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My take on this is that it's a serious re-entry by Mr Page into contemporary music, by which I mean the creation of new material. And I do mean serious.

Obviously Jimmy has been writing some pieces over time, but just as likely we might see his interpretations of other artists' works (remember him doing the haunting Chopin piece at the ARMS concert?). The lead-in for the email announcement of the site is a quote from Page filled with portent and purpose: "This is the ideal vehicle to present my past, present and future work." Couldn't be more clear. As Page has been hinting around at new music, a new album, new projects, etc., for the last decade, we might safely speculate as to the "present." But the tantalizing hint at "future" work strongly implies a purposeful project in the imminent future.

And what better way to build anticipation, desire and expectation for any future project than by this new multi-faceted website, which is tied in to social networking, while at the same time presenting an official retrospective of the Maestro's work to date, thereby taking ownership of Page's legacy.

This 'taking ownership" is an essential aspect, and I believe we will see the site grow and evolve with set lists, memorabilia and minutiae over time. At the same time, we might expect members to perhaps be able to contribute their own images to their profiles (concert photos/videos, ticket stubs, etc.) — perhaps via the Facebook site or on the official site — building a real Jimmy Page Online Community.

This of course becomes a living, growing entity, a going concern, which will generate ever more word of mouth interest. Proof is in the slowness of the site at first, as well over a hundred-thousand fans' hits reduced server response to a crawl, and the Facebook stats, which show Jimmy's friends approaching 300,000 already. Not too shabby.

Why now and not a couple of years ago? My cautious assessment is that this has been carefully orchestrated by his new management, with timing determined primarily by Page's writing/recording. I also think it is quite considerate to have not launched it sooner, during the early stages of Robert Plant's BOJ album release and tour; that tour is nearing its conclusion, so a little Zep overlap is appropriate, but not a full-blown competition.

Regarding a CD release: The last thing Page should have done is just put out a new solo album, bam, just like that. It then falls to the record company to promote it, and a sudden CD release without seeding the territory could produce less than stellar sales and a less than warm reception. Also at the center of it all is the mystery of creativity. For Zeppelin from 1968 to 1977 creativity exploded and crescendoed due to the dynamics of the band. But for a mature musician who has been writing over a long period of time and has several or more compositions, I think we can expect a serious, deliberate recording approach, likely featuring a stellar list of musicians and vocalists, as well as perhaps a co-producer. We must keep in mind Jimmy's philosophy of orchestrating a "guitar army," and how that might be approached in the current production climate. The looping track on the splash page gives us a hint of this direction, with an interesting and quite nimble, catchy riff that has some subtleties and tricks embedded in it.

Lastly (for now), I am reminded of something Orson Welles once said (perhaps quoting a famous symphony conductor, though I'm unable to recall the exact context): "The middle is the enemy of life." By this he meant that artists tend to be their most creative both when young, in the early phase of their career, when ideas gush and flow almost effortlessly, and also when much older, when the reality of one's mortality more immediately confronts one, thus prompting an urgency and intensity to the artist's work. The middle can be muddled, aimless, or simply lacking the drive, purpose and intensity of the extremes of the youth's freedom and the elder's urgency. Jimmy's quote about present and future work makes it clear he has wholeheartedly embraced such an urgency and purpose, and is dedicated to revitalizing his career and his legacy via a new body of work.

This could be quite an interesting ride for Jimmy Page and us all. After all, consider how many of the greatest conductors were recognized as such precisely during their elder years. If Mr Page astounds us, as he is surely capable of doing, it would be perhaps the most significant feat of the rock era. And I think that is precisely what he has in mind.

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IMO, and I'm not trying to start a shit storm, it's better than Plant's. Some accuracy would be appreciated in regards to the concerts. There is definitely room for improvement, but I was enjoying it this morning! All 6 of the shows I attended have been marked off in that section. That would make for a fun section of a forum if we knew who else went to a show we attended.

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"The News section is the central hub of the website, combining both the latest news on Jimmy Page as well as bulletins about activity on JimmyPage.com - such as when new photos, competitions or exciting features are added. This is a growing website which will continue to evolve and develop over the coming few months, so be sure to keep an eye on News and don't miss a thing!"

Huh? :unsure:

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:blink: It always stuns me how much is expected from the internet. Good grief, give Jimmy and his techies a few months to settle in and to give us some nice pieces of art and extraordinary things, because I'm sure that Jimmy has loads of treasures he wants to share. Of course he won't share everything at the same time would he? So relax and smoke the peace pipe :hippy:
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Well put, scarecrow.

I still haven't been able to log on...will try again after I post this...but reading all the first day criticisms has me slightly shaking my head. After all, it is rare that a website doesn't have first-day glitches and bugs to work out.

There are PLENTY of other venues on the internet to get past concert dates and complete discographies with correct timings, including THIS site. I'm sure they'll get that all sorted out eventually.

But THAT is not why I registered weeks in advance and have been patiently waiting for Jimmy's site to commence. As much as I love Led Zeppelin and Jimmy's part in the Zeppelin saga, I am looking to Jimmy's site for his current and future musical endeavors.

So there's a few missing dates from past tours...big whoop. If he's got a decent webmaster like Sam here, then that will all get rectified eventually. My main concern is that Jimmy keeps his focus forward...on his NEW music. That is what will keep me coming back again and again to his site...the chance to see and hear what he is doing NOW. Not to look up some old concert date or look at old Zeppelin photos. That's what THIS site is for.

The world can survive without another Led Zeppelin release for a while.

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Well put, scarecrow.

I still haven't been able to log on...will try again after I post this...but reading all the first day criticisms has me slightly shaking my head. After all, it is rare that a website doesn't have first-day glitches and bugs to work out.

There are PLENTY of other venues on the internet to get past concert dates and complete discographies with correct timings, including THIS site. I'm sure they'll get that all sorted out eventually.

But THAT is not why I registered weeks in advance and have been patiently waiting for Jimmy's site to commence. As much as I love Led Zeppelin and Jimmy's part in the Zeppelin saga, I am looking to Jimmy's site for his current and future musical endeavors.

So there's a few missing dates from past tours...big whoop. If he's got a decent webmaster like Sam here, then that will all get rectified eventually. My main concern is that Jimmy keeps his focus forward...on his NEW music. That is what will keep me coming back again and again to his site...the chance to see and hear what he is doing NOW. Not to look up some old concert date or look at old Zeppelin photos. That's what THIS site is for.

The world can survive without another Led Zeppelin release for a while.

very well put and I'll second all of that completely..

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The reason I mentioned the missing dates exemplifies attention to detail. I don't expect the website to be 100 % perfect but it is not hard to find information regarding Led Zeppelin on the internet (this website for example). Just a wee bit of time could have been used to make sure every detail is in it's place especially since there was/is an avid interest with the Led Zeppelin fan base. How would you feel if you read a highly anticipated book that had words mis spelled and grammatical errors? It would be slightly annoying.

Sam, this is not aimed at you. smile.gif

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Thanks Magic, Strider, et al, for the kind words on my very wordy post! I'm with Strider. Not looking in the rearview mirror, looking ahead to see what fruit the apparently rejuvenated and purposeful James Patrick Page will bear this time around.

For what it's worth (thank you Stephen Stills), here is the link to the webmaster feedback form for Jimmy's site. I think any of us should feel happy to send notice of any corrections for errors, omissions or typos we may find. It's a help to the webmaster, and it will keep the naysayers quiet! :-)


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The reason I mentioned the missing dates exemplifies attention to detail. I don't expect the website to be 100 % perfect but it is not hard to find information regarding Led Zeppelin on the internet (this website for example). Just a wee bit of time could have been used to make sure every detail is in it's place especially since there was/is an avid interest with the Led Zeppelin fan base. How would you feel if you read a highly anticipated book that had words mis spelled and grammatical errors? It would be slightly annoying.

Sam, this is not aimed at you. smile.gif

Am I the only person who has noticed there is no Forum on Page's website? All I can say is, as of yet,

this is the sites best feature, or lack there of.

I very seriously thank you for that Jimmy, and I really, really mean it!

Edited by snapper
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Am I the only person who has noticed there is no Forum on Page's website? All I can say is, as of yet,

this is the sites best feature, or lack there of.

I very seriously thank you for that Jimmy, and I really, really mean it!

Really, where is the forum???

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Well, I finally managed to get on the page...apparently registering in advance didn't mean a thing, as I had to re-register today to log on. But luckily nobody had chosen my user name yet. :yay:

I did send an e-mail to the feedback page, noting some of the errors in the concert timeline and discography. I do hope it's one of those sites that is constantly monitored and updated, and not like some that are left to wither on the vine. Hopefully, someone is on the case already about the errors; does anyone know if "our Sam" had a hand in this?

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Wouldn't you know it that today would have to be one of the most hectic days that I've had at the office in many a moon. By the time I finally got around to signing up for the site, my user name had (not surprisingly) been nabbed already. Oh well, since there is no forum there anyway I guess it doesn't matter that my user name is DanielM instead of Daniel. Now if the man that has taken the username Daniel starts acting up, it ain't me!

I wanted to say since it's been mentioned quite a few time in this thread that people were having to re-register today in order to get on the new site. If we are talking about the pre-launch jp.com signup, that 'registration' was just signing up for the newsletter so that we would be notified when the site launched. That was not registering for actual access to the site. So I don't think that anyhing is broken in that aspect of jp.com.

My favorite feature(s) of the site are the new photos that I've never seen and of course the On This Day feature. I do wonder if the On This Day feature will be repeating itself every 365 days or how much of it will eventually have to be repeats. No big deal either way I am just very happy that it seems that Jimmy seems to have risen from the couch and is ready to (or already is) create new stuff!

The one thing that I dislike are the gosh darned watermarks on the photos. I wonder if Ross had anything to do with that happening? Anyway, that's really my only complaint and in all reality I can't blame him or Ross for that matter to want to protect their intellectual property rights.

Edited by Daniel
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Did anyone hear the snippet of The One that Got Away on jp.com? I just logged in, and the homepage is dated July 15th (tomorrow's date). Was it there sometime during the day and I might have missed it?

whoever knows, thanks

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Did anyone hear the snippet of The One that Got Away on jp.com? I just logged in, and the homepage is dated July 15th (tomorrow's date). Was it there sometime during the day and I might have missed it?

whoever knows, thanks

I was on a few hours ago and looked for that but could not find it, I kept looking, but not too long afterwards, the "I was interviewed by Duane Eddy for BBC radio" came up. Earlier though, there was a little guitar playing you would hear when getting on the site, I am assuming that was it...

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