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Led Zeppelin Reunion Show Too Heavy For Robert Plant


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I think people are reading too far into his comments and trying to interpret things that aren't there to be interpreted.

I believe Robert was saying that it was an emotional experience for him to be up there on stage again, with those guys, doing those songs, and after it was over he needed to be alone and deal with what he just took part in. That's not him saying he is the band or that people should kiss someone else's ass or anything else like that. He was talking about himself and how he felt when it was over, not about anyone else or how they may have felt.

That's how I took what he said, in any event.

No kidding! And it's just hilarious that in the course of this thread it has somehow become "fact" that Robert said he was directing the Gallaghers to Jimmy's room - he didn't bloody say that, but now people are slagging him for that! So they have decided he did it, with zero evidence, and now they are gettiing all pissy about how he could have done that - holy crap, it is FARCICAL.

Jeez - if you wanna know what Robert feels about Jimmy, go listen to "Memory Song" , it f***ing says it all.

"You are my friend, you are my friend, YOU TOUCH MY SOUL"

Edited by Knebby
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And it still stands.

"Prince of cool

Are you lost without the crew?

Beneath divided, we had our day

But Hell provideth, I'm sad to say..."

I always suspected he was talking about Jimmy in that song. If so one can understand the theory (I repeat, "theory") that Jimmy's "interests" made Robert uncomfortable.

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"Prince of cool

Are you lost without the crew?

Beneath divided, we had our day

But Hell provideth, I'm sad to say..."

I always suspected he was talking about Jimmy in that song. If so one can understand the theory (I repeat, "theory") that Jimmy's "interests" made Robert uncomfortable.

Hey there

Well we don't totally agree on the lyrics, and I don't hear references to Jimmy's interests in the song, but it is emphatically about him and although it isn't without its barbs, it ultimately shouts out the basic fact - "you are my friend" . Their friendship is and always was complex and has ups and downs, but I don't doubt the depth of feeling there.

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For me, the phrase "I'd done it" can mean many things, depending on the accent: "I'd done it"; or "I'd done it" (or so it seems to be, from a non-English speaker stand-point). IMO it can mean, depending on HOW it was said, either what the detractors said (Robert taking all the laurels), or more like "I'd done with it".

I'm leaning to the second meaning because I don't have enough proofs to think otherwise (it's better to do that: when a thing can be interpreted in many ways, choose the most positive way; it spares you of a lot of hard feeling and so).

No one can say what is/was in Robert's head when he said that because what he said was so vague.

But I can make a little exercise, and try to put myself in his shoes - (an aging lion, who was on the top of the world at age of 20 and whose personal life went downhill to the emotional abyss of losing a child while on tour and a dear friend while preparing to another).

I don't have to be rocket-scientist to understand that Robert have extreme mixed feelings about Zep. His interviews only reflect those mixed feelings.

Now, I would go further with my speculations and point up a main character trait for a lion: his vanity. His vanity is pleased that at one point in his life he was a Golden God; but is the same vanity that must stop him to be less than a Golden God. So, he chose non-related Zep shows to prevent the audience to make non-flattering comparisons. And to prevent him to do painful comparisons.

That why the reunion was so demanding for Robert, and that's why the fans should give him a break.

For me it's all clear: the man have contradictory feelings

Of course, until Robert will PM me to tell me if I'm right or wrong, all above are only my speculations. :P

Edited by zdr
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A few years ago I watched Pete Townshend and Roger Daltry do a final number on stage (Tea and Theater), and I realized that even despite the tumoil and competition these two had over many years and in many forms while members of The Who, they in the end really still need each other. That despite their own individual journeys, the sum total of their long careers is really only totally complimented by each other's careers... collectively or individually.

Solo careers--- just as in any one of the Beatles, Stones or The Who, will always pale in comparison to what made them each famous in the first place.

From Robert we just never seem to get the impression that he still needs justification from what made him famous in the first place. I don't think his journey has yet to come full circle is all.

Edited by Sardonicus
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Hey there

Well we don't totally agree on the lyrics, and I don't hear references to Jimmy's interests in the song, but it is emphatically about him and although it isn't without its barbs, it ultimately shouts out the basic fact - "you are my friend" . Their friendship is and always was complex and has ups and downs, but I don't doubt the depth of feeling there.

I see the mutual respect they have for each other!! and this is quite obvious that makes me feel surprised why do people feel the opposite!

Edited by Coda.S
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Hey there

Well we don't totally agree on the lyrics, and I don't hear references to Jimmy's interests in the song, but it is emphatically about him and although it isn't without its barbs, it ultimately shouts out the basic fact - "you are my friend" . Their friendship is and always was complex and has ups and downs, but I don't doubt the depth of feeling there.

Hey Kneb.

I copied the lyrics from a website, that's more or less the way I remember them too. Saying "Hell provided..", could just be referring to the rough times they endured, but It does have a creepy ring to it. I also agree that the song's main point is the bond Robert feels with Jimmy.

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For me, the phrase "I'd done it" can mean many things, depending on the accent: "I'd done it"; or "I'd done it" (or so it seems to be, from a non-English speaker stand-point). IMO it can mean, depending on HOW it was said, either what the detractors said (Robert taking all the laurels), or more like "I'd done with it".

I'm leaning to the second meaning because I don't have enough proofs to think otherwise (it's better to do that: when a thing can be interpreted in many ways, choose the most positive way; it spares you of a lot of hard feeling and so).

No one can say what is/was in Robert's head when he said that because what he said was so vague.

But I can make a little exercise, and try to put myself in his shoes - (an aging lion, who was on the top of the world at age of 20 and whose personal life went downhill to the emotional abyss of losing a child while on tour and a dear friend while preparing to another).

I don't have to be rocket-scientist to understand that Robert have extreme mixed feelings about Zep. His interviews only reflect those mixed feelings.

Now, I would go further with my speculations and point up a main character trait for a lion: his vanity. His vanity is pleased that at one point in his life he was a Golden God; but is the same vanity that must stop him to be less than a Golden God. So, he chose non-related Zep shows to prevent the audience to make non-flattering comparisons. And to prevent him to do painful comparisons.

That why the reunion was so demanding for Robert, and that's why the fans should give him a break.

For me it's all clear: the man have contradictory feelings

Of course, until Robert will PM me to tell me if I'm right or wrong, all above are only my speculations. :P

We all see things differently for sure but I don't get the feeling Robert has mixed feelings about Led Zeppelin at all. I think he's very proud of that band and what they accomplished together. That urge to push the musical boundaries with each record is something he carries with him 30 years later. He just has no interest in going back to it much like he's not going to work with the musicians from the first two albums. But that isn't a negative at all on the past and why people assume he hates Zep or Jimmy or anything is ridiculous. But I'm sure it's a bit tiresome to be constantly asked about Zep and reuniting etc. when he's interviews are for the purpose of promoting something current. Again, that doesn't therefore mean he is dissing his past at all.

As for vanity - I'm not sure what you mean but his not looking like he did in 1972 has nothing to do with why he moved in a different direction.

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... makes me feel surprised why do people feel the opposite!

Comments made like (paraphrasing): "I don't want to end up like a bunch of boriing old men following around the Rolling Stones.."

This isn't exactly endearing to the other old man members of the band who would like to continue following around the Rolling Stones... or to the boring old Rolling Stones.:huh:

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Well, my "analysis" was based on my personal observations on the lions around me :P

I def saw a pattern in their behaviour.

Of course, the results are not concludent at all because the sample I "worked" on (few individuals I know + Robert) is not representative enough :D

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Zdr i don't aggre that Robert fears comparison. Yes he looks older and his voice is not the same, but it's still excellent and he still has his golden mane.

I think Robert made comments that Zep is a thing of his youth and his past, because he lacks the ethusiams to do it, not because he lacks the singing ability or looks.

He left the whole thing behind and started new projects and he doesn't want to return to Zep! Why?? Well because of the same reason Zep fell apart!! Death of John Bonham. People blame Robert, that the reunion doesn't happen and then they totally forget Bonham was the greatest rock drummer EVER!!!

How can you go on with a band when such an important member is missing!!?? And once so many years pass, it's even harder to go back, because you rebuilded your life, started a solo carrer and so on. And why even go back permanently?? John will never be back, so a Zep tour is impossible and Jason in NOT as good as his father!!

And Sardonicus, i think what he meant by that was basicaly, that the whole thing would be boring to him and he just used the expression borin old man going around the world behind the Stones. What he meant about the Stones is probably, that they don't have that much new material that would be really good and that they have always been a bit boring in concert, atleast compared to Zep and that they do tour after tour, always saying it's their last. And why would a Zep reunion tour be boring to Plant?? Well, because he left it all behind and even if he plays a few little old Zep songs, he totally changes them and he has plenty of his own songs to choose form.

A full tour with Jason would not be right and there are probably better drummers that could drum the O2 show, but it was right in a ''moral'' sense to choose Jason and nobody else. But if Zep would go on until today with Bonzo, they would have written so many new songs, so Robert wouldn't be bored and they could even rearrange the old ones quite a bit, without audiences protesting. And most importantly Bonzo would be alive!!!!

Edited by Matjaz1
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Some more insight and quotes from Plant about the topic at hand:

Plant says Led Zeppelin can never be Led Zeppelin again

A couple of quotes that stood out:

As far as any possibility of him changing his mind about reuniting Led Zeppelin for a few shows, he explained “Well, it’s really not about that. It’s really like… What’s new?

The point was made. It was amazing and remarkable. But to do that three or four nights a week — what’s that all about? Where is it essentially? Where’s the new, beautiful, mature other way of looking at it that gives it a life in the 21st century? And what would you call it?”
Edited by Patrycja
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Hi V,all,

I just feel badly that people keep asking him about this. He had already provided closure; not that he really even needs to. :(

No offense but what does he expect?He was the lead singer in the biggest band in the world.

Closure?Why do 02?And have it billed as Led Zeppelin?Ahmet(sp?),yes,he loved Zep and they loved him.And I would like to believe because of the music and not the cash,yet both are nice. B)

Imagine this for a moment,at least for Robert:you open the show with 'Good Times,Bad Times" you haven't sang that number in how long? :blink:

See his smile and put out the microphone to the crowd.Emotional?I'd say yes.Every night,no.

02,first 2

There is and never should be anything left to prove when it comes to Zep,IMVHO


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I just feel badly that people keep asking him about this. He had already provided closure; not that he really even needs to. :(

I guess when you're in something as legendary as Led Zeppelin, that question will never stop being asked until he's gone.

Which is unfortunate because imo, Robert is satisfied with all of what they accomplished as group and just wants to move on to new things. It's us, as fans, that are having a problem letting go.

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Hi V,all,

No offense but what does he expect?He was the lead singer in the biggest band in the world.

Closure?Why do 02?And have it billed as Led Zeppelin?Ahmet(sp?),yes,he loved Zep and they loved him.And I would like to believe because of the music and not the cash,yet both are nice. B)

Imagine this for a moment,at least for Robert:you open the show with 'Good Times,Bad Times" you haven't sang that number in how long? :blink:

See his smile and put out the microphone to the crowd.Emotional?I'd say yes.Every night,no.

02,first 2

There is and never should be anything left to prove when it comes to Zep,IMVHO


I admit to being disappointed that I'll never have the opportunity to see Zeppelin live (I would have considered Zeppelin with Jason to be Zeppelin), but it is what it is. I respect and understand his decision.

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How apropos is it that the website that pulled Plant's quotes from the Mojo interview is called "spinner", and henceforth

people are spinning his comments every which way.

Either reading comprehension is WAY down or there are some people who will try to twist Robert's words in any way

they can to criticise him.

Having just read the Mojo article it is OBVIOUS that when he says the O2 reunion was "too heavy", he was referring to

the emotions of the event NOT the music itself.

And I did not detect one slur against Jimmy Page or John Paul Jones or Jason in the whole article...so give it a rest people.

Look, in the whole 30 years since John Bonham's passing, the times that the remaining members reunited for a gig were

usually when people least expected it. Not that I have any particular insight to Percy's psyche, but I tend to think that

the more people bother him about a reunion tour, the more determined he is to resist the idea. Conversely, if everyone,

fans and media, would just shut up about the Led Zeppelin reunion for a year or 2 and let him go on with his current projects

without going "yeah, that's great but when are you gonna reunite with Jimmy and the gang?", then perhaps maybe he might

sit back one day and reflect how much fun he had at the O2 reunion and think that now that no one was expecting it,

this would be the perfect time to reassemble the boys for another go.

But since nobody ever gives him room to breathe without pushing the Zeppelin reunion in his face and reading imaginary slights

into his comments, I don't blame the guy one bit for not signing on for the three-ring circus such a tour would undoubtably be.

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At the end of the day, after all the dismissive and derisory comments Plant has made, and the utter and baffling contempt with which he appears to treat Jimmy and JPJ, would you really WANT to go and see a bogus Zep show when it's obvious that Plant would merely be going through the motions?

Better to stick to the Zep tribute bands, IMO. At least you know they're all having a good time.

Hi OR,

Both Misses BIGDAN and Myself totally agree with you and your statement, we have seen some really Great Performances from Led Zeppelin Tribute Bands over the last 5 years, non better than Led By Zeppelin, a Tribute band from Ashford, Kent, who had their own version of a "Robert " type singer with an overinflated ego who made the demise of the band come about 2 years ago, we still are traumatized by this event and are seeking Psychiatric help from a neighbour. :o:lol:

Regards, Danny :boohoo:

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Hi OR,

Both Misses BIGDAN and Myself totally agree with you and your statement, we have seen some really Great Performances from Led Zeppelin Tribute Bands over the last 5 years, non better than Led By Zeppelin, a Tribute band from Ashford, Kent, who had their own version of a "Robert " type singer with an overinflated ego who made the demise of the band come about 2 years ago, we still are traumatized by this event and are seeking Psychiatric help from a neighbour. :o:lol:

Regards, Danny :boohoo:

You know what, Dan? I've never seen one. But I want to. Letz Zep were playing just 3 miles down the road the other week, supported by Limehouse Lizzy, but Legoland had a Special Event that day - Fifi and The Flowertots Live Onstage, supported by Bob The Builder and other irritating little shites. But Fifi is our 2 yr old daughter's favourite at the moment, so I'd have felt a right caaaaaaaaahnt if I'd gone for the Heavy Metal. Plus she probably wouldn't have enjoyed that very much.

In the end, the Fifi show was a bit of a ripoff really. It was only Fifi and Bumble. If I'd been feeling arsey, I might have tried to have them under Trades Descripton, as it was clearly Fifi and the FlowerTOT. Singular. But I'd already had a run-in with security after she ran into the Disabled Section and wouldn't get out, so I didn't want to push my luck.

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You know what, Dan? I've never seen one. But I want to. Letz Zep were playing just 3 miles down the road the other week, supported by Limehouse Lizzy, but Legoland had a Special Event that day - Fifi and The Flowertots Live Onstage, supported by Bob The Builder and other irritating little shites. But Fifi is our 2 yr old daughter's favourite at the moment, so I'd have felt a right caaaaaaaaahnt if I'd gone for the Heavy Metal. Plus she probably wouldn't have enjoyed that very much.

In the end, the Fifi show was a bit of a ripoff really. It was only Fifi and Bumble. If I'd been feeling arsey, I might have tried to have them under Trades Descripton, as it was clearly Fifi and the FlowerTOT. Singular. But I'd already had a run-in with security after she ran into the Disabled Section and wouldn't get out, so I didn't want to push my luck.

Well OR you missed a right good bleeding night out mate, next time dump the kid with her grandparents and travel back in time to the seventies, you won't regret it, and the next day you can tell the little Angel that you saw a replica of what you spend most nights chatting about, you know it makes sense, Kushty. ;)

Regards, Danny

PS, I'll keep an eye open for you regarding future events.

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Well OR you missed a right good bleeding night out mate, next time dump the kid with her grandparents and travel back in time to the seventies, you won't regret it, and the next day you can tell the little Angel that you saw a replica of what you spend most nights chatting about, you know it makes sense, Kushty. ;)

Regards, Danny

PS, I'll keep an eye open for you regarding future events.

Cool, thanks. But don't focus on the Billericay area - I don't live there. That was just the most absurd location I could think of.

NW Leics actually.

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