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I always wanted a tattoo on me arse. Haven't got round to it yet.

The most painful area for me was across the base of my spine. Not so much in the centre where yer actual spine is, but more out to either side where it gets a little more fleshy. That's the only part where I ever came close to stopping the artist/crying/wetting my pants/all of these.

Big Blue, I am getting the other side done soon.

But my next tat will be a tribute to those who lost their lives in the 2002 terrorist attacks in Bali.

I will get that on my right arm just up from the elbow which i hope to design myself.

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Big Blue, I am getting the other side done soon.

But my next tat will be a tribute to those who lost their lives in the 2002 terrorist attacks in Bali.

I will get that on my right arm just up from the elbow which i hope to design myself.

Sounds interesting Coogee.

I can't imagine what that will look like. You should post the design once you have it all sketched out. I'm sure lots of people would want to see it.

You obviously have good reasons for this. If it's too personal you don't have to tell us. Kinda interested to know though.

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Let me tell you about it, as you must know in a lots of country there are fanatical delinquents, who´s

Purpose is to calumniate and to break the law, let me be telling oneself that they use several forums to

Defaming and they are all right identified they are about to go to prison here in Mexico

For those and a lot of crimes one of those fanatics bands are lideared by dangerous fanatical

called heron mendoza.

Examining your comments I can know that you were induced to say the above and let me to say than , I am an absolutely respectful free man of laws and than people

That lead you to say such thing they are people really you should be careful of.

I am a very pulchritudinous man otherwise I will not show all my information

And let me tell you than no manservant like you, are not going to handicap me to express oneself, minus when I am absolutely respectful of laws.

iam gonna say where i live the times i want it, No what express an induced manservant like you

Respect if you want to be respected it seems to me that you are an ignorant person

You are a disgrace to the good American society

I have a lot of good American friends, but no one manservant like you

Perhaps your be a pervert or impotent or have a complex or something like that, but that's not mean that the the rest of the people be

You are fool or what, i say girl as equal to say woman in english is common, you seem foolish...

I respect all woman,


Mexico (Land of freedom)

Somebody to Love (preferably nice and virgin woman...)

I live here (satellite pic):




Everybody is welcome in Mexico(of course NO FANATICS), nice girls come...

Now im singing all my songs to the girls whos won my heart she´s only 9 years old (daughter Maureen and Alexa)

and it´s real fine way to start.

Well that's a bunch of bullshit.

I got two Pm's this AM from girls telling me you have been doing some Pming of your own , and you are asking far more personal questions to them. Want me to print them?

Like I said before try E harmony .com. Thank you.

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Well that's a bunch of bullshit.

I got two Pm's this AM from girls telling me you have been doing some Pming of your own , and you are asking far more personal questions to them. Want me to print them?

Like I said before try E harmony .com. Thank you.

Print 'em!

I wanna see!


Edited by Old Scratch
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I got sick yesterday, together with my whole family exept my younger sister... and today was soooo boring.

This christmas is gonna be stupid, cause we go to my grandmother and we'll have to drive 6 hours with the car and I'm always gettin sick in cars... <_<

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hmmmm... All I can say about this police state is:

Young chicks.........Don't jump in unless you can take it, and maybe the parents need to talk to their little bimbettes.

I think it's a bit slanderous to go around accusing people.

Mind yer own business dudes, these poor little chickies have Mom's and Dads to do the policing.

We are NOT their Parents!

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^ and what I have to add is this:

if you've never talked to someone on the board, even by hitting "reply" to their posts...


This usually means things that aren't in their user profiles.

That can make you a bit misunderstood is you aren't meaning any harm. Make sure you eeeeaaassse into conversation.



It's fine to PM someone and say hi, but introduce yourself or start by asking a question that you can answer, too. It freaks people out when they get this one-ended interrogation.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

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I see... :mellow:

I didn't say that what I posted was stalking...it was more like coming on too strong...scaring people off....

like you know...when a girl goes out with a guy that she really, really likes and then she starts calling him and he doesn't answer, so she just keeps calling and the guy gets all freaked out because he thinks she's decided she owns him?

I've made that mistake before. It sent them running for the hills... :lol:

(you see...it took plenty of mistakes for me to get the idea...I was a slow learner in that department...)

Edited by manderlyh
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yes show it, manservant levee, i Pming a lot of user the day i register here, including people

of all ages, and cultures... in not gonna loose my time again, you only are induced manservant...

I would never post a Pm that was sent to me in confidence. The facts are you have 11 posts, 10 are about sending for girls and women.

I'm just a lowly Manservant, but I was good at math and as anyone can see you are not here for Zep.

This will be the last time I comment on your activities. Good luck in your adventures. I will remain a bystander while you can be the honorable pulchritudinous Man about town.

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hmmmm... All I can say about this police state is:

Young chicks.........Don't jump in unless you can take it, and maybe the parents need to talk to their little bimbettes.

I think it's a bit slanderous to go around accusing people.

Mind yer own business dudes, these poor little chickies have Mom's and Dads to do the policing.

We are NOT their Parents!

You make a valid point... mostly. But there are cases where people (much like this Ruben character) are decidedly creepy. I mean, it's hard not to look at this guy as a creep with his sign-off... "Somebody to Love (preferably nice and virgin woman...)"?

As a straight guy, even I find this creepy and disturbing (hard not to).

I think without more information, we can't know for sure. Like yourself, I don't want to accuse Ruben of anything without enough evidence, but I think his sign-off is some evidence, at least, that every one here should keep an eye on him.

Ruben, a word to the wise... listen to what Mandy said, and if I were you, I'd get rid of that signature. Maybe turn it to something more Zeppelin-esque, such as a picture of the four symbols or such (you are here as a fan of the mighty Led Zeppelin and not as a stalker, right?). And do NOT PM random members. That is ridiculously suspicious.

Edited by Nathan
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I hate rich people......

Who use their money to destroy instead of do good....

Or do what the majority would like to see.

There's some southern bastard who's bought up a bunch of land in one of the small towns near where I live and wants to destory it and built houses for rich people on it. McMasions with plastic siding that all look the same. The thing about it that really has me pissed is it's dune land a long the lake which as of now is in perfect condition and hasn't been damaged by greedy humans yet. The people in the town are furious as well and now this bastard has slapped a lawsuit on the town because people are protesting his developing the land. I'm praying the little guy wins out this time.

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Print 'em!

I wanna see!


yes show it, manservant levee, i Pming a lot of user the day i register here, including people

of all ages, and cultures...

with subject: HI and i said: i speak spanish, you interested,

in not gonna loose my time again, you only are induced manservant...





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I hate rich people......

Who use their money to destroy instead of do good....

Or do what the majority would like to see.

There's some southern bastard who's bought up a bunch of land in one of the small towns near where I live and wants to destory it and built houses for rich people on it. McMasions with plastic siding that all look the same. The thing about it that really has me pissed is it's dune land a long the lake which as of now is in perfect condition and hasn't been damaged by greedy humans yet. The people in the town are furious as well and now this bastard has slapped a lawsuit on the town because people are protesting his developing the land. I'm praying the little guy wins out this time.

Now this is screwed up. But the town has to win. It has to. The judge presiding over the case can't be stupid, and I'm sure you've got at least one good lawyer in the town, right?

People like this piss me off, too. They're only interested in making more money. They could be billionaires and it wouldn't matter. billions of dollars isn't enough. They want trillions. Then they get trillions and they still aren't satisfied and have to get more. If it were me, I would have bought it just to make sure no one could ever build on it and its natural state would be preserved, at least as long as I was alive.

Why are there such greedy assholes in the world who would willingly destroy the last vestages we have of true nature? This story saddens me. I hope this guy looses and he's driven out of the town with his tail planted firmly (or limply, as the case may be) between his legs like he deserves. All fuckers who insist on ruining nature just to satisfy their own craving for more money should be locked up for life and the key thrown away.

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And you have equally creepy if not more creepy sigs there, too.

Seriously... the whole love sig needs to disappear. It's really weird. Beyond that, you must truly be a Zep fan, or else you wouldn't be a member of RO, especially torrenting from Cosmic Energy.

I think the issue now is the signature and the PMs. Change the sig and quit with the PMs and I've no doubt we'll come to welcome you with open arms.

On a side note... are you Jewish, perchance, or do you study Kabbalah? I ask because some of your odd sign-offs at RO reference Adonai and Elohim, both two of God's Hebrew names. Just wondering...

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I think without more information, we can't know for sure. Like yourself, I don't want to accuse Ruben of anything without enough evidence, but I think his sign-off is some evidence, at least, that every one here should keep an eye on him.

Ruben, a word to the wise... listen to what Mandy said, and if I were you, I'd get rid of that signature. Maybe turn it to something more Zeppelin-esque, such as a picture of the four symbols or such (you are here as a fan of the mighty Led Zeppelin and not as a stalker, right?). And do NOT PM random members. That is ridiculously suspicious.


Edited by Ruben Meza (Mexico)
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Now this is screwed up. But the town has to win. It has to. The judge presiding over the case can't be stupid, and I'm sure you've got at least one good lawyer in the town, right?

People like this piss me off, too. They're only interested in making more money. They could be billionaires and it wouldn't matter. billions of dollars isn't enough. They want trillions. Then they get trillions and they still aren't satisfied and have to get more. If it were me, I would have bought it just to make sure no one could ever build on it and its natural state would be preserved, at least as long as I was alive.

Why are there such greedy assholes in the world who would willingly destroy the last vestages we have of true nature? This story saddens me. I hope this guy looses and he's driven out of the town with his tail planted firmly (or limply, as the case may be) between his legs like he deserves. All fuckers who insist on ruining nature just to satisfy their own craving for more money should be locked up for life and the key thrown away.

There are several small towns in the area and yes there are actually a couple of lawyers working on it and a lot of pissed off towns people. One of the things that's making it worse is the people who owned the land before the developer got his greedy mits on it wanted to give it to the town so it could be public land for all the people living in the area.

Another thing is the developer doesn't even live in Michigan so he really has no idea of what it's like here. He's probably just seen photos of what he bought. He also probably dosen't know that rich people houses are selling in the area because people are so broke and all the rich people are leaving. So even if he does get his way he's going to lose a lot of $$$$$$$. But I hope he loses and goes back to the south where he came from- he's not wanted around here, not one bit.

If I had that kind of money I'd being going around helping people all over the world as well as people in my own community. I'd give to the local animal pound as well.

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I think giving to the pound is a wonderful idea! I got Oscar from the pound. Right now, our local pound is overflowing with animals, and they are still asking for outrageous prices to adopt. It's quite sad because it's been in the news that they're going to start euthanasia.

I'd get a dog, but I'm not home enough to train one and give him enough attention. Oscar's already feeling a bit too needy because both Dave and I have been so busy lately...

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Are you shitting me? Me, a fanatical Christian?

Here's a little something about me:


2. Fanatical Christians are part of the reason I left Christianity and became Jewish (as well as my finding it impossible to believe the New Testament...)

3. With the exception of this forum, I don't know Levee

Did you see my other, later post to you, perchance?

There are several small towns in the area and yes there are actually a couple of lawyers working on it and a lot of pissed off towns people. One of the things that's making it worse is the people who owned the land before the developer got his greedy mits on it wanted to give it to the town so it could be public land for all the people living in the area.

He's an asshole, pure and simple. A rich prick.

Another thing is the developer doesn't even live in Michigan so he really has no idea of what it's like here. He's probably just seen photos of what he bought. He also probably dosen't know that rich people houses are selling in the area because people are so broke and all the rich people are leaving. So even if he does get his way he's going to lose a lot of $$$$$$$. But I hope he loses and goes back to the south where he came from- he's not wanted around here, not one bit.

Maybe he'll find all of you too much trouble and move on anyways... keep your fingers crossed.

I'll try and do a little research for you that can give to the lawyers... I'll see if there's something you can do to protect it, like turn it into a national park or some such thing. Not sure of the requirements, of course, but I'll be glad to look it up.

Being no where near Michigan, I can't help beyond that, but I would like to see you return with news of this fool leaving the town and that area untouched.

If I had that kind of money I'd being going around helping people all over the world as well as people in my own community. I'd give to the local animal pound as well.

Exactly. Charity work. That's what truly makes you a respectable rich person...

edited because I can't spell for shit... <_<

Edited by Nathan
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And you have equally creepy if not more creepy sigs there, too.

Seriously... the whole love sig needs to disappear. It's really weird. Beyond that, you must truly be a Zep fan, or else you wouldn't be a member of RO, especially torrenting from Cosmic Energy.

I think the issue now is the signature and the PMs. Change the sig and quit with the PMs and I've no doubt we'll come to welcome you with open arms.

On a side note... are you Jewish, perchance, or do you study Kabbalah? I ask because some of your odd sign-offs at RO reference Adonai and Elohim, both two of God's Hebrew names. Just wondering...




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