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Poor Lindsay


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Let's see - oil spill's wrecking the gulf, Afghanistan's a mess, economy's in the toilet, but thankfully Lindsay Lohan has been dealt with.. :rolleyes:

Well.... not yet, at least..... LiLo has almost 2 weeks to "chill" before she has to report for incarceration. Maybe she won't be late for that appt. ? ! ?

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Let's see - oil spill's wrecking the gulf, Afghanistan's a mess, economy's in the toilet, but thankfully Lindsay Lohan has been dealt with.. :rolleyes:

Yes, her and Lebron are just earth shattering news.


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I can't feel sorry for spoiled petulant shitheads who piss away all their talent and good fortune on drugs and alcohol. Her parents are total losers, she's got no one around her who seems to give a damn about whether she lives or dies.....either she cleans up and gets back on the straight and narrow or her parents can start making the funeral arrangements now.

I liked her in Mean Girls, I thought she was good in Bobby.....but what the hell happened? Maybe she doesn't need jail -- sounds like she needs a mental health evaluation.

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I can't feel sorry for spoiled petulant shitheads who piss away all their talent and good fortune on drugs and alcohol. Her parents are total losers, she's got no one around her who seems to give a damn about whether she lives or dies.....either she cleans up and gets back on the straight and narrow or her parents can start making the funeral arrangements now.

I liked her in Mean Girls, I thought she was good in Bobby.....but what the hell happened? Maybe she doesn't need jail -- sounds like she needs a mental health evaluation.

That right there is about the only time I agree with you.

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Poor us for having to share the road with a her.

Of course she won't serve all 90 days.

She told the judge, "I don't want you to think I don't respect you," but did you know that she had "Fuck U" written on her middle fingernails, and she also called the judge a fucking bitch after the ruling?

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Anyway, hasn't she already done a 'home movie'?

You must be thinking of a real skank-`ho, Paris Hilton.

She goes down faster than The Stock Market on a Kid Rock Tour Bus.

I would wager most people can also get into the back door at the Paris Hilton.

Angelina Jolie has to be the nastiest woman on Earth after Courtney Love, of course.

What do you expect from a chic with bruised-up legs that calls her band Hole.

I just waiting for the Korn/Hole Tour this summer.

I don`t mind freckles, you can never count all the freckles on an elf.

I think poor LL came out of the closet a few years ago as bi.

She will be bunking with Big Shirley, whom I`m sure will pimp her out for a pack of Lucky Strikes or Camel Filters.

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I think poor LL came out of the closet a few years ago as bi.

Less than 3% of women are bisexual, but 99% of attention whoring starlets are. In all likelihood, she probably said it for attention. A lot of girls think it turns guys on.

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All due respect, I think you two have crossed the line dry.gif .

With all due respect, he didn`t cross the line, I did.

If you can`t stand the heat, stick to the "What Made You Happy Today" thread.

Maybe the sappy, soceer-mom topics are more your speed.

Edited just for you.

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Hi all,

Troubled kid.Nice to feel the warmth and sympathy.You have never known someone like this?


She's needed help for a long time and the vultures should stop making her downfall a story. Hope she can find herself and get on with her life

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