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Random Facts About Yourself

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Just as I was closing the store tonight, a little punk-bitch teenage girl stole a bunch of shit, and her boyfriend yelled, "she just stole a bunch of stuff!" I followed them outside to scare them a bit, and then when they tore out of the parking lot, I twisted my ankle and fell--hard--down. My two knees are really scraped up, my left ankle hurts like hell, I think I may have sprained it, and my left wrist feels like it might be sprained. I fell on all fours. I can't believe my dress pants aren't all ripped up.

Ouch. :'(

And I'm sure the little bitch theif laughed at me. I hit the ground hard.

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Just as I was closing the store tonight, a little punk-bitch teenage girl stole a bunch of shit, and her boyfriend yelled, "she just stole a bunch of stuff!" I followed them outside to scare them a bit, and then when they tore out of the parking lot, I twisted my ankle and fell--hard--down. My two knees are really scraped up, my left ankle hurts like hell, I think I may have sprained it, and my left wrist feels like it might be sprained. I fell on all fours. I can't believe my dress pants aren't all ripped up.

Ouch. :'(

And I'm sure the little bitch theif laughed at me. I hit the ground hard.

I'm sorry Mandy.


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Just as I was closing the store tonight, a little punk-bitch teenage girl stole a bunch of shit, and her boyfriend yelled, "she just stole a bunch of stuff!" I followed them outside to scare them a bit, and then when they tore out of the parking lot, I twisted my ankle and fell--hard--down. My two knees are really scraped up, my left ankle hurts like hell, I think I may have sprained it, and my left wrist feels like it might be sprained. I fell on all fours. I can't believe my dress pants aren't all ripped up.

Ouch. :'(

And I'm sure the little bitch theif laughed at me. I hit the ground hard.

Name of person? I shall make their knees hurt!

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Just as I was closing the store tonight, a little punk-bitch teenage girl stole a bunch of shit, and her boyfriend yelled, "she just stole a bunch of stuff!" I followed them outside to scare them a bit, and then when they tore out of the parking lot, I twisted my ankle and fell--hard--down. My two knees are really scraped up, my left ankle hurts like hell, I think I may have sprained it, and my left wrist feels like it might be sprained. I fell on all fours. I can't believe my dress pants aren't all ripped up.

Ouch. :'(

And I'm sure the little bitch theif laughed at me. I hit the ground hard.

:( I'm sorry you got hurt. Ice your ankle and wrist if they're swollen. Otherwise just be really careful to walk on it. Maybe an ace bandage will help.


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Just as I was closing the store tonight, a little punk-bitch teenage girl stole a bunch of shit, and her boyfriend yelled, "she just stole a bunch of stuff!" I followed them outside to scare them a bit, and then when they tore out of the parking lot, I twisted my ankle and fell--hard--down. My two knees are really scraped up, my left ankle hurts like hell, I think I may have sprained it, and my left wrist feels like it might be sprained. I fell on all fours. I can't believe my dress pants aren't all ripped up.

Ouch. :'(

And I'm sure the little bitch theif laughed at me. I hit the ground hard.

Oh man that's horrible!! Sorry Mandy. :( She probably laughed but she will get her come-up-ance!!!

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Just as I was closing the store tonight, a little punk-bitch teenage girl stole a bunch of shit, and her boyfriend yelled, "she just stole a bunch of stuff!" I followed them outside to scare them a bit, and then when they tore out of the parking lot, I twisted my ankle and fell--hard--down. My two knees are really scraped up, my left ankle hurts like hell, I think I may have sprained it, and my left wrist feels like it might be sprained. I fell on all fours. I can't believe my dress pants aren't all ripped up.

Ouch. :'(

And I'm sure the little bitch theif laughed at me. I hit the ground hard.

hope you ok manders!!!!!!!!!

Edited by valleygirl
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I'm sorry Mandy.


Name of person? I shall make their knees hurt!

:( I'm sorry you got hurt. Ice your ankle and wrist if they're swollen. Otherwise just be really careful to walk on it. Maybe an ace bandage will help.


Oh man that's horrible!! Sorry Mandy. :( She probably laughed but she will get her come-up-ance!!!

hope you ok manders!!!!!!!!!


my heart and sympathy goes out to yo

Those little w*nkers


Thanks guys! I've had a lot of responses to my mainly-ego-bruising story... I'm still in a little pain, but I think I'm going to live. I have made Dave do a lot of things for me today--go down stairs to get something, crawl under my nightstand for a ponytail holder... etc. :lol:

I think I am going to get an ace bandage for it.

I hope the little thief chick gets her other window of her Isuzu Rodeo broken out. :lol: The passenger side one was missing the window--it had that plastic covering it.

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I had a day from hell yesterday. :lol: Three minutes after walking into the door at work, I was in our office, bawling. My friend and co-worker came in to make sure I was okay because she thought I was crying...I wasn't, I was just tired. Then, I started talking to her about how exhausted and tired I was, and I started crying, saying, "I'm just so tired! I need sleep and rest. I'm soooo tttiiiirrreeeeed!" At this point, my boss and the assistant came in, and (both men), and my boss is like "Dude, are you...um...like....okay?" :huh::unsure: I was still crying, "I'm just really tired. Soooo tired." The men backed out of the office slowly. I felt like a two-year-old who didn't get his nap.

I think I'm just so worn out from this semester--I had something school-related 6 days a week. Thank GOD that I have only eleven more days of this semester. :wacko: I will be 99% done this time next week. :D After that, I will have only one more semester of coursework! I have two semesters to go, but the fall semester next year will be off-university campus because I'll be doing my 16 credit student teaching internship, and they require that you finish all of your coursework before you start the student teaching. I may take one or two history classes to finish up my teaching history minor, but nothing required to graduate. :D

Edited by manderlyh
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I had a day from hell yesterday. :lol: Three minutes after walking into the door at work, I was in our office, bawling. My friend and co-worker came in to make sure I was okay because she thought I was crying...I wasn't, I was just tired. Then, I started talking to her about how exhausted and tired I was, and I started crying, saying, "I'm just so tired! I need sleep and rest. I'm soooo tttiiiirrreeeeed!" At this point, my boss and the assistant came in, and (both men), and my boss is like "Dude, are you...um...like....okay?" :huh::unsure: I was still crying, "I'm just really tired. Soooo tired." The men backed out of the office slowly. I felt like a two-year-old who didn't get his nap.

I think I'm just so worn out from this semester--I had something school-related 6 days a week. Thank GOD that I have only eleven more days of this semester. :wacko: I will be 99% done this time next week. :D After that, I will have only one more semester of coursework! I have two semesters to go, but the fall semester next year will be off-university campus because I'll be doing my 16 credit student teaching internship, and they require that you finish all of your coursework before you start the student teaching. I may take one or two history classes to finish up my teaching history minor, but nothing required to graduate. :D

I collapsed once from not enough sleep and rest. Was standing in the loo, next think I knew I woke up in the bleeding tub. Quite literally bleeding. If you dont get the proper amount of rest, in due time a safety mechanism will pull you out.

Do get your rest, I was in work and classes at the time, working 3 jobs and classes over full time too. Counselors made me cut it out :blink::blink:


Rolls>>> :wacko:

edit <sp>

Edited by ledzeprolls
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Thanks for the concern everyone. :lol:

This is my one really tough semester. I will be done soon enough. I slept until almost noon today--and I'm getting tired already--it's 9:20pm. I'm taking care of myself today and tomorrow. :lol:

The first thing on my agenda after Christmas is over is to be lazy as hell. I want to sti on the couch, watching tv for days. :lol: Dave will have to figure out how to work the new complicated washing machine, 'cause I'm not doing laundry unless I absolutely have to!

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