempt him in the right direction.. Jonesy'll do it as he's just about over the P&P snub as they've obviously found his telephone number again. Can the Golden God really deny the world what it so desperately wants. I think/hope/prey that as long as The O2 goes well, he'll find it impossible to turn his back on LZ once again. But what if I'm wrong?

I've studied every printed word over the last 28 years and I've formed the opinion that we'd have had our band back along time ago if it wasn't for Mr Plant's Intransigence. Else where in this forum somebody says that what ever happens (to tour or not) it is OK with them and that LZ 'owe her nothing'. That isn't the way I feel.

I've been Zeppelin daft these last 35 years or so. I've bought all the cds and seen all the solo tours, they even got me sacked once. So, once they decided that they were going to reform, I think they were duty bound to let as many people as is reasonably possible see them perform. That's not one date in a sub 20,000 seater arena. Even a summer gig in Wembley stadium would've been better but a full world tour is what is needed. Page has described just doing one concert as selfish.

Robert is in a very privileged position becasue of the likes of you and me and I, for one, think he owes me an opportunity to see them one last time. I shall never feel quite the same about him again if he denys me this chance. Not that that'll have him quaking in his boots but it is me criticising god..

I don't know if this was me or not, but I sincerely hope it was, because it's exactly how I feel. We owe THEM for giving us such wonderful music.

And nine and brspled and the others are dead right about Robert's voice, which is not only as good (if not the same) as ever, but which he uses more intelligently. He is in absolutely amazing form right now, and it is ENTIRELY UP TO HIM in which forum he chooses to use it.

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The only way a tour will happen is if Robert suddenly gets bored with the love

of his new found musical direction . Robert is so excited about his new collaboration with

Ms. Krauss it would be impossible to pull him away to return to days of old.

Robert's heart is clearly documented and expressed in this interview:


Robert is onboard for the one-off tribute show and even admits to some great sounding

rehearsals with Jimmy, Jason and JPJ but Robert is a free-spirit and will always

follow his muse. Robert will tour with Alison in '08 and begin work on their sophmore

collaboration. There is also a new Strange Sensation release partially in the can

which for the moment has been put on hold. It would take a lot to pull Robert

away from his heart's leading and sign up for a full scale Zep reuinon tour.

Jimmy is pissed about Robert not committing to the Zeppelin machine and knows

that the Ahmet gig is all there's going to be. That's why he makes comments

like the one in GW mag. talking about how selfish it is if they don't tour and how they

should have never let the genie out of the bottle if the tribute sfow is all there is. Real world.

Jason is extremely dissapointed as he's been waiting next to the Zep-phone for years

for the call. He would drop Foreigner or any other project he's working on to sit in

is dad's seat. Oddly, JPJ is also dissapointed with Robert as he feels the time is right

for the mighty blimp to rise again. JPJ was encouraged by the initial rehearsals

rehearsals back in June but now knows that Robert is comitted to AK. In a weird twist Robert

and JPJ have been discussing bluegrass. You have a better chance of Robert working

with JPJ on a bluegrass album than you do of seeing a Zeppelin '08 tour. I would be very surprised

if Robert was sucked back into the Zeppelin rollercoaster cabaret. He is the golden god though

and has the right to change his mind. ;) Never say never but not bloody likely.




Let me get this straight, Robert Plant's heart was and is in Led Zeppelin, and also is in several other areas as well, including but not limited to Miss Alison Krauss and Strange Sensation as well as any new muse who happens to capture his imagination. And so no need to worry, everything is going to be alright.

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The only way a tour will happen is if Robert suddenly gets bored with the love

of his new found musical direction . Robert is so excited about his new collaboration with

Ms. Krauss it would be impossible to pull him away to return to days of old.

Robert's heart is clearly documented and expressed in this interview:


Robert is onboard for the one-off tribute show and even admits to some great sounding

rehearsals with Jimmy, Jason and JPJ but Robert is a free-spirit and will always

follow his muse. Robert will tour with Alison in '08 and begin work on their sophmore

collaboration. There is also a new Strange Sensation release partially in the can

which for the moment has been put on hold. It would take a lot to pull Robert

away from his heart's leading and sign up for a full scale Zep reuinon tour.

Jimmy is pissed about Robert not committing to the Zeppelin machine and knows

that the Ahmet gig is all there's going to be. That's why he makes comments

like the one in GW mag. talking about how selfish it is if they don't tour and how they

should have never let the genie out of the bottle if the tribute sfow is all there is. Real world.

Jason is extremely dissapointed as he's been waiting next to the Zep-phone for years

for the call. He would drop Foreigner or any other project he's working on to sit in

is dad's seat. Oddly, JPJ is also dissapointed with Robert as he feels the time is right

for the mighty blimp to rise again. JPJ was encouraged by the initial rehearsals

rehearsals back in June but now knows that Robert is comitted to AK. In a weird twist Robert

and JPJ have been discussing bluegrass. You have a better chance of Robert working

with JPJ on a bluegrass album than you do of seeing a Zeppelin '08 tour. I would be very surprised

if Robert was sucked back into the Zeppelin rollercoaster cabaret. He is the golden god though

and has the right to change his mind. ;) Never say never but not bloody likely.




VERY well put Janine...you're good! You've obviously done your homework and have your finger on the pulse of where this whole thing is going. It's sad but true - all that you say here. Robert will do as he pleases - and I don't think it's with Zeppelin.

Good Job Janine...I'll be looking for more of your commentary. *)

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He tried so hard for years and years to detach himself from this band so I think no one can judge him if he doesn't want to do a tour.

Oh really? I'm sure touring with Jimmy and performing Zeppelin songs during his solo shows have made everyone forget that he was the frontman of LZ... :rolleyes: The Zeppelin connection is good for album sales and helps fill the arena, and nobody knows it better than Plant.

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Oh really? I'm sure touring with Jimmy and performing Zeppelin songs during his solo shows have made everyone forget that he was the frontman of LZ... :rolleyes: The Zeppelin connection is good for album sales and helps fill the arena, and nobody knows it better than Plant.

I know what you mean...but lets not forget that for years (decades) Robert wouldn't sing any Led Zeppelin songs and that when he did the Page/Plant tour in the 90s and that he felt that he was being sucked in the Led Zeppelin machine in a way again, he stopped and quit the tour...Jimmy was really disappointed and I can understand the same way he'd be disappointed if Robert doesn't want a 08 tour, but in the end Robert has the last word and will do as he pleases. Unfortunately for us. :(

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I know what you mean...but lets not forget that for years (decades) Robert wouldn't sing any Led Zeppelin songs and that when he did the Page/Plant tour in the 90s and that he felt that he was being sucked in the Led Zeppelin machine in a way again, he stopped and quit the tour...Jimmy was really disappointed and I can understand the same way he'd be disappointed if Robert doesn't want a 08 tour, but in the end Robert has the last word and will do as he pleases. Unfortunately for us. :(

No, happily for us, TheBulle! I wouldn't want Robert any other way than as the individualist he is. :D

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Robert Plant will continue to draw from Zeppelin as long as his soul tells him to do so. Muses may come and go, but the inner workings of the human soul decide what happens where artistic endeavors begin.

ooh that's nicely put! :) well said!

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I'm of the opinion that Plant and JPJ are the ones that are most grounded in their own lives. I LOVE the fact that they both see nothing wrong with playing to small audiences in clubs...as that's where music was meant to be heard.....not in echo chamber mega structures. I applaud them both for having the balls to step out onto a small stage. I really wish Page would have done the same back in 88. Seeing the Outrider tour at the Cap Center to a 1/2 full arena was a load of crap IMO. Any other band would have canelled/rebooked two nights at the Warner Theater or something. It would have brought the audience closer to the stage and there would have been an intimacy you'll never find in an arena.

Plant owes no one here or anywhere anything. Yes, to us that short decade that Zep was active was that of legend....but you have to step into Plant's shoes to really get it. To him it was another day at the office. A crazy journey that becomes a blur and goes by faster than any ten years of any of our lives. I know personally having been a tour manager for a regional band touring the East Coast of the states for 10 yrs. We did over 250 shows a yrs and I barely remember any of it. There were definite high points (opening for national acts) and serious low points (bus catching fire, bassisit getting full blown cancer) and when I think of Plant I can only imagine his recollection of the days of Zep are also conjoined with the memories of yearning for home/family, losing a son, losing his best friend-bandmate......etc...... Zep was not all roses for the man and if he does'nt want to tour.....so be it. I'm perfectly content. Besides...it could never live up to the hype. It will be good, but not the live Zep we have all come to love.

Edited by Honeydripper
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It's interesting how the mediocre happenings are easily forgotten while a person tends to vividly remember the really wonderful times and the truly awful ones.
how true! :'(

At times it makes me laugh that some fans that read interviews bitch at the neverending rehashed questions.....and they wish they could do the interview themselves....asking crazy stuff like "when you played @_____ in 1971, you said __________ before Whole Lotta Love.......what did you mean by that?"

That's like asking any one of us "on march 3rd of 1987, you were driving to work behind a red Cadillac, what was the liscence plate number?"


It's just him killing time between songs...means absolutely nothing. And we remember these things that Plant blabbered 30+ yrs ago and all the while we can't say what we had for breakfast two weeks ago yet expect him to know what he did way back then.

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Yes, it's true, being in Zeppelin was no joy-ride after the first couple of years.

If anyone thinks that it was all a good trip - they don't know Zep very well!

As a matter of fact JPJ, Robert, and Bonzo all felt like leaving the band and the craziness behind after a while. But they stuck it out because Zep was bigger than the moment and they carried on.

Especially Robert, man, he's got guts! He weathered so many storms and now he captains his own ship. Well deserved.

Sure, we want Zep to tour. We want more than the O2. So does Jimmy - I feel for him. Zep is his pride and joy - his love. He wants to share those gifts beyond the O2. But, it may be out of his hands - and for him not to control Zep's destiny must be killin' him inside.

Where shall he go after O2? Tour on his own? I'd go see him play by himself if I had to!

Well, the Genie IS out - what will she give as to granting wishes...

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The only way a tour will happen is if Robert suddenly gets bored with the love

of his new found musical direction . Robert is so excited about his new collaboration with

Ms. Krauss it would be impossible to pull him away to return to days of old.

Robert's heart is clearly documented and expressed in this interview:


Robert is onboard for the one-off tribute show and even admits to some great sounding

rehearsals with Jimmy, Jason and JPJ but Robert is a free-spirit and will always

follow his muse. Robert will tour with Alison in '08 and begin work on their sophmore

collaboration. There is also a new Strange Sensation release partially in the can

which for the moment has been put on hold. It would take a lot to pull Robert

away from his heart's leading and sign up for a full scale Zep reuinon tour.

Jimmy is pissed about Robert not committing to the Zeppelin machine and knows

that the Ahmet gig is all there's going to be. That's why he makes comments

like the one in GW mag. talking about how selfish it is if they don't tour and how they

should have never let the genie out of the bottle if the tribute sfow is all there is. Real world.

Jason is extremely dissapointed as he's been waiting next to the Zep-phone for years

for the call. He would drop Foreigner or any other project he's working on to sit in

is dad's seat. Oddly, JPJ is also dissapointed with Robert as he feels the time is right

for the mighty blimp to rise again. JPJ was encouraged by the initial rehearsals

rehearsals back in June but now knows that Robert is comitted to AK. In a weird twist Robert

and JPJ have been discussing bluegrass. You have a better chance of Robert working

with JPJ on a bluegrass album than you do of seeing a Zeppelin '08 tour. I would be very surprised

if Robert was sucked back into the Zeppelin rollercoaster cabaret. He is the golden god though

and has the right to change his mind. ;) Never say never but not bloody likely.




great link, ty, really enjoyed the interview, will buy the cd, and, quite frankly, would love to see robert and allison live as much as i would a zep show. let's face it, people have too much expectation, and expect these guys to somehow walk out of a freezer and sound and look exactly as they did in their heyday. who wants to be criticised for not looking or sounding like they did in '73? i mean it's great that there's so much interest, but you know these shows would be crowded with tourists who have money and connections, and so many of the true fans, those that play and live ( and in my case jam) to this great music and groove, would be left by the wayside, unable to get tickets and only able to read about it later... oh well, story of my life, i grew up near montreal, i was 18 in sept. '80, and that was THE heartbreaker of my life, we were going to get them for the tour opener, but alas.... so be it.

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Of course Plant's voice would be up to it. His natural place is on stage and he does long tours with SS. If looking after it better meant that he had to cut down on the vocal gymnastics, would that be such a bad thing? Not for me.

All this love people are talking about, doesn't he owe us some? I don't think we are asking for that much - certainly not more than he should be prepared to give. 5 nights at Wembley Stadium, 5 on the East Coast USA, 5 on the West Coast and a few more around the world needn't distact him for that long. I guess as I've got older I've stopped seeing the relationship between fan and star as a one way street. I will be disappointed in him if he knocks it back.

That said, I don't think he will. The O2 will be brilliant and he won't be able to turn his back on it with out a 'last great show' for all of us.

I think trying to record a new album really would be beyond them because they'd all pull it in diferent directions.

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Of course Plant's voice would be up to it. His natural place is on stage and he does long tours with SS. If looking after it better meant that he had to cut down on the vocal gymnastics, would that be such a bad thing? Not for me.

All this love people are talking about, doesn't he owe us some? I don't think we are asking for that much - certainly not more than he should be prepared to give. 5 nights at Wembley Stadium, 5 on the East Coast USA, 5 on the West Coast and a few more around the world needn't distact him for that long. I guess as I've got older I've stopped seeing the relationship between fan and star as a one way street. I will be disappointed in him if he knocks it back.

That said, I don't think he will. The O2 will be brilliant and he won't be able to turn his back on it with out a 'last great show' for all of us.

I think trying to record a new album really would be beyond them because they'd all pull it in diferent directions.

Well, he just made a brilliant album for us, he's in intensive rehearsals for a live Zeppelin show in a friend's honor, he's got a tour with Alison coming up next year, an album in the works with SS and maybe a tour--that's plenty of love right there. Anything else is just gravy.

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Yes, it's true, being in Zeppelin was no joy-ride after the first couple of years.

If anyone thinks that it was all a good trip - they don't know Zep very well!

As a matter of fact JPJ, Robert, and Bonzo all felt like leaving the band and the craziness behind after a while. But they stuck it out because Zep was bigger than the moment and they carried on.

Especially Robert, man, he's got guts! He weathered so many storms and now he captains his own ship. Well deserved.

Sure, we want Zep to tour. We want more than the O2. So does Jimmy - I feel for him. Zep is his pride and joy - his love. He wants to share those gifts beyond the O2. But, it may be out of his hands - and for him not to control Zep's destiny must be killin' him inside.

Where shall he go after O2? Tour on his own? I'd go see him play by himself if I had to!

Well, the Genie IS out - what will she give as to granting wishes...

Silly, fickle bitch... :D

Robert doesn't owe the fans anything except, maybe, a little respect? It gets to be kind of galling to constantly hear how old and artistically dead that music is for him, because I happen to love it. Mozart's been dead 200 + years and I think his music is amazing too... and I bet he'd jump at a chance to play Piano Sonata # 15 in C Major for an appreciative crowd in Vienna, even though by god he's played it before.

Jimmy said it in the interview with the BBC - they have all, in solo pursuits, played Zeppelin music. Robert actually more than any of them, when you think about it. Something is indeed wrong if the the three of them, plus the passionate son of the fourth, can't play it together.

You're right, the history is traumatic, and Robert has every right, even a duty to follow his heart - but music is a healing force, too. This is a chance to get back on the horse. There is no shame in not getting on a horse that wild... but I will be sorry if he doesn't, and that's just the truth of it. It's human nature to want to set things right.

Come on Robert, we love ya and don't want you to sacrifice Allison or Strange Sensation, or play in giant stadiums, or any of that. Just maybe acknowledge that Zeppelin were like the Beatles - "four guys with God in the middle." Bigger than one singer, to put it another way.

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I don't think there's the slightest inkling of Robert not having respect for his fans--quite the opposite. He's a singer--he follows what feels right for him musically, not what the fanbase wants, or what's going to generate the most income. I'm sure he's quite aware that people want more shows from the reassembled Zeppelin, and when the desires of the multitude plus the four band members coincide, great. When they don't--Robert owes us NOTHING except to follow his own musical vision. That's what makes him great.

I for one don't want to hear him sing Stairway 17 times with a gun to his head.

(Btw, just like old times, eh, SunChild? ;) Seem to remember we had this debate on the old board!)

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I think trying to record a new album really would be beyond them because they'd all pull it in diferent directions.

Just a mindplay but wouldn't you think they all are that mature that they could deliver an brand, new album? The only problem i could see are the pressure on doing the same, old bluesrock instead anything new - and what about Jimmy? Plant and JPJ have both done pretty different stuff at their solo career so i think they could get on fine. The only one who could be too set on his ways would be Jimmy.

Uh wait, he did play with Yes briefly.

but STILL.

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Silly, fickle bitch... :D

Robert doesn't owe the fans anything except, maybe, a little respect? It gets to be kind of galling to constantly hear how old and artistically dead that music is for him, because I happen to love it. Mozart's been dead 200 + years and I think his music is amazing too... and I bet he'd jump at a chance to play Piano Sonata # 15 in C Major for an appreciative crowd in Vienna, even though by god he's played it before.

Jimmy said it in the interview with the BBC - they have all, in solo pursuits, played Zeppelin music. Robert actually more than any of them, when you think about it. Something is indeed wrong if the the three of them, plus the passionate son of the fourth, can't play it together.

You're right, the history is traumatic, and Robert has every right, even a duty to follow his heart - but music is a healing force, too. This is a chance to get back on the horse. There is no shame in not getting on a horse that wild... but I will be sorry if he doesn't, and that's just the truth of it. It's human nature to want to set things right.

Come on Robert, we love ya and don't want you to sacrifice Allison or Strange Sensation, or play in giant stadiums, or any of that. Just maybe acknowledge that Zeppelin were like the Beatles - "four guys with God in the middle." Bigger than one singer, to put it another way.

I dont' get the feeling Robert views the music as old or artistically dead. From all accounts I've read, he's quite proud of his past accomplishments but he lives very much in the present and wherever he's at musically seems to be what he's focusing on, which I think is great. But being asked constantly questions about the past when promoting something current, I'd imagine rightfully so, is exhausting and a bit frustrating. It's not about denying what he did, rather just saying that was then and it was great but this is now and it's great too.

I love what he's doing now. I'm all for a tour with Alison and looking forward to more from Strange Sensation. I think if they all feel it's the right thing to do - more dates with Zep, then I support that. If they don't, i'm okay too.

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