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I love the smell of leather. For example the smell of new shoes. I could sniff it all day.

Right now I'm having a sniff at my new purse. The smell's simply irresistible!

I'm with you on this one Katuschka! When I was a kid, I went on holidays to Spain with my parents, where some of the main local products for sale are leather handbags, purses, belts, wallets etc. My mum and dad nicknamed me "Sniffer" as I used to pick things up and smell them. I was about 6 years old at the time and I haven't changed! If I am standing near someone in a pub/bar who has a nice leather jacket on, I can't help myself, I have to move a bit closer for a surreptitious sniff!

Luckliy I have a VERY good sense of smell, so I don't need to get too close!

(Edited 'cos I noticed a typo, and I don't do typos!)

Edited by Lilith
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I have suffered from epilepsy for 12 years after I had a brain haemorrhage from a car crash !! the good news is i haven't had a full seizure for 11 months now, the longest ever since the accident !! :)

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Restaraurants have nasty ice too. Have you ever noticed that it has dirt in it sometimes. The water at them always tastes weird too, like chemicals.

Yeah, really. I do prefer room temperature water though. I avoid drinking tap water when I can...which, thankfully, is most of the time. Distilled water is delicious.

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Is it? B)

For sure- fetish city. :D

I actually enjoy the smell of leather myself, but Spinal Tap named their album Smell the Glove for a reason, you know.

Well, I just can't help myself. I simply love it. This...and also the smell of old buildings. Preferably churches - those are the mustiest.

I like the way libraries smell, like the Boston Atheneum or the old part of the BPL. Old wood and paper.

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It's 6:30 am and I'm drinking coffee. I just got back from yoga with my Priest. Tomorrow will mark 3 weeks of tapas (austerities) for Lord Siva. I have another 2 weeks to go before I end my penance.

I have experienced periodic mood swings, and since yesterday I have been acutely lonely and somewhat depressed. I am also noticing the way the mind races without rhyme or reason in a hapless and desperate manner.

It's a wonder why I am even posting because I am feeling withdrawn; socializing superficially seems to be a bore and a useless waste of time.

The times I have recently spent socializing have been marked with a pointed and objective awareness of people's mannerisms and unconscious communication cues; and I have felt strangely in control of my thoughts and projections, and detached from personal emotion.

My Priest suggested several days ago that dyana was a very important part of hatha yoga; in fact it was the key of sadhana; that to focus and control the mind was paramount in the trials that I will face in my sadhana. He also mentioned that this was particularly true for a bachelor, and that I needed this focus to practice Brahmacharya. I am sorry to say, however, that I have thus far failed in this endeavor; for, you see, Brahmacharya entails controlling ones thoughts of sex, as well as refraining from ALL sexual release.

I am not yet strong enough.


Edited by Old Scratch
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It's 6:30 am and I'm drinking coffee. I just got back from yoga with my Priest. Tomorrow will mark 3 weeks of tapas (austerities) for Lord Siva. I have another 2 weeks to go before I end my penance.

I have experienced periodic mood swings, and since yesterday I have been acutely lonely and somewhat depressed. I am also noticing the way the mind races without rhyme or reason in a hapless and desperate manner.

It's a wonder why I am even posting because I am feeling withdrawn; socializing superficially seems to be a bore and a useless waste of time.

The times I have recently spent socializing have been marked with a pointed and objective awareness of people's mannerisms and unconscious communication cues; and I have felt strangely in control of my thoughts and projections, and detached from personal emotion.

My Priest suggested several days ago that dyana was a very important part of hatha yoga; in fact it was the key of sadhana; that to focus and control the mind was paramount in the trials that I will face in my sadhana. He also mentioned that this was particularly true for a bachelor, and that I needed this focus to practice Brahmacharya. I am sorry to say, however, that I have thus far failed in this endeavor; for, you see, Brahmacharya entails controlling ones thoughts of sex, as well as refraining from ALL sexual release.

I am not yet strong enough.


So its wank time again then scratch!!! :whistling:

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Is it? B)

Well, I just can't help myself. I simply love it. This...and also the smell of old buildings. Preferably churches - those are the mustiest.

I really love the way old churches smell too. The candle-musty-cold thing in an English country church is really rather marvelous. And Eastern Orthodox incense is another completely compelling scent.

Edited by AllisonAdler
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I've rather lost faith in institutional expressions of spirituality, so haven't been going much myself.

I never go there during masses. I've always felt it destroyes the real spirituality of the place. I really don't know how to describe it, but I believe you can understand what I mean.

The last mass I attened was in San Miniato al Monte in Florence. We weren't even in the basilique itself, but in some adjacent tomb...if I remember it correctly. It was in the evening, served by monks, and that was the only moment when I felt that the spirit of the place wasn't destroyed.

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My gosh, you ARE peculiar. If you want sniff stones, come and smell some old English houses. I'm sure a few of them are unfortunately drenched in piss stains from a booze up the night before, though. So forgive that, a few times. :P

I don't like to sniff stones, but rather the musty air that can be found only in old stone buildings.

Morever I don't think I have to go to England to be able to find some stone houses. :rolleyes:

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I never go there during masses. I've always felt it destroyes the real spirituality of the place. I really don't know how to describe it, but I believe you can understand what I mean.

The last mass I attened was in San Miniato al Monte in Florence. We weren't even in the basilique itself, but in some adjacent tomb...if I remember it correctly. It was in the evening, served by monks, and that was the only moment when I felt that the spirit of the place wasn't destroyed.

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