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Random Facts About Yourself

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where do i start

-i have minor OCD makes me do things in a precise order all the time and sometimes i've been told i can be a little bit annoying but not super annoying

-i have long curly hair though i am a male

-i've read 5 books about zeppelin and you may be thinking " why when the story is always the same" but there is always differences in every book

-i play 3 instruments bass, guitar, and piano

-i plan on being the coolest high school history teacher who ever lived

I think I love you.

:lol: :lol:

History is my favorite subject.

Umm... Some random facts about moi:

- I don't notice the world around me. People complain a lot that I don't listen to them and that I live in my own world.

- The fact above makes my walking over the street difficult

- I can't hear very well because of 7 years of loud concerts and listening to Metallica

- I am very shy and don't like to talk

- I collect cocktail umbrellas

- I don't see very well and I can't recognize some of the numbers

- The fact above makes my bus traveling difficult :D

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History is my favorite subject.

Umm... Some random facts about moi:

- I don't notice the world around me. People complain a lot that I don't listen to them and that I live in my own world.

- The fact above makes my walking over the street difficult

- I can't hear very well because of 7 years of loud concerts and listening to Metallica

- I am very shy and don't like to talk

- I collect cocktail umbrellas

- I don't see very well and I can't recognize some of the numbers

- The fact above makes my bus traveling difficult :D

Hehe that like me :)

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Some more random facts about me.

1. I'm dyslexic

2. I have problems with numbers eg. 1674 I would see as 1964.

3. I love travelling in trains

4. I hate cars, can't stand them actaully.

5. But I LOVE vintage cars.

6. Love Jeeves And Wooster.

7. Have small crush on Hugh Laurie

8. I am a veggie

9. I have a horn gramaphone/phonagraph

10. I play guitar

11. I love cartoons and comedy.

12. Squemish.

13. Am against animal testing and fur clothing. (do not start arguing over this please)

14. HATE text talk.

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Some more random facts about me.

1. I'm dyslexic

2. I have problems with numbers eg. 1674 I would see as 1964.

3. I love travelling in trains

4. I hate cars, can't stand them actaully.

5. But I LOVE vintage cars.

6. Love Jeeves And Wooster.

7. Have small crush on Hugh Laurie

8. I am a veggie

9. I have a horn gramaphone/phonagraph

10. I play guitar

11. I love cartoons and comedy.

12. Squemish.

13. Am against animal testing and fur clothing. (do not start arguing over this please)

14. HATE text talk.

Hehe, I'm like you. :D

Veggie- great!

More things about myself:

- Love to sleep on grass

- I protest against iPods and today's technology

- I'm trying to be organ donor... The only problem is that you have to be 18. But I was arguing with those guys who organized that and maybe...

- I can't swim very good. Took whole summer to learn the basics and still I'm not good

- I almost drowned once

- I am pyromaniac sometimes

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Hehe, I'm like you. :D

Veggie- great!

More things about myself:

- Love to sleep on grass

- I protest against iPods and today's technology

- I'm trying to be organ donor... The only problem is that you have to be 18. But I was arguing with those guys who organized that and maybe...

- I can't swim very good. Took whole summer to learn the basics and still I'm not good

- I almost drowned once

- I am pyromaniac sometimes

Wow aginst ipod! I'm against the new ones, the ones you can play movies on.

I can't swim very well either, I hate swimming.

and omg I once drowned too! I was so scared I stopped swimming from then.

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Wow aginst ipod! I'm against the new ones, the ones you can play movies on.

I can't swim very well either, I hate swimming.

and omg I once drowned too! I was so scared I stopped swimming from then.

I learned to swim just in the age of 12. But I´m not a great swimmer either. I´m affraid of deep water.

And I like old american cars, like the Cadillac, Chevrolet- those cabrios from the fifties and sixties. But I don´t have a driving licence :D

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Wow aginst ipod! I'm against the new ones, the ones you can play movies on.

I can't swim very well either, I hate swimming.

and omg I once drowned too! I was so scared I stopped swimming from then.

I was scared of swimming because of that. :angry: And still hate it.

I'm against iPhones, iPods and all those iThingies - I don't understand hi-tech people at all!

Computer, it's necessary, mobile phone, mp3 too but everything else... Why?

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I learned to swim just in the age of 12. But I´m not a great swimmer either. I´m affraid of deep water.

And I like old american cars, like the Cadillac, Chevrolet- those cabrios from the fifties and sixties. But I don´t have a driving licence :D

Me too! :D

I might start driving when I'm 17 (that's when you casn start)

I was scared of swimming because of that. :angry: And still hate it.

I'm against iPhones, iPods and all those iThingies - I don't understand hi-tech people at all!

Computer, it's necessary, mobile phone, mp3 too but everything else... Why?

ipods becuse you can listen to music whereever you go. computer yeah are ok up to apoint but we use them for everything nowerdays.

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And I like old american cars, like the Cadillac, Chevrolet- those cabrios from the fifties and sixties. But I don´t have a driving licence :D

You have to learn how to drive!! :D

I can't wait till I'm 18, then I'll be allowed to drive.

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Some more random facts about me.

1. I'm dyslexic

2. I have problems with numbers eg. 1674 I would see as 1964.

3. I love travelling in trains

4. I hate cars, can't stand them actaully.

5. But I LOVE vintage cars.

6. Love Jeeves And Wooster.

7. Have small crush on Hugh Laurie

8. I am a veggie

9. I have a horn gramaphone/phonagraph

10. I play guitar

11. I love cartoons and comedy.

12. Squemish.

13. Am against animal testing and fur clothing. (do not start arguing over this please)

14. HATE text talk.

I'm the same as you and Lena, then. I always write down phone numbers wrong, even though I hear them correctly. :slapface:

iPods, though--obviously their sound doesn't match vinyl, but when you're traveling, or otherwise on the move, they're a heck of a lot better than carrying an entire stereo system and an armful of albums around with you! And all the music is inside, so you don't even have to decide what to take.

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I was scared of swimming because of that. :angry: And still hate it.

I'm against iPhones, iPods and all those iThingies - I don't understand hi-tech people at all!

Computer, it's necessary, mobile phone, mp3 too but everything else... Why?

Well nothing beats the sound of an album IMO, but as far as convenience - I love having my Ipod when I'm on the go or traveling. I have tons of music to choose from and it's a lot easier than deciding which cds and lugging a big portable cd player.

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1. I'm also shy (though I have gotten better in recent years)

2. I'm also in my own world a lot

3. I can't swim well and also hate deep water (I never want to see Jaws)

4. I love rain

5. I don't like being hot

6. I like to try to be organized, though sometimes it doesn't quite work

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Well nothing beats the sound of an album IMO, but as far as convenience - I love having my Ipod when I'm on the go or traveling. I have tons of music to choose from and it's a lot easier than deciding which cds and lugging a big portable cd player.

I don't even own an ipod. I still have a cassette and CD walkmans.

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I'm the same as you and Lena, then. I always write down phone numbers wrong, even though I hear them correctly. :slapface:

That is a serious problem sometimes, but my greatest problem ever was with bus and mathematics

I hardly finished 8th grade because of maths.

1. I'm also shy (though I have gotten better in recent years)

2. I'm also in my own world a lot

3. I can't swim well and also hate deep water (I never want to see Jaws)

4. I love rain

5. I don't like being hot

6. I like to try to be organized, though sometimes it doesn't quite work

I love rain too. When it's raining people don't go out and I use that time to do everything I want. ;)

More random facts:

- I hate tidying up my room but when I'm at my friend's house I have to go around and clean something/ANYTHING.

- I draw on the walls. That habit will never leave me.

- I draw on my body, especially hands.

- I draw on other people's hands and bodies. :D :D

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1. I'm also shy (though I have gotten better in recent years)

2. I'm also in my own world a lot

3. I can't swim well and also hate deep water (I never want to see Jaws)

4. I love rain

5. I don't like being hot

6. I like to try to be organized, though sometimes it doesn't quite work

Haha you're just like me-I too love the rain, alot of my friends are "Lucia you starnge strange child!" as long as it isn't very heavey rain.

I once tried to see Jaws but got so scared that I actually hid behind the sofa. And yeah I am a terrible organiser, the amouont of time I can loose a piece of paper is ridiculous, my teachers are always getting pissed off with me. I go to the staff door and when they see me they say "let me guess...you've lost the perimission form?" and I smile at them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

More about me:

  • I’m an introvert.
  • I’m half Chinese.
  • My uncle is a professional musician.
  • I’ve recorded a song in his studio.
  • I love dogs, especially Pomeranians.
  • English and art were my favorite subjects in school.
  • I didn't get my driver's license until I was 19.
  • I can't swim to save my life.
  • When I was a senior in high school I was a yearbook staff editor and wrote for the local newspaper's teen column.
  • I play the piano but can't read music.
  • I love to travel.
  • I’m a daughter of a retired Marine.
  • I was close to joining the military myself but I chickened out and never did.
  • I drink water most of the time; I hardly ever drink coffee or soda. But there is also an occasional alcoholic beverage. ;)
  • I enjoy taking pictures.
  • Even though I came from a military family, we didn’t move around much – only twice.
  • I used to chemically straighten my hair all the time but now I've learned to appreciate my natural curls.
  • I love mint everything – mint ice cream, mint shampoo, mint lotion…you name it.
  • I look young for my age; recently someone asked me if I'd started college yet, even though I graduated from college 4 years ago!
  • I like cloudy/rainy days.
  • Librarianship is my calling; interesting that when I took a career test in school it said I'd make a good microbiologist. lol

Edited by Zepulon
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I'm the same as you and Lena, then. I always write down phone numbers wrong, even though I hear them correctly. :slapface:

iPods, though--obviously their sound doesn't match vinyl, but when you're traveling, or otherwise on the move, they're a heck of a lot better than carrying an entire stereo system and an armful of albums around with you! And all the music is inside, so you don't even have to decide what to take.

I'm not dyslexic (at least not to my knowledge) but I do that a lot. I mess up my letters and numbers too. Most of the time I write R when I mean 5 and 5 when I mean R. It's frustrating. I also can't think of how to write letters a lot.

Things about me:

1. I love to read. Right now Harry Potter is a favourite.

2. I have a secret obsessoin with Ronald Weasley.

3.I have a purple Ipod and it is smarter than I am.

4. I have 218 vinyl albums.

5. I hate buying cds.

6. I'm going to be a junior in high school this year and am terrified.

7. I'm excited about it too but I just don't feel that old. None of my friends look that old either.

8.I always wanted curly hair but then when my hair became curly I decided I didn't like it because it's too big.

9. My mom is on facebook more than I am.

10. I painted my fingernails red yesterday so that they match my toenails.

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I use my cellphone as a phone only. :bagoverhead:

"Menu" bah! :lol:

I use my cell phone mostly as a portable alarm clock--I'm not a talker, I can't figure out how to get the camera to take a decent pic, and as I've stated elsewhere, I'm an awful texter.


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I didn't get one when they first came out - in fact I was pretty late on that but now that I have one, I couldn't imagine not owning it.

I just got one last month. :bagoverhead:

I've had an MP3 player, but it died--kind of. It won't hold a charge and I can't find a portable charger for it. I have a car stereo that has an auxillary input jack so I can listen to an iPod/MP3 player in the car, but my old one wouldn't hold a charge, so...

3.I have a purple Ipod and it is smarter than I am.

I have the purple one too! :D

I use my cellphone as a phone only. :bagoverhead:

"Menu" bah! :lol:


I use mine for texting, Facebook status updates, (surfing otherwise is too hard to do on the phone) and checking my email when I'm away from my computer and I'm waiting for an important one.

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I have the purple one too! :D


I use mine for texting, Facebook status updates, (surfing otherwise is too hard to do on the phone) and checking my email when I'm away from my computer and I'm waiting for an important one.

I had a matching purple Scoop cell phone but it was a piece of crap so I got a new one.

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