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Where Do You Get Your Political News?


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I try to give most of the media outlets available to me a chance. Every once in a while, one of them comes up with something worth listening to :blink: .

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Hi all,

Hey, don't you be rollin those eyes at me..! Seriously, it's the way my Daddy raised me. 'How are you going to know what you believe in if you never hear the other side'?

Hey girlfriend,that was a compliment! :) I live in MA. too and know those people,......


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Hi all,

That's better!What kind of soup do you want? :gimmefive:


I'm on the mend bro and ready for something with a wee bit of kick to it :D

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Matt Drudge? He makes Glenn Beck look sane.

Electrophile, you rarely disappoint and your post is no exception.

Think of Drudge as my antivenom to the likes of Huffington.

I would gladly donate to the charity of Arianna's choice if she sang the theme song to Green Acres.

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Hi all,

Hey girlfriend,that was a compliment! :) I live in MA. too and know those people,......


Got it. So, then you know the story with Mr Severin. Damn shame is what that is.

Some nice weather on the way this weekend. Enjoy!

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  • 2 months later...

For me, mostly CNN and Newspapers. For fun but informative a lot of times Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO.

As I stated, for fun but informative.This was one of Bill Mahers best... that I totally agree with (watch the language), but this is IMHO so true.I am not, and will not fight about it as this is just my opinion.

Bill Maher New Rules closing speech: Greed is Good

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As I stated, for fun but informative.This was one of Bill Mahers best... that I totally agree with (watch the language), but this is IMHO so true.I am not, and will not fight about it as this is just my opinion.

Bill Maher New Rules closing speech: Greed is Good

Good stuff Deborah.Thanks for posting. :wave:

Bill has a way of telling the ugly truths in life in an entertaining way. I got to go see a taping of one of his shows last year.

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I tend to avoid the far left leaning news outlets like MSNBC, NBC, BBC, CBS, NPR and ABC. I will tune into CNN, but only for reporting on events like the tsunami in Japan or the earthquake in Haiti. Currently Fox News is about the only network that has any good political reporting, but I only watch Special Report and Neil Cavuto. I never watch any of the editorial type shows like Beck, Hannity or O'Reilly. Those are just "infotainment" just like Bill Maher, Jon Stewart and Colbert--- all of which are total dorks anyway.

Hi Brad,

Fox anything will never be on my TV viewing. I can respect everyones opinion, but at least Bill Maher calls it like it is on both sides...and keeps it interesting and funny IMHO. :peace:

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