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I got my new tattoo started last month.

More work coming up next week .

I'll maybe post some pictures when it's complete.

Don't hold your breath though, it's a big 'un. Lots of colour & detail. So it won't be until the summertime.

What I've got so far looks pretty nice though.

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Random facts.

I got my new tattoo started last month.

More work coming up next week .

I'll maybe post some pictures when it's complete.

Don't hold your breath though, it's a big 'un. Lots of colour & detail. So it won't be until the summertime.

What I've got so far looks pretty nice though.

Well, do tell......what's cookin' back there!

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I want a tatoo, too (Four Symbols... :P). But being Jewish, I'm still debating whether or not I can get one (for those who don't know, in Judaism, if you get a tatoo [not a piercing, though], it's considered a sin and you can't be buried in a Jewish cemetary)...

Oh... and two more random facts:

I have my own YouTube channel

I have my own forum (currently dead... needs more members and activity... :D)

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Hello levee, are you nice girl or gay??


it´s a joke



Mexico (Land of freedom)

You'll have to excuse me. Four out of five of your only posts were about girls and where you live.

I found this quote from you very odd Ruben.

"Somebody (preferably nice and virgin woman) interested in occult sciences?"

I've been around the board for about five years, I am extremely defensive about our younger members. Because well, Someone has to be. Since the board went official, there's about five or so pedophiles that have re joined. I'm just trying to say that this behavior is not welcomed here. We had some extremely bad moments on the previous site. Thank You.

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You'll have to excuse me. Four out of five of your only posts were about girls and where you live.

I found this quote from you very odd Ruben.

"Somebody (preferably nice and virgin woman) interested in occult sciences?"

I'm just trying to say that this behavior is not welcomed here.

I'm not very clear on what exactly was wrong with what he said ... or why he is not welcome by saying such things.

It seems obvious to me, Levee, that saying "nice and virgin woman" should not elicit a potentially slanderous implication (the operative word here, as I'm sure your great and aged wisdom can apprehend, is slander) ... particularly from someone who most obviously comes from a Roman Catholic background.

Ruben ... in spite of the fact that you are a cheeseball and possibly a pervert ... I welcome you ... at least to the degree that I refuse to imply that you are walking the razor's edge of pedophilia by your most innocuous statements hitherto expressed.

Thank God for the police ... but to hell with a Police State.



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You'll have to excuse me. Four out of five of your only posts were about girls and where you live.

I found this quote from you very odd Ruben.

"Somebody (preferably nice and virgin woman) interested in occult sciences?"

I've been around the board for about five years, I am extremely defensive about our younger members. Because well, Someone has to be. Since the board went official, there's about five or so pedophiles that have re joined. I'm just trying to say that this behavior is not welcomed here. We had some extremely bad moments on the previous site. Thank You.

Let me tell you about it, as you must know in a lots of country there are fanatical delinquents, who´s

Purpose is to calumniate and to break the law, let me be telling oneself that they use several forums to

Defaming and they are all right identified they are about to go to prison here in Mexico

For those and a lot of crimes one of those fanatics bands are lideared by dangerous fanatical

called heron mendoza.

Examining your comments I can know that you were induced to say the above and let me to say than , I am an absolutely respectful free man of laws and than people

That lead you to say such thing they are people really you should be careful of.

I am a very pulchritudinous man otherwise I will not show all my information

And let me tell you than no manservant like you, are not going to handicap me to express oneself, minus when I am absolutely respectful of laws.

iam gonna say where i live the times i want it, No what express an induced manservant like you

Respect if you want to be respected it seems to me that you are an ignorant person

You are a disgrace to the good American society

I have a lot of good American friends, but no one manservant like you

Perhaps your be a pervert or impotent or have a complex or something like that, but that's not mean that the the rest of the people be

You are fool or what, i say girl as equal to say woman in english is common, you seem foolish...

I respect all woman,


Mexico (Land of freedom)

Somebody to Love (preferably nice and virgin woman...)

I live here (satellite pic):




Everybody is welcome in Mexico(of course NO FANATICS), nice girls come...

Now im singing all my songs to the girls whos won my heart she´s only 9 years old (daughter Maureen and Alexa)

and it´s real fine way to start.

Edited by Ruben Meza (Mexico)
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I've actually been seriously thinking about a tattoo.

The one I want is something I know my boyfriend doesn't like...

Fuck him. It's my skin! :D

Onya Mandy.

Be a rebel & dont worry about the pain

PAIN - What pain :o .

Oh by the way i have about 4 so far & the one on the bum hurt the least.

Edited by coogeeboy
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Get up for work , look out the window everywhere is white with frost, ughh, got to go to work at least it is lovely and warm there. :blink:

Wow, Wonderful climate....


Mexico (Land of freedom)

Somebody to Love (preferably nice and virgin woman...)

I live here (satellite pic):




Everybody is welcome in Mexico, nice girls come...

Edited by Ruben Meza (Mexico)
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Onya Mandy.

Be a rebel & dont worry about the pain

PAIN - What pain :o .

Oh by the way i have about 4 so far & the one on the bum hurt the least.

I always wanted a tattoo on me arse. Haven't got round to it yet.

The most painful area for me was across the base of my spine. Not so much in the centre where yer actual spine is, but more out to either side where it gets a little more fleshy. That's the only part where I ever came close to stopping the artist/crying/wetting my pants/all of these.

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