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I am an American, however, I was not born in or on the continental United States of America. I was born on an island and it is not Hawaii or Manhattan. I was born on Galveston Island. Galveston, Texas. Galveston is known for many things but most of all it is known for one of the deadliest hurricanes to ever strike the United States of America, at the turn of the century, in 1900.

Both of my parents were born in different parts of Texas and They speak both English and Spanish. I, however, speak No Spanish at all. Even to this day, They will speak in Spanish/Mexican whenever they do not want me to know what they are saying.

On a side note, My Father enlisted (not drafted) in the United States Marine Corps. He served 2 tours of Vietnam (1968-1969) and used his experience to enroll at the University of Texas/Austin thanks to the GI Bill. My fathers Service in the Marine Corps was prior to my conception. Regardless, my father is an American veteran who Proudly served His/Mine/Yours Great Country. For that alone I Salute Him and the Millions of Others who have Proudly served Our country (past and present) in the name of Honor, Courage, Freedom, Democracy, etc...

Speaking for Myself, I was once an employee of SBC Communications (know known as AT&T) and was for a time an Employee of the Great and Noble Transportation Security Administration. Yes, the TSA. I was a Screener at an airport. I was one of many that made sure that there was not another repeat of September 11, 2001. I took my job very seriously, We all did. Some people may and do mock the TSA but it is a very serious job to take. I saw hundreds of things that were prohibited and made sure that those things never entered the cargo hold of a plane.

Of course the majority of the things the TSA sees and catches is hardly reported on the news. Guns, Knives, Drugs, large amounts of money, pornography, sex toys, etc... I had seen them all and reported them to the proper authorities (when warranted).

Edited by kingzoso
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  • 2 weeks later...

My biggest dream, my life goal is to meet Mr. Jimmy Page. See him just once, or even talk to him. I think I will pass out if it happens. :angel:

mine is Robert,would do anything,I am afraid I will die in complete

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Of course the majority of the things the TSA sees and catches is hardly reported on the news. Guns, Knives, Drugs, large amounts of money, pornography, sex toys, etc... I had seen them all and reported them to the proper authorities (when warranted).

It’s very interesting.

Are sex toys prohibited on all planes?

Is ANY kind of sex prohibited?

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Back in mid-80's I had a friend who used to go to Vegas for The Greatful Dead concerts. One time I was over his house and he said "I found these four tabs I forgot about in my room, they are about 4 months old, they are probably really weak so you better take them all, you might not even feel it." So I took 2 based on what he said, and I had a 45 minute city bus trip to get home. When I was over half way there it started hitting me, I began to laugh contagiously. I said sorry and kept laughing, It soon spread to everyone on the bus including the driver, who was busting up laughing along with me. I remember looking at myself and thinking to myself "Are these people really laughing or I am hallucinating this?" And I looked hard at everyone and they were really all laughing in the same way I was from taking the tabs. Lol

Edited by luvlz2
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  • 4 weeks later...

The current batch of my favourite tea I'm drinking is piss weak. Having to put an extra bag in the T-pot to get a decent cup.


Being a tea-head myself, I can relate to this, totally. If I were you, I would sent it back.

At the moment, well for the last 3 months actually, I have been drinking Lapsang Souchong, exclusively. Whenever circumstances dictate that I am forced to endure normal tea, that always tastes piss-weak. Always.

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Half Native American (Cherokee) & half white.

Even my Filipino friend thought I was Hispanic! But I let her know what I was!

Ah-ha! I could have guessed from the cheekbones!

My GGG-Grandmother was Cherokee, but I'm mostly Chickasaw.

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