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Nerves cutting in !

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Just hours to go now til the mothership lands and butterflies are beginning to grow. I unexpectedly got a ticket from a tanker driver that comes into the site where I work and he could not find anyone that wanted to go !! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT ? I will luv him for the rest of his life, (but wont tell him that) !! We are setting off for the O2 Arena at 7.15am tomorrow. It truly is going to be a special day. How is everyone else feeling ? and do any of you feel pretty emotional about the gig. I hope the O2 staff are gonna hand out boxes of tissues when the band play "Stairway" !! All power to the 18000 worshippers tomorrow and lets make a noise ! To Robert, Jimmy, John and Jason, stand by to Rock 'N' Roll we're on the way !!

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Just hours to go now til the mothership lands and butterflies are beginning to grow. I unexpectedly got a ticket from a tanker driver that comes into the site where I work and he could not find anyone that wanted to go !! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT ? I will luv him for the rest of his life, (but wont tell him that) !! We are setting off for the O2 Arena at 7.15am tomorrow. It truly is going to be a special day. How is everyone else feeling ? and do any of you feel pretty emotional about the gig. I hope the O2 staff are gonna hand out boxes of tissues when the band play "Stairway" !! All power to the 18000 worshippers tomorrow and lets make a noise ! To Robert, Jimmy, John and Jason, stand by to Rock 'N' Roll we're on the way !!

Let's hope Robert has his way and the Band doesn't play STH...Sorry, its had its day and Robert is right - STH is a wedding song and Monday Night is not that occasion.

Achilles, Kashmir, Trampled - yes!! Stairway - NO!!

Save the Kleenex for "All of My Love"...better song, more relevant.

Edited by nirvana
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arnt you off out for a beer pilot? that will make you sleep mate :D

I'd love to, but I'm driving from about 0530hrs 2morrow...and I ain't taking no chances on the ol' alcohol levels. So it's a very sober Pilot tonight.

Driving straight back as well after the gig, so no drinking during the day/evening....I'll be drunk on the atmosphere!!


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Let's hope Robert has his way and the Band doesn't play STH...Sorry, its had its day and Robert is right - STH is a wedding song and Monday Night is not that occasion.

Achilles, Kashmir, Trampled - yes!! Stairway - NO!!

Save the Kleenex for "All of My Love"...better song, more relevant.

They will play a version of stairway, Page loves it and he will win. As for STH having had its day, if you look at music in that respect we all might as well all trash our old vynyl and update our libraries every 10 years.

The LZ discography will be around long after you and I are but feathers in the wind, and that includes Stairway.

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They will play a version of stairway, Page loves it and he will win. As for STH having had its day, if you look at music in that respect we all might as well all trash our old vynyl and update our libraries every 10 years.

The LZ discography will be around long after you and I are but feathers in the wind, and that includes Stairway.

Yeah really, Stairway will NEVER EVER "Had it's day."

Can you just see everbody crying while Plant tries not to.

Still the most requested song on radio.

How could they not!

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Let's hope Robert has his way and the Band doesn't play STH...Sorry, its had its day and Robert is right - STH is a wedding song and Monday Night is not that occasion.

Achilles, Kashmir, Trampled - yes!! Stairway - NO!!

Save the Kleenex for "All of My Love"...better song, more relevant.

I certainly hope your opinion is in the minority.

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Am I nervous about tonight's show?


Let's review past "reunion" shows, shall we?

At Live Aid, they obviously didn't rehearse and the drummers

were lost and Jimmy's guitar was out of tune.

Then in 1988, everybody said how great they sounded in rehearsal,

even rolling fucking stone...then, night of show, things are running late, which

delays Zep's performance by more than an hour, which frays Jimmy's already

fragile nerves, and to top it off, the sound guys forget about JPJ(poor Jonesy,

always overlooked) and Kashmir comes out sounding thin, and it goes from

bad to worse from there. Still have nightmares about that 'Stairway to Heaven'.

And now, there's less than 24 hours to go...I'm nervous as hell, so I can only

imagine what the band must be going thru.

Jimmy fracturing his finger doesn't help.

But at least they all seem to have approached this gig with the best intentions

and will presumedly be well-rehearsed, if all reports are true.

I really don't care if they tour...and the more people pressure them to tour

the less likely I think Robert will do it...see his great quote in Rolling Stone

about the "conveyor belt of expectation"...if the media and the fans would

just shut up and let them breathe and just let them get through this Ahmet

Ertegun Tribute(remember, this IS the reason there is even a concert to

anticipate to begin with!) without bombarding them with reunion tour hooey,

maybe, just maybe, if tonight goes well, the boys might see how much fun

they can still have on stage togetherand give a tour some thought.

But the way everybody is already going nutso, it seems highly unlikely.

So, as long as they can just crank out one last blazing concert tonight, that'll

be enough for me.

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Let's hope Robert has his way and the Band doesn't play STH...Sorry, its had its day and Robert is right - STH is a wedding song and Monday Night is not that occasion.

Achilles, Kashmir, Trampled - yes!! Stairway - NO!!

Save the Kleenex for "All of My Love"...better song, more relevant.

I haven't stopped smiling in weeks, my face hurts so much. I spent 3.5 hours in line yesterday bouncing with anticipation, I was laughing through emotion during a two hour drive home and yet I slept like a baby for 8 hours!

I want to be there right now and I dont care what they play - I'd pay to see them do "Agadoo"! it would rock beleive me!

Do want No Quarter, Houses, Trampled, Nobody's, On the Tiles and as many others they can do in 2hours.

Dont care i'll be there OMG, OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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