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Random Facts About Yourself

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Every year, about a week before Christmas, I buy a bottle of brandy (Courvoisier). On Christmas day, after everyone is gone, I lean back in my chair, drink my brandy and listen to my Mahalia Jackson Christmas cd.

Instead of alcohol (which would not be an unpleasant addition to my tradition), I sit back a relax with a warm bowl of Louisiana seafood gumbo! mmm....


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I am so sorry that you have a fever.

I hope you feel better :console:

Well, if it makes you feel better, I am pretty sick too, and have been for a while.

My mom won't buy me medicine or anything.

Oh yeah, Ishi,

My little date for this weekend had to be postponed for later., much later. He's busy this weekend and next weekend is his birthday so he's going to spend time with the family. So, one weekend, he promised.

I am fine with it, I just can't wait until it finally happens

Thanks Rabia, I really appreciate it.

What happened to you? Why are you sick? :o

I think sometimes you have to wait for the best things, I'm sure it'll be a wonderful day that you'll always remember!

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Been rushed off my feet in work all day, did make overs, sold skincare and make up christmas sets, and sold aftershave to this cute guy, and he asked me out, I had to say No because I don t have anytime, even for a social life,never mind, he may come back LOL B) he looked like he might.

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I'm frustrated because I have at least a 2 week waiting period untill the CD's I ordered come in through the mail. I'm considering doing what Cartman did when he couldn't wait a couple of weeks for Nintendo Wii to come out. :)

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I just recently found out an aquaintence of ours has been in three movies!

He is very quiet about it. He's done commercials too.

I just was roaming around google one day and there he was.

Cute kid too.

This actor is my uncle's cousin. Not sure what that makes him in relation to me.

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Farout^ !

heehee, Yeah I said it. *slapface*

I had a terrible migraine earlier, had to take a dose of the only thing that takes them away.Zomig.

Now it's vanished but I'm drowzy..............................too drowzy wowzy.. :blink::blink:

Gonna go dig back into my book...Too Late to Say Goodbye.



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I just recently found out an aquaintence of ours has been in three movies!

He is very quiet about it. He's done commercials too.

I just was roaming around google one day and there he was.

Cute kid too.

"an aquaintence of ours" being you and your family? your friends? or you and people on this website?



Mandy should be in bed now...but she's not. :rolleyes:

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"an aquaintence of ours" being you and your family? your friends? or you and people on this website?



Mandy should be in bed now...but she's not. :rolleyes:


Sorry Teacher, please don't make me stay after...... :unsure: !

Ok, he's a friend of our family and friends.

It's not like he's famous.........................yet. I hope he gets famous though, then I'd truly know a star!

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It took me forever to get registered at this new board but, I finally made it :D!

Hi Kat!!!!



Sorry Teacher, please don't make me stay after...... :unsure: !

Ok, he's a friend of our family and friends.

It's not like he's famous.........................yet. I hope he gets famous though, then I'd truly know a star!

:lol: I was not trying to correct your sentences! I was just a little confused! :lol:

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I'm Mandy.

I live in Boise, Idaho.

I attend Boise State University, majoring in English secondary education, with minors in Reading and History.

I am 26 years old.

I am doing my student teaching right now, and I will be graduating in Dec. 2008.

I think that's about it for now...

Pardon the question if you don't know... but can you explain to me the story behind the blue field???

I am guessing its artifical turf of some sort, right?

Thanks in advance!

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